Activity Listings
- Centennial Insurance Company Fire Insurance Policy Renewal of No. F4R-21732. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer 2 Folder 2.036]
- Hotel bill: Hotel Edmond Meany, Seattle [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.4]
- Invoice from California Institute of Technology Bookstore to LP for $81.81. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Assorted Bills, Receipts, and Invoices, 1951-1962), Box #4.060, Folder #60.4] [Also filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Check Registers, 1957-1962), Box #4.076, Folder #76.1]
- Invoice from Dodd, Mead & Company to LP for No More War! [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Royalty Statements, 1938-1995), Box #4.045, Folder #45.5]
- Itinerary [handwritten]: Northwest tour, Alice Franklin Bryant [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.4]
- Itinerary: LP in Seattle. 11 AM meeting with Paul Cross; 1:30, 2 or 3 scientific lecture at the University of Washington; 6:30 PM Bryant Campaign dinner [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.4]
- Letter from A. O. Dekker, Solid Propellant R & D Laboratories, to LP. RE: Asks him to recommend two or three qualified men for a consultant position. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence, 1958) #98.23]
- Letter from Bill Freeman, W. H. Freeman and Company, to LP. RE: Encloses a list of topics he hopes to cover when LP is with him on Tuesday. Will meet him at the airport. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1958) #439.16]
- Letter from Dr. Harry Isenberg, Executive Director, The Guardians of the Jewish Home for the Aged, to LP RE: Wonders whether LP will be available to accept a speaking engagement on either November 4 or December 2. Both meetings will take place before our membership in Crystal Room of the Beverly Hills Hotel. Heard LP speak at a meeting of the Sane Nuclear Policy Committee and believes that the membership would also be interested in LP's thoughts on the danger of nuclear fallout. Willing to pay a modest fee for LP's services as a speaker. [Letter from LP to Harry Isenberg August 15, 1958] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1958s2.13]
- Letter from Dr. Minos D. Generales, Director, Institute of World Affairs, San Diego State College, to LP RE: Stephen Roberts has said that LP will be able to speak in San Diego on August 21 rather than August 22. Looks forward to hearing from LP regarding the organization of his lecture [Letter from Minos D. Generales to LP July 30, 1958, Letter from LP to Minos D. Generales August 11, 1958] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1958s2.2]
- Letter from Edgar G. Johnston, Wayne State University, to LP. RE: Invites him to speak in a lecture series. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W. Correspondence, 1958) #444.6]
- Letter from J. Stamler, Chairman, National Council of Jewish Women, to LP. RE: Asks if he is going to be in the Midwest in October. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1958) #380.2]
- Letter from Joseph Wortis, President, Society of Biological Psychiatry, to LP. RE: Asks him to consider presenting a paper at the meeting of the Society. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1958) #380.2]
- Letter from Phil Kerby, Editor, Frontier, to LP. RE: Encloses a copy of the August issue. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Frontier) #122.11]