Activity Listings
- Letter from A. B. Mukherjee, Research Scholar, Department of Geology and Geophysics, I..I.T., to LP RE: Expresses his willingness to work with LP on a crystallographic problem. Inquires if there is any program at Caltech which would accommodate him. [Letter from LP to Mukherjee August 24, 1959] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1959), #258.1]
- Letter from Kaoru Yasui, Director Japan Council Against A&H Bombs to LP, RE: The Council feels that the fact that LP and AHP are coming to Japan to take part in the 5th World Conference has had a strong effect on public opinion in Japan. The Council also hopes that they has received their visas in Oslo. Yasui tells LP that the W.I.L.P.F. is very active in Japan and is looking forward to welcoming AHP. [Filed under LP Peace: (Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, 1957-1965, 1991), Box #4.008, Folder #8.3]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Atombombenexplosionen lassen eine million menschen an krebs erkranken", Frankenpost (Munich, Germany), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.332]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Die glanzlosen Ungeheuer", Feuilleeton (Germany), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: 1959n.28]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Die glanzlosen ungeheuer", Deutsche Ztg (Berlin), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.334]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Die schrecken der atomaren waffen", Darmstadter Echo, July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.333]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Dies schrieb Professor Pauling fur", Die Iga (Germany), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: 1959n.29]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Gefahr im quadrat", Bz Am Abend (Germany), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.332]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Getrieben von ihrer schwache", Sachsische Zeitung (Germany), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.332]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Professor Dr. Linus C. Pauling", Der Morgan, July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.332]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Radioaktive strahlen-eine menschheitsgefahr", Dormftadter Tagblatt (Germany), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.333]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Radioaktive strahlen-eine menschheitsgefahr", Dormftadter Tagblatt (Germany), July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.336]
- Note from Gunther Rienackers, Generalsekretar, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, to LP RE: Written in German. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1959), #341.5]
- Note from Harry Pauling to LP RE: Written in German. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (P: Correspondence) #313.7]
- Poster: "Kein Krieg Mehr", Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner, Munich, Germany, July 3, 1959. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1956-1960), Box #6.007, Folder #7.458]
- Telegram from Aileen Alexander to Paul Coates and LP RE: Thanks them for the discussion that night of the dangers of further nuclear bomb testing, and says it was a moving presentation of the most important subject in the world to the men, women, and children in it. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence, 1959), #13.2]
- Telegram from Josef Beck to LP RE: Wishes LP further strength for his work to help mankind. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence, 1959), #39.2]