Mon. 15, 40
5:45 P.M.
Dear Mom,
I got that letter that you wrote me the same day that I got the postcard of the Deer
Dancer. An the postcard I could read it as well as I can printing. My writing isn’t very good but
I hope that can read it. I wish that you would write to Mrs. Dowin to get her to get us at school
on time. Nerly every time we leave at about 8:20 a.m.. I am going to go to school with Louies
Jean Bell so we will bet to school on time. That picture of the Field museum. is pretty good. I
hope are Ionic columme I ought to take a picture of it. Please tell me your Addresses and the
time you are going to be there.
P.S. I will have Alison as soon as possible. Send the letters Air mail