The Oregon State University Sesquicentennial Oral History Project

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Jim Rudd Oral History Interview

August 19, 2015 – 1:00p.m.

Video: “The Enduring Virtue of Competition” . August 19, 2015

Location: Ferguson Wellman Capital Management, Portland, Oregon.
Interviewer:  Chris Petersen

1:22:02 - Abstract | Biography | Download Transcript (PDF)


Chris Petersen: Alright, today is August 19th, 2015 and we are in downtown Portland at the offices of Ferguson Wellman Capital Management speaking with Jim Rudd. And we'll talk to Jim about his connection with OSU, both through the Athletic Department and also through the OSU Foundation and the capital campaign. But we'd like to capture a broader story of your life as well and I'm interested in beginning with some recollections of your parents and their backgrounds.

Jim Rudd: OK, well my mother is still alive. She lives in Nevada, Missouri where my sister is the president of Cottey College, a private female university. She had been the provost at Lindenwood University, a 17,000 student liberal arts university. She has her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. So that's my sister, but my mother lives back there with her.

My father passed away when I was ten. He was a master sergeant in the United States military; he was a member of the criminal investigation unit. We lived in Chicago, St. Louis, and then went abroad when I was a little boy. My sister was born in Heidelberg, Germany – she's five years younger than I am. And we lived in Karlsruhe and then moved back to Fort Lewis, Washington - Federal Way was just under construction. And he died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of forty-four and my mother was thirty-four. So she moved me – ten, my sister five – back to the state of Iowa where she was born and raised. Actually it happened to be where I was born, before we started our move over to Germany.

So I grew up in northwest Iowa in a little town called Sac City. But I always remembered the Pacific Northwest – fishing with my dad in the Puget Sound and Snoqualmie Pass in Washington. So I went to university at Northern Iowa, went into graduate school, became the athletic business manager there. When my father passed away, when I was a young boy, it became – in retrospect, looking back on that – I gravitated toward my coaches, because they were not only father figures but mentors. So in high school and college, I had very strong relationships with my coaches because they filled a void that I didn't have at home, although my mother was as good a father as she was a mother.

So I had wanted to be a high school football coach or a college football coach when I went to the university and got out. So I stayed on at my alma mater, Northern Iowa, as athletic business manager, but with a desire to really get into college coaching. That never happened, but an opportunity in 1974, when I was twenty-six, arose to come back out to the Pacific Northwest. And I had no idea how far south Corvallis was from Seattle, but I knew it was a lot closer than Iowa was. So I got my position as associate athletic director at Oregon State, first ever Beaver Club director, and a job that I thoroughly enjoyed doing for eight years while we were there. I made great relationships and friendships that last to this day.

So I worked at Oregon State for eight years and then Norbert Wellman – unfortunately you didn't get a chance to talk to him, he just passed away a week ago Saturday – was one of the two founders of our company. An Oregon State graduate, as is his wife Ann. Norb was the right-handed pitcher on the first team to go back to the College World Series in 1952. So Norb was the pitcher on that team. And so I got to know him when I was at Oregon State working, and one of my jobs was to work with the alumni lettermen's groups, called the Varsity O. And Norb happened to be president one year, so I got to know him better. So that led to a friendship and a relationship, and when there was an opening here at this company – thirty-two years ago; 1983, I started my job here – I was offered a position and took it.

But we stayed very close. The proximity from Portland to Corvallis is not very far away. And had a lot of friends down there; still do, although they've changed over the years. But it's allowed me to stay interested in athletics, stay interested in the Foundation and the university. We've had the good fortune to know the presidents and the key Foundation people and the athletic directors and the coaches. And that's been wonderful. Then the last thirty-years I've been up here in the investment business, but staying very involved with the school.


So neither my mother nor my father went to college. My dad was an orphan who was abandoned and grew up in Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska – one of Father Flanagan's boys. And my mom was a high school secretary. And so I was the first in our family, immediate family anyway, to go to university. My sister eclipsed me, getting her Ph.D. and as a university president. But I was the first to get a higher education.

CP: That's interesting about your father. Did he ever speak about the Boys Town experience at all?

