Activity Listings
- Letter from C. S. Marvel, University of Illinois, to LP. RE: Glad to see he is on the Standing Committee on Meetings. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951: Box #14.019 Folder #19.2]
- Letter from Dr. S. R. Aspinall to LP RE: Requests that LP aid in the synthesis of a monograph of all the work conducted by British, American, and Canadian scientists on RDX. Encloses copies of related correspondences. (Note in pen in top margin: “Dr. Corey: What do you say?”) [Letter from LP to Aspinall February 10, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #12.13, file:(A: Correspondence, 1947)]
- Letter from Eileen A. Fry, Secretary, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, to Ture Lindstrom. Thanks him on the behalf of Dr. Einstein for his donation and support. The requested copies of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" are being sent and they are also sending a copy of the committees most recent statement as well as "Hiroshima" by John Hersey. [Letter from Lindstrom to Einstein, January 15, 1947]. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
- Letter from LP to Dr. W. Albert Noyes, Jr., University of Rochester. RE: Gives his suggestion to prevent a recurrence of the situation.
- Letter from LP to President Donald Tresidder RE: Outlines his support of Dr. Thomas Addis' request for increased funding and support for his research lab at Stanford University. [Letter from Tressider to LP February 14, 1947] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.2, file:(Addis, Thomas 1946-1947)]
- Letter from LP to Prof. N. V. Sidgwick, Lincoln College, Oxford University, RE: Thanks Sidgwick for inviting him to Oxford and arranging it. States he is planning on coming the second and third terms of the 1947-48 school year. Explains the new topics they have been working on, including studies on proteins, intermetallic compounds, and immunochemistry. Asks for suggestions for topics to speak on at Oxford. [Filed under LP Correspondence: #364.1]
- Letter from Norman Tyre to LP RE: Continues their dialogue about funding for Dr. Addis' lab and his treatment by the university. Confirms that Addis' is being paid a very low salary due to his status as a retired professor, and is only being allowed to conduct his researches through special dispensation from the university. Goes on to clarify that all funds solicited by the committee will only be applied to Addis' research and will not be available to any other group or person at Stanford. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.2, file:(Addis, Thomas 1946-1947)]
- Writes cheque to "Department of Motor Vehicles," $12.90. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Finance, Box 4.018, Folder 18.2]
- Writes cheque to “J Cattell Press” $3.82 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]
- Writes cheque to “So. Pac. Co. Ticket to NY” $264.29 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]