Activity Listings
- Letter from George G. Wright to Dr. Warren C. Lothrop, Office of Scientific Research and Development, cc: Mr. Richter. Notes that the program in his October 1st letter sounds satisfactory. Asks if he could supply them with more State paper. Encloses a letter from him to Lamb which discusses the progress of the method which he mentioned in his last letter and encloses a sample of the LC6 method.. Says that he will write a report on the simple gelatin method within a few days. Encloses screeds and notes that the Presto pencil has been working out well, but not with the LC 1. Asks what OSS is doing with the LC 3 method. Attached are two copies of the Office of Scientific Research and Development's Receipt of Classified Material for this letter and enclosed samples from Wright to Lothrop and Richter. LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.016
- Letter from LP to Dr. James Conant RE: Informs him that he will be in New York for two weeks in February, and will probably be East during the first week of March as well. [Letter from Conant to LP October 4, 1945] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #66.15, file:(Conant, James B., 1929-1930, 1933-1936, 1938-1940, 1942, 1945, 1952)]
- Note from Dr. Thomas Addis to LP RE: Reports that he received an invitation for the hearing on the 22nd in Washington and that has sent a telegram with his regrets. Goes on to express his disgust at the situation, mentioning that he sent a copy of the telegram to Homer Smith. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.1, file:(Addis, Thomas 1940-1945)]