Activity Listings
- Letter from G. B. Kistiakowsky to LP RE: Thanks LP for his invitation to visit CIT however, he does believe he will be able to stay as long as he intended thus he explains he will be taking a train to stop by Pasadena for a day or two on his way home. [Filed under: K: Individual Correspondence, Box #198.14]
- Letter from LP to Dr. R. W. G. Wyckoff. [Filed under: W: Individual Correspondence, Box #438.13]
July 24, 1936
Dr. R. W. G. Wyckoff
Rockefeller Institute
New York, N. Y.
Dear Wyckoff:
I am returning separately the photographs of aluminum metaphosphate which you sent to me two years ago. Our suggested structure agreed well with the data except for one reflection, 800, which did not appear on your photograph although calculated to be strong. I have now grown crystals of the substance and photographed them with copper radiation and find that this reflection does appear with medium intensity - probably the range of oscillation on your photograph was such as to not bring the plane into position to reflect. Dr. Sherman and I have submitted our paper to the Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie for publication.
With best regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling
- Letter from LP to Dr. Sterling B. Hendricks RE: LP returns Hendricks' photographs of aluminum metaphosphate and thanks him for their use. [Filed under: H: Individual Correspondence, Box #156.3]
- Letter from LP to Professor Dr. P. Niggli RE: Submits for publication in the Zeitschrift fur Kristalographie the enclosed paper on the crystal structure of aluminum metaphosphate. [Filed under: E: Individual Correspondence (Enstrom-Eyering) Box #110]
- Letter from William E. Vaughan to LP RE: Informs LP that Mr. Chambers should be sending the sample of Allene shortly. He apologizes for the delay. [Filed under: V: Individual Correspondence, Box #425.3]