"Revision of Metallic Radii." Page 1. May 2, 1948
"Revision of Metallic Radii." May 2, 1948. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 4 pp.

Travel: England

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to Division and Ex-Officio Councilors. RE: Sending a copy of Bulletin 5 under separate cover. Requests that they read it. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1943-1948: Box #14.003 Folder #3.4]
  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, to LP. RE: Informs him that he must choose the award committee members. Two copies. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1943-1948: Box #14.003 Folder #3.4]
  • Letter from Dr. T. E. Allibone, Associated Electrical Industries Limited Research Laboratory to LP RE: Thanks him for his letter, regrets to learn he is suffering from overwork, hopes he will visit their lab when he returns to England, and says he will make a point of calling on him when he visits Berkeley in 1949. [Letter from LP to Allibone May 6, 1948, letter from Roth to Allibone May 17, 1948] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Oxford University, [re: Eastman professorship and residency in Oxford] 1946-1948), #299.8]
  • Note from M. Szwarc, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Manchester, to LP RE: Regrets LP's need to shorten his trip to Manchester, but encourages LP to briefly visit his laboratory. [Letter from Dr. M. Szwarc to LP May 14, 1948] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #373.1]