Activity Listings
- Letter from J.W. McBain, Stanford University, to LP, RE: Says that they are disappointed that they couldn't secure LP a position at Stanford, but that it is possible that LP could pay them an annual visit to give a series of lectures or seminars for graduate students. Explains that he wants to bind more closely the 3 California Institutions. Handwritten note by LP: "Much pleased. Can't make the annual arrangement. Could probably come 1 or 2 months next spring. Prob. depend on new Prof of Estimates $800 1 mo., 1500 for 2. Nature of ch. bond." [Filed under LP Personal Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.003.31]
- Letter from Vice President, McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc. to LP RE: Reports that the London office has sold 165 copies of Structure of Line Spectra in the period ending April 1st. This is a very impressive record as compared with the average distribution of American books through the English branch. [Filed under: LP Books, 1930b.5]