Letter from Linus Pauling to Edmund G. Brown. Page 1. October 15, 1965
Letter from Linus Pauling to Edmund G. Brown. October 15, 1965. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Check from AHP to Pacific Telephone RE: $7.98.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP November 24, 1965] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.2]
  • Check from AHP to Scientific American RE: $13.00.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP November 24, 1965] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.2]               
  • Check from AHP to Southern California Edison Co. RE: $16. 24.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP November 24, 1965] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.2]
  • Check from AHP to Southern Counties Gas Co. RE: $3.72.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP November 24, 1965] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.2]
  • Check from AHP to The New Yorker RE: $44.00.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP November 24, 1965] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.2]
  • Check from AHP to Walter Marx Gardens RE: $10.65.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP November 24, 1965] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.2]
  • Letter from Felix Machatschki, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his article in the volume on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Is a member of the Austrian Hiroshima Committee. [Filed under LP Correspondence: M: Individual Correspondence (Machatschki, Felix): Box # 242 Folder #242.2]
  • Letter from Harold H. Belcher, to LP. RE: Discusses the difference between LP’s research and his own. [Letter from LP December 13, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: B: Correspondence 1965-1966: Box #41 Folder #41.1] 
  • Letter from John K. Jessup LIFE to LP RE: Says that he stands corrected by LP's version of what was said about Dr. Hutchins. He, however, does not see how it supports LP's charge that he misrepresented the LP's remarks in the summary published in the introduction to the book Pacem In Terris. [Filed under LP Peace: Box #2.009, folder #9.1]
  • Letter from Katherine L. O’Brian, New York Public Library, to LP. RE: Informs him that they are disappointed that LP’s book No More War! is going out of print. [Filed under LP Correspondence: B: Correspondence, 1965-1966: Box #41 Folder #41.1]
  • Letter from LP to Ernest Chock. RE: Discusses the problem of packing spheres. Asks him to check the point for him. Informs him of his salary. [Filed under LP Correspondence: C: Individual Correspondence: Box #65 Folder #65.3] 
  • Letter from LP to Gus Albrecht. RE: Encloses a copy of his letter to John Gamble about Ace Home Supply. Asks him not to pay them until he is asked to. Comments on his work with magic numbers. Asks for a Xerox copy of a paper by Pryce in the Proceedings of the Physical Society. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Albrecht, Gustav: Box #4 Folder #4.2]  
  • Letter from LP to H. Franke. RE: Returns the documents left with him. Has not understood them, and informs him that he cannot hope to get anyone interested in his proposal. [Letter from Franke February 24, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: F: Individual Correspondence: Box #129 Folder #129.9] 
  • Letter from LP to Harvey Jackins, Personal Counselors, Inc. RE: Thanks him for the letter and copy of his book. Does not have a comment on it due to his lack of background in the field. [Filed under LP Correspondence: J: Correspondence, 1965-1978: Box #193 Folder #193.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Michael Danos, National Bureau of Standards. RE: Shall read the review article in the next few days. Is interested in his remarks about four-body correlations and two-body correlations. Has submitted a letter to Physical Review Letters on the Onset of Deformation at Neutron Number 90. [Filed under LP Correspondence: N: Organizational Correspondence (National Bureau of Standards): Box # 283 Folder #283.4]
  • Letter from LP to Michael Danos, National Bureau of Standards. RE: Thanks him for sending the review article. Is interested in his remarks. Has submitted a letter to Physical Review Letters on the onset of Deformation at Neutron Number90. [Letter from Danos October 19, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: D: Correspondence, 1960-1966: Box #99 Folder #99.6] 
  • Letter from LP to Monica Riley. RE: Does not think that a statement from him supporting her application to work on a Ph.D in French literature would have much value. Suggests that she get letters of support from other people who know more about her work. [Letter from Riley October 14, 1965]  [Filed under LP Correspondence: R: Correspondence (1965): Box #343 Folder #343.2]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. Stephen H. Frichtman, First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles RE: Declines the invitation to speak at the church because he believes that with his strict schedule he should only speak at new places. [Filed under LP Peace: Box #4.001, Folder #1.1]
  • Letter from LP to Samuel Miller. RE: Gives his advice on choosing a career and the preparation for it. [Letter from Miller October 14, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: M: Correspondence, (1965-1967): Box #260 Folder #260.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Yoshio Dazai, Chairman, Japan Junior Tailor’s Club RE: Thanks the Committee for Presenting Suits to Nobel Prize Winners for the fine suit of clothes that they made for him. Says that it arrived two weeks ago, and that he has worn it on several occasions, and told a number of people about it. [Letter from Dazai to LP March 25, 1964] [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: (Nobel Peace Prize, Congratulation Letters and Telegrams, 1963), Box #1963h3, Folder #1963h3.3]
  • Letter from LP to Yoshio Dazai, Japan Junior Tailor’s Club. RE: Thanks him for the fine suit that was made for him. [Filed under LP Correspondence: J: Correspondence, 1965-1978: Box #193 Folder #193.1] 
  • Memorandum from LP to Hallock Hoffman. RE: Asks him to send a check to Ernest Chock to cover his salary. [Filed under LP Correspondence: C: Individual Correspondence: Box #65 Folder #65.3]        also [Filed under LP Correspondence: H: Individual Correspondence (Hoffman Hallock) Box #162 Folder #162.1]
  • Photocopy: Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 89th Congress, First Session. [Filed under LP Correspondence: C: Organizational Correspondence: Box #72 Folder #72.2]
  • Statement from Standard Oil Company of California RE: Total of $59.15.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.2]
  • Telegram from LP to Warren Weaver. RE: Congratulates him on his receipt of the First Archer of Science Award. [Telegram from Carlson October 19, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: W: Correspondence, 1965: Box # 446 Folder #446.3]