Activity Listings
- Letter from Dr. J.A.A. Ketelaar and Dr. C.H. MacGillavry to LP RE: Discuss the need for a new international Chemistry Journal to replace the Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. Also discuss the situation of chemistry in post-war Germany. (Note above text: “Dr. Tunell: What do you advise? LP”) [Undated [10-45] letter from Tunell to LP] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200.10, file:(K: Correspondence, 1945)]
- Letter from Dr. Reuben Wood, Department of Chemistry, The George Washington University to LP RE: Gives a preliminary report of his situation at George Washington, tells of his physical chemistry classes, says it is not a light assignment, says he should be able to offer an opinion with more authority on the subject of Cal Tech becoming co-educational as he has seven girls in his first year course, talks about the text books and the department, tells about the financial situation of the university, asks about how to develop the chemistry department, talks about his small salary and thanks him for his advice about the job. [Letter from LP to Wood September 13, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 438.7]
- Letter from Frank B. Jewett, President, to Members of the Research Board for National Security. RE: Encloses a copy of a letter from the Secretaries of War and Navy. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951: Box #14.019 Folder #19.1]
- Letter from LP to Prof. Thorfin Hogness, Chemistry Department, University of Chicago, RE: Reports that a decision has not yet been made for the Dean of Freshman appointment. Asks Hogness to send his expense account for his recent visit to be reimbursed. Notes that he and AHP went to Stanford and Berkeley last week, where they attended a birthday dinner in honor of G. N. Lewis on Friday. [Letter from Hogness to LP October 24, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #162.5, file:(Hogness, Thorfin)]
- Memo from Alice H. Walter to LP, cc: Files. Encloses a copy of Supplement No. 3 to Contract OEMsr-1406 (NDRC CHEMISTRY 15). Asks LP to reply his approval of the Supplement. LP Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.010
- Note [in French] from Dr. Raymond Daudel to LP RE: Asks LP to keep him current on questions of electronic density calculations. Adds that he will send LP more publications and will be grateful for any advice or comments. Expresses hope that someday he will travel to California or send a colleague from his lab in France to work with LP. [Letters from LP to Daudel October 15, 1945, November 8, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #89.6, file:(Daudel, Raymond and Pascaline, 1945-1948, 1950-1952, 1956-1958, 1967-1968, 1972)]