Activity Listings
- Letter from LP to Gustav Albrecht. RE: Encloses a copy of a letter to Mr. Guy de Jong, and a bill from Harbor Supply Company. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Albrecht, Gustav: Box #4 Folder #4.2]
- Letter from LP to Guy De Jong RE: Requests a check for the $28.40 that he overpaid. Copy. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.062, Folder #62.1]
- Letter from LP to Guy De Jong RE: Requests a check for the $28.40 that he overpaid. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.1]
- Letter from LP to Guy De Jong. RE: Asks for a check for $28.40, the amount of the overpayment. [Filed under LP Correspondence: D: Correspondence, 1960-1966: Box #99 Folder #99.6]
- Letter from LP to Pfarrer Heinrich Werner. RE: Is sorry that he was unable to answer his question before 5 November.
- Letter from LP to Physical Review Letters. RE: Informs him that he has found two errors in his article in Volume 15 Number 22. Asks that the errors be corrected and that they send him 500 reprints. [Filed under LP Correspondence: P: Organizational Correspondence (Physical Review & Physical Review Letters: Box #310 Folder #310.7]
- Letter from LP to Robert H. Copley. RE: Informs him that his ideas have merit, but that they are not sufficiently different from others to represent a real contribution to the problem. Does not want to allocate time to talk with him until he has a clear written statement of his ideas. [Filed under LP Correspondence: C: Correspondence, 1963-1965: Box #77 Folder #77.3]
- Letter from Perry S. Samuels to LP RE: Samuels thanks LP for responding to their request for a statement. They enclosed the editorial. [Typescript: Editorial for WPTR December 27, 196565, Typescript: Editorial for WPTR December 28, 1965] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1965), Box #1965a2, Folder #1965a2.11]
- Letter from Virginia C. , to ‘People’. RE: Sends New Year greetings. Discusses current events. Has not had time to do many clay models lately. [Filed under LP Correspondence: C: Correspondence, 1963-1965: Box #77 Folder #77.3]
- Manuscript and Typescript: “The Nature of the Chemical Bonds in Sulvanite, Cu3VS4" by LP. [ Manuscript: “Paper for Machatschki Journal” July 28, 1964] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1965), Box #1965a2, Folder #1965a2.10]
- Manuscript and Typescript: “The Nature of the Chemical Bonds in Sulvanite, Cu3VS4" by LP. Includes one manuscript, one edited typescript, and two typescripts. [Typescript: “Paper for Machatschki Journal: Comparison of Alloys, Hydrate Crystals, and Alumino Silicates” July 28, 1964] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1965), Box #1965a2, Folder #1965a2.10]
- Typescript: Editorial for WPTR by Perry S. Samuels. LP’s response to feelings about Vietnam. [Letter from Perry S. Samuels to LP December 27, 196565, Typescript: Editorial for WPTR December 28, 1965] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1965), Box #1965a2, Folder #1965a2.11]