28 September 1958
Dear Mom and Pop
I've got so much to catch up on that I don't know where to begin. But, for a start:
What about Christmas? Anita and I would be tickled pink to have the whole family over here for the holidays. We think we could take care of everyone in this house by moving our children into a dormitory in the basement or somewhere, and we think it would be a tremendous amount of fun! There's a cypress tree outside that we've been saving for an appropriate Christmas to cut down, and we're well stocked on bedding. We would help by providing transportation for the siblings including Peter etc. Time is running out, though, and it may be late to arrange everything, I hope not. Let us know what you think, and if you have any suggestions.
Next, many thanks for the check with which to order fuchsias, and stopping to see old man Nelson (wasn't that his name?). I was mad because he jacked the prices way up far my benefit (75% over list) so I finally ordered $40 worth through my landscape architect, only to have Nelson answer that he wouldn't ship such a distance! So I said to hell with it, and I've been getting people to smuggle slips in. And Clay sent me a very nice selection from Portland. So I've been busy nursing these delicate plants along. They aren't very hardy here. But I must have about 15-18 varieties blooming. I hope they will come through for your visit.
I've enjoyed reading NO MORE WAR and I hope it sells well. The more people it reaches the better. I'm ordering some copies to give to my friends here. I thought the NY Times review stank—not because it was negative but because it didn't say a thing! Ridiculous.
The boys are very anxious to see you. They remember clearly their trip to the ranch, the deer bones, the carp, and the birthday party, and they want to make a return visit. They are growing up--Linie is 9--and Ramona is cuter than ever, if possible.
I've been extremely busy, working 10-12 hours a day for the past couple of months. It's too much, and I'm going to have to learn how to turn people away so I can have more time for other activities, such as family. In this business I have to have distracting interests, and keep up sailing, making things, working in the yard, etc.
Much love from us all, and we're anxious to hear what you think of the Christmas ideas.