JR: No, you know, he was part of the Greatest Generation and didn't say – he was with MacArthur in the South Pacific and unfortunately, he may have, but I was ten when he passed away. So what I think I remember is probably more from my mother telling me and from pictures than from really remembering my dad. My sister, five years younger than I – she was five when he passed away – she has no recollection of him at all. So, no, not to my recollection.

My mother said he spoke about being raised in Boys Town. And we went back there one year, ten or fifteen years ago, and went through – now it's called Boys and Girls Town – but we were going through the museum and she was sure she picked him out of a picture back when he was a little boy and growing up in the Catholic church.

CP: So you were a quote-unquote "Army brat."

JR: Yeah, exactly. Chicago, St. Louis, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Fort Lewis, Washington, yeah.

CP: What was that like, being on the move so much as a kid?

JR: Well, again, it ended when I was ten. So I don't remember Chicago or St. Louis. I think I remember Germany, those two towns, I can remember some things about it. But I really don't have much recollection.

CP: So the family settled down in Iowa, and you clearly were interested in sports. Was that your primary interest growing up?

JR: Yeah. Again, because the coaches became father figures to me, mentors. My mother worked at the high school as a principal's secretary. I was a pretty good athlete; average student. My grandfather – my mother's father – owned the greenhouse in Sac City, so that was my summer job. My employment was pulling weeds and busting up dirt clods all through primary school and high school. And then I went off to university after graduating high school.

CP: What do you remember about community life in Sac City?

JR: I look back with very fond memories of growing up in the '50s and early '60s in a small rural community like Sac City, 4,000 people. You could ride your bike to school and you could go out at night without any worries whatsoever. I think that the worst thing we probably did when I was in high school was raiding somebody's garden. So it was a magical time to be a young person, unlike today. I think kids are way too much – they grow up way too fast. We grew up very slowly in a Midwestern environment that was very safe and nurturing, and the term "community" really meant something back then. And I think Oregonians are very much the same as Iowans, quite frankly. But I just remember, growing up in Iowa, you could tell who had money and who didn't by the kind of house they lived in or the kind of car, but not by the way they acted. It was frowned upon to display wealth, your word was your bond, a handshake was all you needed. People were honest. And it was a lot of fun – a very innocent time.

CP: So as an athlete in a small town, I would imagine that you played everything?

JR: Yeah. [laughs] They only had so many. I even played basketball. Yeah, that's right. I played football, basketball. I was a state champion record-holder in the shot put when I was a senior. Because it was a relatively small school, you're right, I did all the sports.

CP: Did you have a sporting hero as a child?

JR: I don't remember anybody. I still followed the Seattle Rainiers – a guy named Vada Pinson played for them and I remember seeing him play when I was a little boy. And I wound up following him – he wound up playing for the Cincinnati Reds. A baseball player. So I remember him. And then I followed the University of Iowa football team growing up, so I knew some of those guys or emulated them, I guess, to put it that way.


CP: It's interesting that the Northwest made such an impact on you-

JR: Well again, it did because of my father. There was a void – there's a finality there when you lose somebody like that, that you just can't get it back. And I yearned to come back to the Pacific Northwest. I wanted to play for the Washington Huskies and I followed the L.A. Rams when they were down there, and all that kind of stuff. So those were happier times, when your dad was with you.

CP: Sure. Well, you mentioned you were an average student growing up, was there always an expectation of going to college?

JR: Yeah, of course, by my mother. She very much wanted both of her children to go to college, to get a higher education, something that she did not get an opportunity to get. She got married when she was twenty-four, then my dad died and she had a ten-year old and a five-year old who were needy. And she went right to work. So I think we grew up with the expectation that we would attend university.

CP: Was Northern Iowa primarily a decision based on proximity and affordability?

JR: No, I had opportunities to go to Nebraska, Iowa State – you know, I was a decent athlete, so I had other opportunities. But at the time it was called State College of Iowa then it became the University of Northern Iowa; it was the top teacher's school in the state. And I wanted to be a coach and teacher. And so that's what made my decision for me. I very much wanted to go and get my teaching degree and ultimately become a high school or college football coach. Thank God it never happened. [laughs] But a noble profession for sure.

