Activity Listings
- AHP writes cheque to: Dunning's Silk Store amount $41.20 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.013, Folder #2]
- Letter from C. W. Foote to LP RE: Writes to follow up on her previous letter of November 13th in which she did not receive a reply. [Filed under: F: Correspondence, 1936, Box #128.2]
- Letter from Charles W. Stillwell to LP RE: Stillwell instructs LP to not take the time to read the few chapters of the manuscript which were sent to him. He explains that he has decided not to finish it for the date planned, but instead will work hard on the other chapters to be published all together at a later date. [Filed under: S: Correspondence, Box #377.6]
- Letter from Henry Gilman to "the Authors" RE: Asks whether they have used any figures or tabular material from copyrighted sources. If so permission needs to be given from these publishers. [LP's reply: December 16, 1936] [Filed under: G: Individual Correspondence, Box #136.11]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Myron Murphey RE: LP is having sent to Murphey an application blank to fill out if he desires. LP thinks it probable that the would obtain a fellowship or assistantship for next year. [Filed under: M: Correspondence, Box #255.3]
- Letter from LP to Professor Millikan RE: LP recommends that Brockway's travel expenses be paid for from the Institute fund. [Filed under: LP Correspondence, Millikan, Robert, Box #247.1]