Wednesday night, 10 PM
Dearest love:
I've been very busy since I last wrote. I arrived in Rochester at 6AM, had breakfast, got a room in the hotel, and rested in bed & worked on my speech till 12.45, had lunch with some of the men, and went to the University with Albert. Then came the dinner ([[puuk]), a long boring talk on Harrison Howe by Murphy, and my talk (I mentioned Voltaire's remark "The secret of beig a bore is to tell everything"). There were about 500 people there, and they were unbelievably enthusiastic. I stayed overnight with Maury and Dorothy, and spent Tuesday at the E.K. labs, and Distillation Products (Hickman), taking the night train to New York, This morning I saw Henry, and then went to the Rockfeller Fn. Weaver had his operation Friday, and got along well. He may be back on the job in a couple of months. Fosdick said the R.F. would do part but not all of our job, Then I saw Heffron and Wickman of the Commonwealth Fn- I talked about our plans, but haven't yet asked if they would put up some of the money. Tomorrow I am to see the Natl Found. For Infantile Paralysis.
I had lunch with Miller of the RF, and later saw Dr Willard, Editor of Chem Monographs. It was a tiring day, and my nose began to run, so I came to the hotel, and used Thizodrine, and stayed in bed all evening. Perhaps it won't develop- it isn't bad.
It's fine that Liny is a sergeant.
Love to all from