January 19, 1945
Air Mail
Dr. W.W. Palmer
Presbyterian Hospital
68 West 68th Street
New York, N.Y.
Dear Dr. Palmer:
I am writing to mention to you a problem in connection with my service on the committee of which you are chairman. This problem also confronts the other western members of the committee.
I should like to attend the meetings of the committee, and I find it necessary to travel by train. It is difficult to obtain train reservations on less than thirty days notice; even with this notice there is considerable difficulty in crossing the continent. I hope that you will possible to schedule the meetings of the committee this far ahead.
I would be pleased if the meetings of the committee were to come at such times as to permit me to do other jobs while in the East. I am leaving this week on a short trip to Washington and New York, and I have another trip East scheduled for the early part of March. It would be fine for me if the first meeting of the committee were to take place early in March.
I do not have any other eastern trips scheduled at present. The time late in April when the National Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical Society meet would, however, be suitable to me.
I am looking forward to meeting you, and I trust that you will forgive me for bringing this point about our difficulties of transcontinental travel to your attention.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling