Monday, 10 PM
Dearest love:
I was surely pleased to get your two letters this morning, saying that you would leave Friday on the Chief and get here Sunday night. I had not dared to think about your getting away so soon. You are a wonderful girl to have arranged it. I love you.
Today was a long day — longer than I had planned. We had breakfast and went to work as usual, except that Farinholt & others stayed here for a meeting. Then this afternoon the visitors came, including Gibson and other on my committee, and we talked while, and then all (army & navy officers, et al) went
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to a restaurant for supper (also Bachman from Ann Arbor, Johnson from Cornell, Bright Wilson, and others) which lasted until a short time ago. I hear that these occur every week or so, but shan't go hereafter.
I'm to see Conant in Wn [an abbreviation for Washington?] Thursday, so I'll take the Wednesday night train down & come back Thursday night. You and I shall probably spend much of the following week in Washington too — I trust that we can stay with Milt & Dorcas, since its [sic] so hard to get rooms there.
I adore you, sweet little wife.