CP: Sure, yeah. And you played on the team at Northern Iowa?

JR: Yeah.

CP: Tell me a little bit more about that experience.

JR: I was just talking to a couple of my teammates today on Facebook. Whatever it is, when you're a young person and you're in an environment where you're competing and you rely on other people, you form some relationships. It can be in the military, it can be anything; for me it was athletics, my teammates. You work hard together, you win together, you lose together, you develop some real relationships and fondness for people. And those last a lifetime. I'm not sure, did I answer your question?

CP: Sure. How about the academic side of Northern Iowa?

JR: I was an above-average student. Obviously, I completed all my work for my master's but I got my job at Oregon State so I didn't do my thesis. So I probably took my graduate work a lot more seriously than I did my undergraduate work – I was probably a C+ student. I was in a fraternity, playing football. Unfortunately I had my father's Social Security, so I spent all that too. So college didn't cost me anything; I was blowing money and had a sports car. And looking back on it, it probably wasn't the most prudent way to manage the finances for a young man.

But I was alive and, back in the late '60s, early '70s, there was a lot going on in this country at the time. I can remember being a football player, but the counter-culture revolution was going on. You would walk by the library on your way to the men's gymnasium and you would see – well, Kent State happened while we were there and they had people down the next day from Kent, Ohio. They had protests against the Vietnam War, protests against segregation. They had buses going down to the South. It was an electric time to be a young person and having your whole mind kind of opening up to an awful lot of things that were going on in our country at the time.

CP: That's interesting. You don't necessarily associate that with Iowa and the heartland.

JR: Yeah, but it was. It was everywhere. Woodstock happened when I was in school. Music and drugs, segregation, it was all right there up front, every day. And you were a young, impressionable person at a university; it was very interesting. Your mind was beginning to open up to other concepts and thoughts; a lot going on in our country.


CP: So you mentioned, you studied Phys. Ed and Health?

JR: Yeah, I was a Business major – Physical Education and just Education. A Business major with a Physical Education minor.

CP: And then you went to graduate school – what was the decision there?

JR: Just to stay in school. I was able to be a graduate assistant, so graduate school was paid for by my working with the football team as a graduate assistant coach. So that just made a lot of sense to me, because I wasn't ready to leave school yet. I thought if I could become a graduate assistant at a university, that would help me get a better high school coaching job or maybe even land a university job somewhere.

CP: And you were the athletic business manager for the football team?

JR: My head coach became athletic director and then created a position – moved the baseball coach out to just coach baseball – and he gave me the athletic business manager job. So I stayed on after graduate school for another year. We built a dome back there, and I was named the first dome manager about a month before I got my job at Oregon State. So I just got named to manage the dome, be an assistant athletic director. And then I got a chance to move from a Division II school to a Division I school in the Pacific Northwest. But the real motivation was just to get back to the Pacific Northwest.

CP: So you had always had your eye on this neck of the woods.

JR: Yeah and when I came out I interviewed at Oregon and Oregon State both. I remember talking to the late Mel Krause at Oregon. And I would have gone to either place; I just wanted to come back to the Northwest. Both positions were open and Oregon State offered me the job first. A guy named Jim Barratt was the athletic director at the time. And I jumped at it.

CP: Well what do you remember as your first impressions of the university and of Corvallis? You arrived in 1974?

JR: June of '74. Very quiet little Corvallis, Oregon. I'd come from a bigger city – smaller school, but bigger city – in Cedar Falls/Waterloo than Corvallis was. Bob MacVicar was our president, Jim Barratt was the athletic director, Dee Andros was the head football coach. All those gentlemen have since passed on. Ralph Miller was our basketball coach, Dale Thomas was the wrestling coach. They were wonderful. Paul Valenti was my best friend and all those guys are gone now. But I look back on those eight years as just wonderful years. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I think there was probably 15,000 people at the school, students at the time. Kerry Eggers, who is the sports writer for the Tribune up here was the Barometer editor at the time. His dad, Johnny Eggers, was our sports information director, so I got to know both of those guys well. It was fun; it was great. We were at a higher level of competition. It was a great university – still is, better today than it was then, I'm sure. But it was a quiet little Corvallis. Not so quiet and not so little anymore, but relative to Seattle and Phoenix and L.A., it still is. But back then, it was pretty slow.

