19 April 1957
Dear Daddy,
Thank you for your letter and for the money. I do not think that we ever really settled an
arrangement for the money. You said you would buy the Porsche and I could live on the
proceeds of it and the Merc. I said I did not really want to live on the Porsche, because I had
borrowed that money from L. Junior, and while he might give me a car, he probably would not
give me the money, and I expect this still to be true. I think Crellin will be able to sell the Merc
this summer. Anyway, I am living at the rate of about $250 a month, I think.
I have stopped work on ReCl4 (too big). I expect I have crystals of NH4ReCl4 and (Ch3)4NReCl4 to look at, have begun an analysis of NI++(NO3)2 • 2Et3P, monoclinic, 8 x 8 x 16, green
paramagnetic, though I have just been sidetracked for a fortnight on NH 4CuS4 which I made. It
is orthorhorbic, 5.3 x 13x? Where? Has some disorders that I do not yet understand. They are
lovely needles about .001 mm thick. This is the Easter holiday, and I hope to get the major data
from Ni(NO 2)2Et3P this week while the equipment is available. I am using the Weissenberg camera on the rotating anode tube.
We are getting along well, being arm and fairly healthy. Thomas is lonely and fine and
When you first arrive, perhaps you should wander along and see JBS [Haldane]. He
leaves about July 15th I think.
Much love from,