Memorandum from Linus Pauling to J.I. Fernandez Alonso. Page 1. January 7, 1952
Memorandum from Linus Pauling to J.I. Fernandez Alonso. January 7, 1952. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 6 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Jill Brown, secretary to Professor Todd, Cambridge University, to LP RE: Notifies LP that his December 19, 1951 letter to Todd has arrived, but Todd is absent until February. [Filed under LP Science: Box 9.001, Folder 1.3].
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Melba Phillips RE: Writes that he is concerned that some action might be taken against Dr. Phillips in respect to a note of Dr. Hewitt's letter, listing "Dr. Phillip's case" for discussion in St. Louis. Wants Dr. Phillips to let him know if he can help out in any way. [Letter from Phillips to LP January 5, 1953]. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #312, Folder #17].