Activity Listings
- Invitation: Dinner at The Sorbonne, Paris, November 27, 1948. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.29]
- Offprint: "Citation for Linus Pauling on the Occasion of Granting him the Honorary Degree of Docteur de l'Universite by the University of Paris." LP Safe: Drawer 1, Folder 1.032
- Program: “Sèance Solennelle De Rentrée”, Paris, November 27, 1948. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.30]
- Université de Paris, Diploma, Docteur de l'Université de Paris, Medal, Sash, November 27, 1948. [Includes correspondence, citation, press release] [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: 1948h.8]
- Writes cheque to “Coast Rubbish Co” $4.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.6]
- Writes cheque to “Flora James. Help” $7.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.6]