Activity Listings
- Letter from Frieda F. Halpern, Division Director of the Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Inc., to LP. Explains why the strengthening of the United Nations Organization should be considered as something contradictory to a world government and why they talk about the United Nations Organization as much as possible. LP Safe: Drawer 1, Folder 1.032
- Note from Prof. A. Manneback to LP RE: Requests LP send reprints as the American scientific journals have not been available in Belgium since 1940. Also mentions that he will be traveling to the Eastern U.S. and inquires about the best time to make a longer visit to California in order to learn what American physicists are researching. Asks if he will be allowed to observe or discuss nuclear research. Describes the damage caused to his university by the war. [Letter from LP to Manneback April 11, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #255.13, file:(M: Correspondence, 1946)]
- Typescript, Memorandum: The Formation of Immiscible Liquids in Metallic Systems [Filed under LP Science: Materials re: Electron Theory and the Structure of Metal and Intermetallic Compounds, 1945-1949: Box #5.002 Folder #2.4]
- Writes cheque to “Henry Eyring. dues” $1.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]