CP: What was social life like for you?

JR: Well, I was twenty-six and single. And Jim Barratt, my boss, told me, "you cannot date the co-eds." And I said, "don't worry about that." Well, it didn't take me long to figure that if I wasn't dating co-eds, I wasn't dating anybody in Corvallis. [laughs] So I would come up to Portland and have a little bit of a social time there. But after I got what I thought was a little bit of job security, I started cruising sorority row, and I met my wife Cathy, who was a senior at the time. She's a Pi Phi. And we met and the rest, as they say, is history for that.

But I was young and focused and wanted to do a good job too, so social life was way down on my list. But there were times – I think Nendel's was the only restaurant in town; well The Gables was there, I guess. Not an awful lot going on.


CP: What were your initial duties in your position?

JR: The reason why I was able to transition into this industry so much easier, is because the skills were transferrable. My portfolio at Oregon State was everything external from the university. So I was on the senior administrative council – it was Jim Barratt and Paul Valenti and I. And when Jim left, Dee Andros became the AD, and Paul Valenti and I were his two associates. But all of my job was promotion and sales, advertising, Varsity O, development, all of that. So most of my day was spent off campus, outside of the university, whether it was in Corvallis, Salem or up here in Portland. So I did all the things that a private, for-profit, entertainment entity would do. I was involved in coaches' evaluations and hirings and terminations and things like that as well. But not the business management side of things.

So I came to Ferguson Wellman as their first ever outside sales person, so that was very easy for me to do. And then about four years into this thirty-two year career, I became very interested – because I was a Business major – about the portfolio management. So I began to sit in on the strategy sessions, the portfolio sessions. And I learned that, in my kind of learning, it was best for me to learn what I needed to know as opposed to everything else that I didn't seem to absorb when I was in college. So then the last twenty-five, twenty-six years, I've been on the portfolio management side.

CP: Did you feel pretty well prepared for the OSU job by your experiences in Iowa?

JR: I did because, when I came out there in '74, Oregon State had just dropped three sports – tennis, swimming and golf, I believe. And football was beginning to roll over. Attendance was going down, so they had budgetary problems. And then Title IX came along – which was great legislation, gender equity – but the federal government didn't give you any money. So schools like Oregon State that had been struggling to keep it going in football, didn't have any additional revenue. So they had to bring the men's sports down to the level – as opposed to bringing female sports in and raising them up, we had to bring men's sports down. And that created a lot of tension and, unfortunately, some ill will among some of the men's coaches. So that was a difficult time. But again, everybody rose to the occasion. And that's the wonderful thing about athletic people – you win and you lose and you don't live in a gray world. You're either going to win or you're going to get beat, and you don't make excuses about getting beat, and you just carry on. And I've always appreciated that about men and women's coaches.

CP: Well I'm very interested to learn more about some of these people that you've mentioned, as well as a couple other names too. And I'll just sort of go down the list and you can share your memories. The first one is Jim Barratt.

JR: Jim Barratt. Well, Jim Barratt hired me, and Jim was a real promoter. He had been the athletic business manager and then became the athletic director after a guy named Spec Keene. I think Jim's real strength was seeing opportunities for Oregon State athletics, whether it was in travel or branding or things like that. So he was very much, I kind of think in some respects, ahead of his time, because he had come out of the business side and not the coaching side. And back then, it was the coaches that kind of always became athletic directors. They got kicked upstairs and were not, maybe, as trained as they should have been. But Jim was trained on the business side.

CP: How about Paul Valenti?

