October 21, 1946
Mr. Walter J. Murphy, Editor
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
1155 Sixteenth Street NW
Washington 6, D. C.
Dear Mr. Murphy:
I have your letter of October 10, 1946 in which you refer to a manuscript entitled "Rapid Acetic Acid Extraction Methods for the Determination of Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Centralite in Rocket Propellant Powders" by Hirschhorn and Weaver, and in which you inquire concerning the publication of a description of similar methods which have been developed at Caltech.
Our methods have been described in a manuscript prepared for publication in the Analytical Edition of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry under the title "An Improved Volumetric Bromination Procedure for the Determination of Stabilizers in Smokeless Powder" by Thomas D. Waugh, Garman Harbottle, and Richard M. Noyes. I believe that this manuscript has already been submitted to the Analytical Edition by Dr. Richard M. Noyes and I suggest that you get in touch with Dr. Noyes concerning this matter. His present address is: Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, N. Y.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling