PM Monday
Dearest little wife:
New York is a lonely place to be. We got through before 1 and I went along 5th Avenue thinking I would by [sic] some presents, but I got cold and came to the hotel & have been reading a book I got from Moe. Now in a few minutes I'll get on the train - it leaves at 4
. A letter reached me here this morning & one at the Foundation. I love you.
In two or three years when Simon's estate is settled the Foundation
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will have two or three times as much money as now. Are you getting your application ready?
Thorfin will meet me at Englewood in the morning nad I'll have breakfast with him and Phoebe.
Aydelotte said that next month we should come down to Princeton. The meeting will be March 15 & 16
I adore you, darling girl. You are my own sweetheart. Three nights more and I'll be with you.