April 11, 1940
Dear mom,
Please get me a Thirty Thirty Caliber rifle. So I can pertect my self. I want a twenty two
to. Mrs. Bowin is making me do everything. Yesterday Wise maked me a rubber band rifle on
the eletric saw. I got a Song flute on Monday. I will try to draw a picture of it. The picture of
the song flute is from the book with the song flute.
[Hand-drawn pencil sketch of a song flute on the back of the page.]
I will make a picture of my rifle that Wise make for me. Send me some ansers if I ask you any
kwestions. If you don't mind send me about five dollars so I can call a long distens telephone
Hugs and kisses
Peter Pauing
[Hand-drawn pencil sketch of a rifle on the back of the page.]