Wednesday morning
3045 Albenarle.
Dearest little wife:
I love you, darling, and wish that you were here. I'm lonesome for you, and I'll be glad to get home- and stay home. Are you and all the little Paulings all right? I have been getting along well, and getting some useful information.
On Sunday I went to Warren Johnson's apt. Florence was there, and some people came in for cocktails- not to see me: they were Carey Cronies and Mrs C., and Barthe and his wife. Mrs. Barthe was as crazy as ever but not quite so drunk. She said something about not being able to stand being in the same compartment or drawing room on the train with her husband; after several such more remarks I said that I was surprised - that I thought other married couples, not too fat, always slept in the same lower berth, as we do, and that even being in the upper together without our nighties, when we got left in Kansas City, was fun; and I asked (when she said that looked forward to the time when they would have not only separate beds but also separate rooms) whether she might not be able to use the advise in our "Hast du gepfiffeu" story. I made some other smott creeks [?] in the heat of the momentary irritation. I feel sorry for Barthe - he seems all right, and he makes little efforts to make his b. + c. behave. She makes me mad, with her affectations - how hard is it to only get along with one maid, now that the nursemaid is gone and so on.
Warren took me to the station at 8, and I arrived in Pgl[?] at 7 AM. I went to the King George for bkfat, but the dining room is closed on Monday, so I had to eat at the W. Hall - it was punk. We had a good meeting. I saw Eyster, in addition to Monk, Kisty, Hoard (and Mrs. Hoard in the evening - she had come with Lynus, and is as lively as ever), Long + Mrs. L, Jackson, and others. After the meeting we went to Hammett's apt for dinner, and at 930 Williams + I went to the train. I reached Wu [?] at 9, and spent yesterday in our Division meeting. There was some interesting business. Corey was at the Brucetor meeting. At 6 I came to the Hendrichs, had dinner with them, and stayed overnight.
I have telephoned Dorcas many times, and have got either the busy signal or no answer. I plan to stay with them from Saturday (when Corey + I return from Radford) to Tuesday, when I start back home. Hooray for Tuesday! Three hoorays for Friday!!!
Lt. Saffer (do you remember him?) asked me to lunch with him tomorrow. When I accepted he said "And Mrs. Pauling - is she with you, and could she come too?" Poor fellow - his face fell when I told him the bad news. I hadn't understood the invitation until then - but I be my most charming, to help him over the disappoint-ment.
Today (it is 1130) I shall go to the Academy and talk with Gibson and Richards. Williams says that Cohn doesn't want anybody else to work on blood substitutes. I think that many people should work on such an important problem, and I'm going to say this to Richard.
It is warm here, but there was a thunderstorm about at about 930 last night, with big ½ inch hailstones coming down.
Five nights gone by - nine more to go. I don't sleep very long - seven to eight hours _ but I lie in bed and read a detective story every night. I wish Edith could cook better - she feeds me lots of pork vegetables, I'll be glad for more than one reason to get home with you my darling.
Love to Crellie, Linda, Peter, and especially my own sweet girl!