JR: Paul Valenti, well, he was probably my dearest friend when I was down there. Paul, we had to let him go a couple years ago. But I had many, many dinners when I was a young man, single, over with Paul and Fran, when Fran would make polenta and we'd talk about the old days when Slats was the head basketball coach and Paul either played there or coached there. He knew the right things to do, he always put people first, he had wonderful relationships with people. Tough guy; a real disciplinarian. But fair. And I think he probably guarded his heart more than you would know, because he had a real feeling for people but he wouldn't let that guard down very often. But he was just a big loss for Oregon State, one of those iconic individuals that people that knew him or knew of him would always associate with Oregon State. And it made Oregon State better to have a Paul Valenti. No question about it.


CP: Speaking of icons, how about Dee Andros?

JR: Andros was very much the same way. I remember the first time I ever met him, he was out at Corvallis Country Club. And I worked for him for – he was our football coach for two years and then was my boss for six years. And I think because of being a football coach, he understood how to motivate people. It was Woody Hayes, I think, who once said, "if we win we always win together, but if we excel, you did it, and if we get beat, blame me." And that was Dee. He was a Marine, so he understood the importance of being on a team. I thought he was a wonderful human being, and he and Luella were very gracious, always very nice. He probably didn't speak The King's English very well. I know he didn't get along very well with the academic side of the institution. He would say some things in athletic board meetings that, I'm sure, would just make academics' hair curl. He couldn't pronounce words very well, but that was superficial stuff. When you talk about people you want in your foxhole, Dee Andros was one of them.

CP: Did you get to know Ralph Miller?

JR: Very well. I knew Ralph when he was at Iowa and I was at Northern Iowa. So I knew Ralph and he was our basketball coach for the eight years I was there. Ralph and Jean, and knew his kids, and was at his house all the time. Wonderful person. I never ever heard him criticize a player if they were physically beaten. But if they were out of position, or if mentally they had gone over something and they didn't get it done, he'd just get right up in their face. Anyone of them. He used to take Lonnie Shelton to the woodshed; just look up at him like that and get right after him. And Lonnie could have swatted him away like a fly, but these kids listened to their coach and they respected him. He was an awfully good coach and a very good human being. Most people didn't know him, because he somewhat of a private person.

But fundamentally strong – those Beavers, when they were the Orange Express, they would have three or four drills and he'd run those drills every day at every practice for an hour. And you would never see an Oregon State basketball team hurt themselves late in the game; they were fundamentally so strong. Whether it was Steve Johnson or Mark Radford or Ray Blume, they would play good defense, didn't bounce the ball, ran hard, always in great condition. He was a fundamentalist; he understood that if you do two or three things really right and really well, then you're going to beat most people. And he was a guy that always, most of the time – they beat John Wooden at UCLA, and the Oregon State basketball team, because they played as a team, could beat other universities that had better players, but they didn't play as well as a team. And that was Ralph's genius. He knew how to get 100% out of the players. He developed them really well but really got them to play well as a team. And basketball is a team sport. Just like football; that was Dee Andros' strength too. He understood how to get people to play together. And they both liked people.

CP: Dale Thomas?

JR: Dale was another one – another tough – he was from Iowa as well. I've been out to Dale's house a number of times. Another strong fundamentalist; worked kids so hard. But he had the ability – like Ralph and like Dee – to make young men, they were coaching young men, aspire to be something better than they really were. And he held them to a very high standard; sometimes, they thought, unrealistically high. But he knew what their capacity was and he got every ounce of effort out of them.


CP: Did you know Irwin Harris?

JR: Not that well.

CP: How about Sylvia Moore?

JR: I did, but we'll pass on her.

CP: At what point did you get to know Al Reser?

JR: Gosh, I met Al through Burt Babb, another long-time supporter. And I was, as I said, the first ever Beaver Club director, and Burt was, I think, the third president of the Beaver Club. So I got to know Al because we did a lot with the food industry, partly because Burt Babb owned a place that, at the time, was called Harold's Market, down in Eugene. So I got to know Al that way, but I got to know him much better when I moved up here and changed professions. I would see him down at Oregon State games and things like that, but I was involved with the Foundation at the time.

CP: What are your memories of Al?

