Letter from Linus Pauling to Vickrey Dougherty. Page 1. October 16, 1961
Letter from Linus Pauling to Vickrey Dougherty. October 16, 1961. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Itinerary [handwritten]: 10 AM Convocation, Whittier College; “The Goal of General and Complete Disarmament” [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.1] 
  • Letter from Dr. R.M. Featherstone, Department of Pharmacology, University of California Medical Center, to LP, RE: Would like LP to make a definite statement as to his participation in the Leiden Symposium next September, which he originally said depended on whether he would be working there or not.  Dean Saunders, Dr. Edelman and Dr. Featherstone all regret that the necessary facilities cannot be made available for LP.  He is convinced, however, that the conference would not be at the same level if LP were not there, and hopes that he will change his mind. [Letter from Dr. Featherstone to LP, July 15, 1961] [Notes, 4 PM, Oct 26 ‘61] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Individual Correspondence. (Fast-Feigen)), #118.2]
  • Letter from John Wicks to LP, RE: Wicks encloses a copy of a letter which he wrote to the U.S. Ambassador in England, as well as the Embassy's reply. Wicks wonders how LP's old bomb test petition, a universally important document, received such brief and scanty publicity. Wicks would like to know how many newspapers in the U.S. published the text of the petition in full. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960-1962), #445.2]
  • Letter from LP t o John C. Keansley, RE: Returns the pamphlet “An Outline of the Chemistry of the Hydrols”.  He did not find anything in it that he wished to comment on. [Letter from Mr. Keansley to LP, October 10, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1957-1962), #201.5]
  • Letter from LP to Albert E. Dane RE: Says he does not have much to say about the discussion in Dane’s letter and that he has been interested in the subject, but hasn’t written much on it. Encloses an article that mentions a showed some qualities of handedness. [Letter from Dane to LP October 2, 1961] [Letter from Dane to LP March 4, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1966 Box 99 Folder 99.3] 
  • Letter from LP to David P. Schumacher, Tufts University. RE: Has decided not to start working on crystallization of hydrates containing anesthetic agents this summer. Will not be able to make the appointment for a research fellow. [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]       
  • Letter from LP to Dr. F.W. Went RE: LP finds it highly unlikely that a positive charge could be produced in the atmosphere.  [Letter from Went to LP October 12, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace:  Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1954-1961: Box #7.007, Folder #7.22]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Paul Rosbaud RE: Congratulates Rosbaud on receiving the John T. Tate International Medal awarded by the American Institute of Physics. [Letter from Rosbaud to LP October 30, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: R: Individual Correspondence. (Rosbaud-Rundle), #336.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Eleanore Garber, RE: LP wishes he could accept the invitation to speak at Oberlin College, but his schedule is already too full. [Letter from Garber to LP, October 2, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (O: Correspondence, 1937-1965), #300.23] 
  • Letter from LP to Ernst F. Winter, RE: LP has read Winter's assertion in his article in Balanced Living that, in testing at his home, plants grown in composted soil contained a much lower percentage of strontium 90 than plants grown in normal soil. LP finds it hard to believe this statement, and writes to ask for a more detailed description of the experiment, including whether or not calcium fertilizer was used. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960-1962), #445.2]
  • Letter from LP to Gene Wortsman, RE: In answer to Wortsman's letter, LP refers Wortsman to his article on the subject of Russian resumption of nuclear testing in the October 1961 issue of Frontier. LP expects to publish additional articles next month. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960-1962), #445.2]
  • Letter from LP to M. Kent Wilson, Tufts University. RE: Thanks him for his letter. [Letter from Wilson October 12, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2] 
  • Letter from LP to Martin A. Shearn, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals. RE: Thanks him for his letter as well as the opportunity to participate in the symposium. [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2] 
  • Letter from LP to Mrs. Francis X. Miller, RE: LP does not know about any developments in the treatment of diabetes, but he is sure that the physician treating their daughter would. [Note from Miller to LP, October 6, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1959-1961), #258.3] 
  • Letter from LP to Ozbek Saran, Stearns-Roger Company. RE: Informs him that he never prepared a set of solutions of the problems in the book Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. [Letter from Saran October 4, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]                       
  • Letter from LP to Professor Karol J. Mysels, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, RE: LP is sorry that he cannot accept the invitation right now, at least not until he is over his current period of stress, which will probably be in the spring. [Letter from Mysels to LP, October 13, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1959-1961), #258.3]       
  • Letter from LP to Richard Rothman RE: LP does not think that the damage done by Strontium-90 is enough to justify moving to the Southern hemisphere.  LP does advocate the use of a dicalcium phosphate supplement in th diet of children.  LP encloses a reprint on the topic. [Letter from Rothman to LP October 10, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Strontium-90, 1961-1963: Box #7.014, Folder #14.8]
  • Letter from M. S. Arnoni, Editor of The Minority of One newsletter to LP and AHP, RE: Thanks LP for an article on nuclear shelters. Refers paper on anti-missile devices by Speeth to LP. Asks again about AHP speaking engagement and their attendance at a January meeting. Handwritten notes: “English poor,” and “can supply rods from .080" diam. Up to 750" diameter and up to 8" in length.”  [Letter from M. S. Arnoni to LP, September 27, 1961] [Letter from M. S. Arnoni to LP, October 19, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Individual Correspondence) #6.15]
  • Letter from Mrs. William H. Short to LP RE: Short is interested my LP’s comments on Civil Defense and while she believes that the whole program is inefficient and farcical, she feels that it is designed to minimize thermo-nuclear war.  Short wishes that LP’s materials could reach a wider audience so that more people would understand the real consequences of war.  [Letters from LP to Short September 29, 1961, October 26, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1954-1961: Box #7.007, Folder #2.22]
  • Letter from Ralph G. Kleen, St. Paul’s Methodist Church, to LP, RE: Thanks him for his presentation to the Sunday evening forum. Encloses an honorarium. [Letter from Kleen October 19, 1961] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1961) Box #1961s3 Folder #1961s3.8] 
  • Letter from Ruth Adams to LP, RE: Adams confirms that the Oslo Statement will be in the upcoming issue of the Bulletin.  The first copies will be available on November 1st.  Adams looks for ward to seeing LP and AHP at the WIL luncheon in Chicago.  [Reply from LP October 21, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.004, Folder #4.4]
  • Letter from T. Katsurai to LP RE: Inquires about when the new edition of Quantum Mechanics will be available.  Says he would consider translating the new edition into Japanese. [Letter from LP to Katsurai October 30, 1961] [Filed under LP Books: Unpb.8]
  • Note from Ralph Haskin to LP RE: Writes that he checked with the well driller and he will be glad to work for LP. Informs LP that he charges $2/foot for a test hole and $8.50/foot for a concrete lined hole. Asks if LP wants him to go ahead with the project. Also writes that he has decided not to rent out the home until there is adequate water in the well. Mentions that the calf’s eye got better and he had to put a new thermostat in the truck. [Letter from LP to Haskin October 24, 1961] [Filed under LP Biographical: (Deer Flat Ranch: Correspondence, 1957-1995), Box #4.047, Folder #47.1] 
  • Transcript, “The Fraudulent Discourse on Civil Defense,” KPFA-FM, Berkeley, CA. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 19654-1961: Box #7.007, Folder #7.12] 
  • Typescript: Proposal for “Electron Transfer Mechanisms in the Electrooxidation of Inorganic Cations”, submitted by Fred C. Anson, approved and returned October 17, 1961. [Filed under LP Biographical: (California Institute of Technology: Committee on Sponsored Research, 1960-1961), Box #1.026, Folder #26.8]