Activity Listings
- Chemistry 1a Freshman Chemistry Notice for Instructors concerning assignment, exam grading, laboratory, recitation, and lecture outline. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.013, Folder 13.6]
- Letter from Charles L. Parsons, Secretary, American Chemical Society, to LP. RE: Informs him that he has been reelected Associate Editor of Chemical Monographs. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1943-1948: Box #14.003 Folder #3.1]
- Letter from L. M. Henderson, Chairman, Jury of the Willard Gibbs Award, to Gentlemen of the Jury. RE: Informs them that they should start deliberations for the Willard Gibbs Award. Encloses two voting sheets, a stamped addressed envelope, and a list of former recipients. Suggests that the voting sheets be in within two weeks. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1948-1951, 1967: Box #14.010 Folder #10.7]
- Letter from LP to Dr. K. K. Darrow RE: Agrees to give a talk if the meeting is held between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Suggests using the title from the Stanford meeting. Mentions Darrow's visit to Pasadena. [Letter from Darrow to LP September 8, 1943] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #89.4, file:(Daniels, Farrington, 1937, 1939, 1944, 1952, 1966)]
- Letter from LP to Dr. William C. Boyd, Boston University School of Medicine. RE: Interested by the fact that Boyd is not convinced of LP's theory. Glad that Boyd received money from the Rockefeller Foundation. [Letter from Boyd to LP September 9, 1943, Letter from Boyd to LP September 25, 1943] [Filed under LP Science: Materials re: Antibody and Antigen Research; the Nature of Serological Reactions, 1940-1947, 1950-1952, 1973, 1986: Box #7.001 Folder #1.1]
- Letter from LP to Ralph Spitzer RE: Sends information about positions in Pittsburgh or Woods Hole, Massachusetts in which he may be interested. Also recommends contacting the Metallurgy Department of the University of Chicago. [Letter from Ralph Spitzer to LP September 5, 1943] [Filed under LP Biographical: Ralph Spitzer: Academic Freedom and Passport Difficulties, 1942-1994: Box #2.034, Folder 34.1]
- Letter from Mary Peterman, University of Wisconsin, to LP. RE: Informs him of their work with the treated bovine albumin LP sent them. Requests to know how to dissolve them. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work Materials re: Oxypolygelatin: Box #13.004 Folder #4.1]
- Letter from Prof. W. Albert Noyes, Jr., Editor, Chemical Reviews, to LP RE: Requests LP read and comment on the enclosed article by Leonor Michealis entitled “Semiquonone Radicals.” [Letter from LP to Noyes September 25, 1943] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #279.5, file:(Noyes, W. A., Jr.)]
- Monthly report for OEMsr-584 by LP. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1942-1950: Box #13.002 Folder #2.2]
- Monthly report for OEMsr-584 for the period of July 15th -September 15th by LP. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1942-1950: Box #13.002 Folder #2.2]