JR: I'm sure he didn't feel as good all the time as he would let on, but you would never know it when you talked to him. He was the kind of guy who, if you were talking to him, he would be looking at you and you're the only person in the room. He was a very personable person that way. And Pat, obviously, is very much the same way. But I think Al valued people and he understood that, while Oregon State was his alma mater and that meant a great deal to him, I think he put the people first and invested in people, not institutions. So I think it was getting to know the people at Oregon State, reattaching themselves to the culture of Oregon State, and realizing that they could make a big difference, that's what motivated him. You talk about people like Ralph Miller or people like Al Reser, there are a few people in Oregon State's history that make a difference, they really make a – you know, you're going one way and all the sudden someone like Al Reser appears and, boy, the school just goes off in a whole different direction and gets significantly better. And that was Al Reser.

CP: Did you get to know Robert MacVicar at all?

JR: Yeah. Mac was the president when I was – and his wife, what was her name? Clarice. She made Mac's clothes. Mac was a chemist by trade, a teetotaler, lay minister. And he and Dee didn't get along that well. But for whatever reason, Mac took a shining to me. And I'd probably go over to Mac's office once a month for twenty minutes, half hour, just talk about stuff. Clarice and my wife Cathy got along very well. Clarice used to make little Paddington bears, and she made Cathy a couple Paddington bears, and she'd go over and they knit together and stuff like that. I liked him a lot.

Unfortunately for Mac, I think, he was very uncomfortable with athletics and just philosophically was challenged to understand why intercollegiate athletics was on an institution of higher education. It just didn't make sense to him. And I would say, "well Mac, you may be right but you've got it." You know, I mean, come on! And "what's redeeming about having a bad one? You can make a good case why athletics shouldn't exist on an institution of higher education, but as long as you're the president of Oregon State, you're going to have athletics here. And you might as well invest in it." He just had a hard time with it.

But he was a good guy. He said to me once – and I've said this half a dozen times over the years, and I've said it in front of Ed a number of times – but Mac was the one that said that the gift of time is far more valuable than the gift of money. Because if you need more money, you can always work harder, you can work smarter, you can work longer to get more capital. Time is a commodity that we all have, but we all don't know how much of it we have. It's finite and when it's gone, it's gone. And so for somebody to really give you an hour of their time, that is so much more important than writing you a check. And I think that was a concept that I first heard from Bob MacVicar.


CP: I've heard a lot of stories about him, I'd never heard the bit about the clothes.

JR: Oh yeah. Clarice made a lot of his clothes. Didn't fit very well either. [laughs] But he was a tall, thin guy. He maybe had zero body fat. He had a lot of bone.

CP: Were there any other folks from this time period that were important to you that we didn't touch on?

JR: Jim Dunn was the Foundation president at the time. And when I got my job, when Beaver Club sort of reconstituted itself – which is now called Our Beaver Nation, and it's gone through a number of different iterations – we had 501(c)(3) status. Well that is what the Foundation had, so I was a Foundation employee and an athletic department employee, so I did both. Much the way it is today. I believe guys like Doug Oxsen and Jim Patterson are members of the Foundation as much as they are the athletic department. It's gone back and forth, but I think today is very like it was thirty-five years ago.

And Jim was the Foundation president. He's still alive. He and his wife are retired; I'm not sure where they're living. He was a very Christian person. A very understated – much the way Mike Goodwin is – he believe that his effectiveness, the less his name came up, the less you saw of him, the more effective he was. Because he was certainly a man that was in the background, always pushing other people forward, and was really good at that. So I think the OSU Foundation – as good as Mike is and what this campaign has done – I think the foundation for the Foundation was laid thirty-five, forty years ago with guys like Jim Dunn.

CP: It's interesting to hear you talk – it sounds to me like a big part of your job, maybe the way it evolved, was you were crossing lines within the organization. You were a liaison with the president, you were working closely with the Foundation, you were within the athletic department.

JR: Yeah, to a degree. And I think, much the way it is today, a lot of Foundation and university people were also athletic department people. There were athletic department donors and, oftentimes, whether it's Ken Austin or Al Reser, they come to the university through athletics. So I would go to all of the Foundation board meetings, because 75 or 80% of those people are also athletic department donors.

CP: We mentioned the Beaver Club a few times, why don't you tell the story of how that came about.

