Activity Listings
- Invoice for 2M question and answer letterheads for Elizabeth Enquist of Pasadena Chapter of Federal Union total $35. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.6]
- Letter from Charles F. Davis to LP RE: Outlines his position and work experience as well as discussions with Mr. Burgoyne. Requests a position with LP if one is available so he can make some money before enrolling in the fall. [Letter from LP to Mr. Charles F. Davis November 18, 1941] [Filed under LP Biographical: (CIT: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1915-1944), Box #1.019, Folder #19.7]
- Letter from Dr. William N. Lacey, Division of Chemistry, Cal Tech, to Dr. Ralph Hultgren, Department of Mining and Metallurgy, UC Berkeley, RE: Writes that LP has passed him Hultgren's letter of 10-28. Recommends to him Dr. D.S. Taylor for the open instructorship, noting that he is currently employed by the Shell Development Company in Emeryville. Notes that Hultgren may wish to contact Dr. A. O. Beckman as a reference. [Letters from Hultgren to LP October 28, 1941, from LP to Hultgren November 4, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #163.3, file:(Hultgren, Ralph)]
- Letter from Miss Rosalie J. Silverberg to LP RE: Thanks LP for coming to San Francisco and speaking for the members of the Pasteur Society. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1941s.5]
- Memo from Margaret Blumenstiel to Elizabeth Enquist, RE: apologizes for the inconvenience of having the Question and Answer Letterheads sent charges collect. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Inc.: Box # 5.004, Folder 4.1]
- Purchase Order from Standard Oil Company of Louisiana for 1 Oxygen detector to detect 0.1-3% oxygen in hydrogen. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.2]
- Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis. Breakfast: 4 figs, ½ c cream, coffee cake / Lunch: 1 c milk, 1 p cheese, 1 p toast / Supper: ½ c peas, 1 baked potato, ½ c milk, 1 egg, ice cream [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #3.1, file:(Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis kept by Ava Helen Pauling, 1941-1942.)]
- Writes cheque to "Mrs. C. Sato," $55.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]