38, chemin des Cottages Geneve, Suisse
28 July, 1950
Dear Daddy,
I was very happy to hear from you, and am sorry to bother you when I think you are pretty busy. Thank you for the information. I wrote to the draft board and asked to appeal, and also told them this address. They may write here or there. My GPA fell last term, and beating Rod Smythe is no great consolation.
I wish to ask your advice on something. I know already that you will not particularly like this idea, but please listen to the arguments.
I would like to stay in Europe to finish my undergraduate years. To this
effect I wrote CA Coulson, and asked him. My reasons for staying are numerous.
London is much more desirable place to live than Berkeley. The Continent is
available for travel by bicycle or motorbike. Although you know more about
it, I think I can learn as much about my subject at London as I can in
Berkeley. By careful picking of courses and indulgence on the part of Mr.
Coulson, I can learn a great deal. Furthermore, I think I can learn a great
deal more about the humanities etc. I would much prefer to go to London than
to Berkeley. Also, how are Berkeley's standards now?
Mr Coulson answered my letter very nicely. However, there are some difficulties. I cannot get into an English university for less than three years. That is and get a BS. The only possibility would be Bristol, and Coulson is writing Powell and Mott to see what they say. It would be easy to get into London for three years.
Now the only way in which this is feasible would be that I could do graduate work more or less during the last year and one half or so. If I can do a year of grad work here, and then return to the US for a Ph. D. in two years, then I lose no time.
At the present time the only possibilities are three years at London or possibly two at Bristol. I prefer London. If I can do grad work at London during the last year, do you think I can then take a year off my grad work in the US? And would two years at Bristol be better than there at London?
My chief purpose in life is to be a physicist, and therefore I work towards this end with greatest avidity. However, present life is worth something, and the great advantages to me in living here are worth a good deal.
If war breaks out, I would prefer to be here. If I am going to be drafted, I would rather waste a year here than spend a year in the army. And time here is not at all wasted, because I think it is a chance for a marvelous education. I would work harder at London than at Berkeley.
Also, if I return, do you think I should go to Berkeley or Caltech? I would like to get away, but I do not like Berkeley in many ways. How is it if everyone is fired?
This is a rather poor letter; the next one will probably be much better.
Please think about this. I would much prefer to stay here than go to Berkeley, or Caltech for that matter. I want to stay out of the army too.
Thanks ever so much.
Much Love,