Letter from Linus Pauling to Hans Kuhn. Page 1. May 11, 1953
Letter from Linus Pauling to Hans Kuhn. May 11, 1953. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Dorothy E. Snavely, Unitarian Service Committee, to LP RE: Thanks LP for sending a cc of his May 12, 1953 letter to H.H. Weber. [Filed under LP Peace: Box 4.001, Folder 1.3]
  • Letter from H. B. Hass of the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc. to LP RE: asks for LP's opinion on a fact that he read in a book entitled Familial Nonreagenic Food Allergy, by Dr. Arthur F. Coca in which he discuses hereditary idioblaptic allergy. He has applied to them for a grant, and they are still deciding whether to give it to him or not. [Letter from Dr. Hass to LP July 2, 1952, letter of response from LP to Dr. Hass May 21, 1953].
  • Letter from LP to Theodore McClintock, W.H. Freeman and Company, RE: LP has decided to revise some of the proofs of the figures in the second edition of General Chemistry. [In reply to May 12, 1953 letter from McClintock to LP]. [Filed under LP Books: Box 1953b, Folder 1953b.1].
  • Letter from Selwyn James to LP, RE: The Golden Anniversary Meeting of The American Leather Chemists Association needs to have a copy of the paper that LP will be delivering along with a photo of LP by May 21st. James needs these materials in order to ensure the widest media coverage possible before the event. [LP’s reply May 20, 1953] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.8]
  • Letter from Theodore McClintock, W.H. Freeman and Company, to LP RE: asks questions regarding printer proofs of various figures in the second edition of General Chemistry. [Reply from LP to McClintock May 21, 1953]. [Filed under LP Books: Box 1953b, Folder 1953b.1].
  • Note from Dr. M. Simonetta to LP RE: Sends gratitude to LP for helping him get the post-doctorate fellowship from the Canadian National Research Council. [Letter of response from LP to Dr. Simonetta May 21, 1953] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #379, Folder #1].
  • Telegram from LP to H.G. Turley, RE: The title of LP’s talk at the Leather Chemists meeting will be “Recent Advances in Knowledge about the Structure of Proteins.” LP asks that a hotel room be reserved for him for June 7th and 8th. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.8]