[written on the Biltmore letterhead]
745 PM, Tuesday
Dearest love:
Well, time is going by slowly - my trip is half over, and each day brings me closer to you. I love you. Your Thursday letter came this morning, with Crellins. I hope that he is over his rash. You hadn't yet got my telegram about the extra ten days.
The Russians are still going strong (see clipping). Everyone here is hopeful of an early end to Germany - a sudden collapse would not surprise people, but no one is willing to say that the Germans might not hold out for [inside right hand side] months.
I slept all right last night, but I have a trace of a cold. I think that it won't develop. It is cold here, but warmer than last week. I got up at 9, and went out to the Presbyterian Hospital to talk to Bill Palmer, the chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee. He is a nice fellow - about 60, white-haired. There are only seven members of the committee, including Daisy and me as non-medical ones - I'm the only one not in a medical school, and the only western representative. There are three [lefthand side of page] committees altogether: the medical one, a committee of 17 (Isaiah Bowman, chairman) on pure science, and another with Moe as chairman on discovering and developing scientific talent in American youth. These committees are to prepare reports to the President.
I went to lunch with Palmer + Turner. Joe Koepfli [?] was there too. Then I visited Dr Brand (a protein chemist), Gregorson (physiologist) and Roughton, and at 4
came back to the hotel. Moe brought me some mail. He has a cold. I went to the Grand Central station + bought my ticket to Boston (for a meeting there on [back of page] Saturday), and then went to a newsreel theater till 7, and came to my room. The maid has just made the bed - they are short of help.
Now I shall read a bit and then go to sleep. Tomorrow I shall visit the Rockefeller Institute.
I love you, darling.
Your own
Dear Peter: I thank you very much for making the candied walnuts for me.
Love to Linda and Crellie.