Letter from Linus Pauling to Benjamin D. Gordon. Page 1. June 19, 1953
Letter from Linus Pauling to Benjamin D. Gordon. June 19, 1953. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Information Bulletin No. 17 from the Federation of American Scientists titled "The Astin Case-- Senate Committee Hearings on AD-X2 start June 22-- National Academy names Committee to study NBS Testing Methods." [Filed under LP Science: Box 14.023, Folder 23.4]
  • LP writes cheque to: Victor Martin amount: $158.71 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.022, Folder #1]
  • Letter from L.A. DuBridge to various faculty cc: LP RE: Individuals named to an ad hoc administrative committee to review and make recommendations on policies. [Filed under: LP Biographical, Box 1.030, Folder 30.4]
  • Pauling Scrapbook: (Pasadena) Star News article entitled "Caltech to Host Chemistry Group" RE: reports that Caltech will host the week-long western session of the fourth annual Workshop on the teaching of general chem, sponsored by the American Chem. Society. LP will give a lecture on "The Place of Atomic Structure in the General Chemistry Course." [Filed under: LP Biographical, Box 6.006, Folder 6.34]
  • Research Note Books of LP, RNB 14 RE: notes on the structures with alpha C- (CH2)3 - OC bridge. Lists possible structures that LP has found with non 14-bonded amide groups. [p. 17] [previous info. June 14, 1953, further info. June 21, 1953].