Letter from Linus Pauling to R.C. Menzies. Page 1. August 16, 1949
Letter from Linus Pauling to R.C. Menzies. August 16, 1949. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter [dated July 25, 1949] from Karl M. Herstein forwarded to LP by Raymond Kirk, RE: Writes to tell LP about his idea for an employment agency for chemists. [Letter from LP to Herstein September 2, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #165.14, file:(H: Correspondence, 1949]
  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to Joel Hildibrand, University of California. RE: Invites him to attend the inauguration of Sterling as the president of Stanford University as the representative of the ACS. Requests that the letter be answered quickly. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1949-1950: Box #14.005 Folder #5.1]
  • Letter from LP to Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary. RE: Encloses a letter from Robert Bienaime. Feels he should answer the letter, but would like to be sure that the answer is satisfactory to the American officers of the International Union. Asks for advice on this point. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1949-1950: Box #14.005 Folder #5.1]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. E.C. Kleiderer, Eli Lilly and Co., RE: Asks whether it is worth while for Dr Carl Neimann to investigate the effect of diisopropyl fluorophosphate on insulin. Notes that its effect on insulin might make it a good agent for deactivating trypsin and chymotrypsin in manufacturing. Adds that Dr. Neimann also wants some assays of insulin fractions separated by his use of a chromatopile, perhaps by Eli Lilly and if not by them, perhaps they recommend how to get such work done. Mentions that he will be in Indianapolis before the ACS meetings. [Letter from Kleiderer to LP November 21, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #111.4, file:(Eli Lilly and Company, 1946-1951, 1953-1956, 1964-1968, 1970-1972)]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. R.W. Powell writing to ask for more information about the anisotropy of the electrical conductivity of gallium from Powell's recent article in Nature. [Filed under LP Correspondence: #312.14]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. William C. Stickler, University of Denver, RE: LP says he is pleased to have Stickler's letter of August 16 and goes on to describe the structure of the sulfates ion and similar groups, as per Stickler's request. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b6.1]
  • Letter from LP to George Kistiakowsky of Harvard, stating that in an article LP has just written he states there are 13 members of the Department of Chemistry at Harvard in comparison with 12 in 1939. He is requesting verification of his numbers. [Kistiakowsky's reply August 25, 1949]
  • Letter from LP to George Norwitz. RE: Is sorry for his trouble. Explains that he isn't the only person who has trouble with editors. Hopes he can find an acceptable solution. Two copies. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1949-1950: Box #14.005 Folder #5.1]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. Hugo Theorell, Medicinska Nobelinstitutet, Biokemiska Avdelningen, RE: Recommends Dr. Arthur W. Galston to Theorell for consideration to work in his laboratory. Describes Galston's relevant experience and education. [Letter from Prof. Hugo Theorell to LP September 2, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #407.2]
  • Letter from LP to W.H. Freeman, W.H. Freeman and Co., RE: LP would like to order six copies of "General Chemistry," to be sent to him in Pasadena and charged to his royalty account. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b4.6.]
  • Letter from Raymond E. Kirk, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, to LP RE: States that he is sending a letter from Karl M. Herstein who is promoting an employment agency for chemists in the New York area [Letter from Herstein July 25, 1949, Letter from LP to Herstein September 2, 1949]
  • Letter from Secretary to LP, to Byron V. Crane, Journal of Commerce. RE: Sends the article LP has prepared for the special number of the Journal. Sorry it is late. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1949-1950: Box #14.005 Folder #5.1]
  • Letter from W. H. Freeman, W. H. Freeman and Company to LP RE: Thanks him for his suggestion about George F. Wright for their organic chemistry text, trusts that he needs no encouragement to continue making such suggestions. [Letter from LP to Freeman August 16, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 439.7]
  • Letter from W.H. Freeman, W.H. Freeman and Co., to LP . RE: Freeman says that he has been holding his notes on the first eight chapters of "College Chemistry," hoping to send the marked copy of the manuscript back with the notes. He has decided to send the notes along now without the manuscript so that another person can read the manuscript. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1950b.1]
  • Memo from LP to Dr. David P. Shoemaker, cc: J.H.S., RE: Describes an arc of Guinier crystal quartz which might be used for a Guinier powder camera. Asks about the possibility of buying some of these crystals to use as a monochromator for a camera. [Filed under LP Correspondence: #363.3]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Noted Analytical Chemist to Receive Fisher Prize”, New York Times [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1949n.16]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Noted Analytical Chemist to Receive Fisher Prize”, New York Times, August 19, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.39]
  • Report from W. H. Freeman and Company to company stockholders for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1949. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.009]