Letter from Linus Pauling to J.M.M. Pinkerton. Page 1. June 8, 1948
Letter from Linus Pauling to J.M.M. Pinkerton. June 8, 1948. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Travel: England

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Mary E. Ray, Secretary, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, to William W. Lyman, Jr. Thanks him for his letter and taking the time and trouble to update the list he sent to them. Also apologizes for sending two copies of the committee's appeals, and thanks him for notifying them of this. [Letter from Lyman to Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, May 24, 1948]. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
  • Note from Ernest Zeller to LP RE: Explains that he has finished reading LP's General Chemistry and congratulates him on writing such an easy to understand and interesting book. Hopes that an author of such a book can help him choose a college to go study Chemical Engineering at, and gives a list of schools, explaining which ones he was thinking about and have offered scholarships. Handwritten note on second page, absolutely unintelligible and almost Arabic, along with check marks next to the University of Illinois and the University of Wisconsin. [Letter from Wulf to Zeller June 29, 1948] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 468.6]