Thurs. 6 PM.
Dearest love:
I leave in a few minutes for Jerusalem- the Prime Minister is giving a dinner- then to the airport, and at 11 PM on to London.
My lectures were successful. I presided this morning when Bohr, his son Aage [?], + two others spoke. My last lecture, on hemoglobin, was this afternoon.
The Hebrew University will, I think, invite us for the week Christmas to New Year, + and I think that we should come, after our week in Greece. Samuel says that we should try to go to Bethlehem on Christmas Eve- it is in Arab territory, and we may well not succeed, even it the Embassy intercedes, because our passport has an Israel visa stamped on it.
Schmidt has been censored because he drove me back from Jerusalem at night- we passed no cars but a couple of police cars- the road is near the border, and there is danger from marauding bands. I think that we'll have a
[page 2, side of envelope:]
police escort tonight.
Much love from your
P.S. 4 letters arrived.