Activity Listings
- Carbon copy of list of mail forwarded from Caltech by Beatrice Wulf to Priscilla Roth at Balliol College with letter from Roth to Wulf typed on bottom RE: Reports that the mail has come OK, says she is down at the lab, tells how they got the box of supplies to the lab, tells about the room they are working in, tells of the nice secretary Miss Binnie and tea time, talks about their activities and the weather so far, and reminds her to keep her informed about the lab. (Notes added in blue ink: Gives new address for herself and LP and says they haven't offered to pay for postage yet, so she will continue to send it air mail “until LP gets tired of buying stamps”) [List from Wulf to Roth December 31, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Oxford University, [re: Eastman professorship and residency in Oxford] 1946-1948), #299.8]
- Letter from A. Bradbury, Domestic Bursar, Balliol College to LP RE: States the instructions from Dr. Aydelotte, tells when she has to be away, asks if he could have the laundry delivered to the College Monday mornings before 12 so it can be called for on Saturday, apologizes for being unable to have the laundry sent to them directly, and says LP will be hearing from the Warden of Rhodes House soon. [Letter from Bradbury to LP December 17, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Oxford University, [re: Eastman professorship and residency in Oxford] 1946-1948), #299.8]
- Letter from Dan Campbell to LP RE: Discusses experiments on the formation of antibodies being conducted at the Gates and Crellin labs. Suggest LP read Topley's paper on the subject. (Note in pen: discusses experiment setup.) [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #57.6, file:(Campbell, Dan H., 1939, 1941, 1944, 1948-1949, 1956, 1961-1962, 1965, 1970, 1974)]
- Letter from Dr. Abram B. Stravitsky, Institute of Pathology, Western Reserve University to Mrs. O. R. (Beatrice) Wulf, Secretary to LP RE: Says he wrote to Mehl about the “Passive Transport” paper, says he recalls the number as being 1153 which he says is the same number that was given to the review, suggests it would be easier to give the review a new number and gives its name as “Passive cellular transfer of the tuberculin type of hypersensitivity.” [Letters from Wulf to Stravitsky December 23, 1947, January 8, 1948] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1948), #378.2]
- Letter from Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to Mrs. James Marshall. Thanks her for her generous donation and apologizes for the delay, but Dr. Einstein wanted to answer their letter personally. Writes that she has just returned from Chicago, where she just saw Dr. Urey, who sends his greetings. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.4
- Letter from Janet MacRorie, W.H. Freeman and Co., to LP . RE: The December issue of "Chemical and Engineering News" contains a review of LP's "General Chemistry," and while the reviewer has reservations about the text's mode of teaching, the publishers still feel that his review has some virtue. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.2.]
- Letter from L. P. Eisenhart, Executive Officer, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his copy of the remarks he made at the opening of the Benjamin Franklin House. [Filed under LP Science: American Philosophical Society, 1936-1963, 1989, 1991: Box #14.011 Folder #11.2]
- Letter from LP to Box H.370, The Times, London RE: Responds to an advertisement about a guest house in Oxford, tells him that he is interested in renting rooms until June, says that he is George Eastman Professor at Oxford, and adds that he will have two students coming from the Continent to work with him. (Advertisement attached from The Times January 5, 1948) [Letter from Kallir to LP January 11, 1948] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Oxford University, [re: Eastman professorship and residency in Oxford] 1946-1948), #299.8]
- Letter from Priscilla Roth, Secretary to LP, to Dr. J. Green RE: Provides Green with the title of LP's talk: “The Valence of Metals and the Structure of Intermetallic Compounds.” [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1948s.9]
- Letter from W. M. Stanley, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, to LP. RE: Congratulates him on his election as President-Elect. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1948-1949: Box #14.004 Folder #4.3]
- List of mail forwarded from Caltech by Beatrice Wulf to Priscilla Roth at Balliol College. (Notes all over in pencil, mostly illegible) [Carbon copy of list sent back from Roth to Wulf January 12, 1948] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Oxford University, [re: Eastman professorship and residency in Oxford] 1946-1948), #299.8]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Chemists' Chief”, Madera (California) Tribune and Mercury [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1948n.7]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Chemists' Chief”, Orange (Calif.) News, January 6, 1948. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.21]
- Note from C.K. Allen, The Warden, Rhodes House to LP RE: Welcomes him to Oxford, comments on the weather during their crossing, hopes to see them before the term but must postpone a visit this week, and says they will get in touch later. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Oxford University, [re: Eastman professorship and residency in Oxford] 1946-1948), #299.8]
- Note from W. H. Freeman, W. H. Freeman and Company to Beatrice Wulf, Secretary to LP RE: Explains that the man who refers to himself as being commissioned by the publisher Agnilas is undoubtedly authentic, adds that LP will be interested to know that their foreign contracts call for a translation faithful to the spirit of the original. [Filed under LP Correspondence: 439.6]