Letter from Linus Pauling to J. D. Bernal. Page 1. February 21, 1966
Letter from Linus Pauling to J. D. Bernal. February 21, 1966. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Airline ticket: United Airlines, Portland to Los Angeles, leaves at 12 PM [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.004, Folder 4.2] 
  • Letter from Dr. med. Kurt Offenhammer to LP RE: Wishing him a happy birthday. [Filed under LP Correspondence: O: Correspondence, 1966-1977: Box #201, Folder #301.1]
  • Letter from El Camino Pharmacy to AHP, RE: Asks her to inform them should her lost check be paid without their knowledge. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.061, Folder 61.1]
  • Letter from H. Noller to LP RE: Wishes him a happy birthday and commemorates him on the german edition of the book The Nature of Chemical Bonds.[Translated from German][Filed under LP Correspondence: N: Correspondence, 1965-1974: Box #289, Folder #298.2]
  • Letter from Rev. Stephen H. Fritchman, First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, to LP, RE: Fritchman is deeply troubled about t LP's letter regarding the Joliot-Curie award. He says it will be a severe setback for the World Institute for Peace, having such an eminent person reject their award. As he doesn't know the situation surrounding LP's decision, Fritchman hopes LP will come down and speak with him on Saturday. [Filed under: LP Peace Section, Box 4.001, Folder 1.1]
  • Newspaper clipping: "Nobel Prize Winner Returns to School," The Oregon Journal. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1966n.8]