JR: Well it used to be called the Buck A Month Club. And a guy named Percy Locey, then Spec Keene, were the athletic directors. And when I came to Oregon State, as I said, football revenues were beginning to decline, we were just confronted with Title IX and how do we balance the budget and provide gender equity for female athletes as well. And there was a perception – and I'd come out of development at Northern Iowa, so that was my strength, and I was able to convince Jim Barratt that, even though a football ticket was less than a $25 contribution, there was a stigma attached to a ticket if you didn't use it. Or if the team wasn't any good, and you didn't go, you would much rather give to a scholarship.

And so we started the Beaver Club out of what was called the Buck A Month Club, but we put a $25 minimum – I don't know what the minimum is today, it's much higher than that now. And then we started something called Stadium Club, which was $750 or more, and began the difficult process of telling people that, you know, you need to support the program – unfortunately, capital is important – and we began to have access for higher donors. And it was controversial at the time, but the whole country was kind of going through that, scaling the house and stuff like that. So we were kind of right there with them on those things – the more you gave the better seats you got, and you got more privileges and things like that.


CP: So you were right in the middle of basically the shift from an old school athletic department to what we might recognize now.

JR: Yeah, exactly.

CP: Were there other activities associated with Beaver Club? Or was it mostly the donor-level piece?

JR: It was mostly donor stuff, yeah. But we tried to – it's all about developing relationships, getting to know people and getting them to prioritize Oregon State athletics. And one of the most effective ways, obviously, is to win. But there are also more subtle ways of developing relationships and, back then, people like Dee and Ralph, they were wonderful. They were good with donors – Ralph not as good as Dee [laughs] – but everybody understood that we had to get out and hustle a little bit. And develop meaningful relationships. Superficial relationships don't count; meaningful relationships do. And that takes time, it takes effort, it takes someone being genuine about it, somebody caring about those people. And that shows. So there were social events – for different levels you would have dinner or breakfast at a coach's home, and things like that, and team trips. But everybody in the country was trying to figure out ways to make their program more meaningful to the donor public, because we were just beginning to see universities and states pulling money back from support, so these schools became less and less state supported, more and more private supported.

CP: I'm interested in getting a better sense of the environment during the time you were there. Basketball was thriving, football not so much.

JR: Yeah, I was in charge of basketball. [laughs]

CP: Lucky you.

JR: Basketball was great. I testified at two or three divorces, and had to convince the judge that we had no more tickets to give and that the husband or the wife would either have to sit next to each other or give their tickets away. Because we were sold out. Yeah, as odd as that sounds. We couldn't find tickets for other people, so they either had to split them or one would have to give them to the other. Basketball – Gill Coliseum, if you had a 2:00 tip-off, it was packed at 1:00, sometimes 12:30. People couldn't get enough of the Orange Express; ranked number one in the country and all that.

On the other hand, football, we just couldn't find a way – couldn't get the coaches or support them enough. And Oregon was having the same troubles at the time. The Huskies were better; SC was good. This was the time when the revenue was not split evenly either, so we would go down to USC and they would have 70,000 people and we'd get half the gate. And they would come up here and we'd have 30,000 people and they'd get half the game. So there was a vote, and had it not been for the Huskies we would have gotten kicked out of the Pac-8 - before they brought the Arizona schools in - because the southern schools very much wanted Oregon, Oregon State and Washington State out of the Pac-8.

CP: The Huskies were the deciding vote?

JR: They were the deciding vote, yeah.

CP: Interesting.

JR: They redeemed themselves because years ago, in the old Pacific Coast Conference, they voted another way to keep us out of the Rose Bowl or something, I don't remember what it was.

CP: Is it fair to assign some of the blame for the problem with football to the president's office?

JR: There's plenty of blame to go around, put it that way. But yeah, sure. But it's also administration and coaches. And I think whenever something goes very very good or very well, those in charge get the credit. But the same is true when things don't go quite so well. But you have to ask yourself, "how did we do so well in basketball and so poorly in football?" And part of it is just numbers – football, you've got to get a lot more players, and basketball you just need a few. Some of it is coaches. I think Mike Riley, I think Gary Andersen, are quality people like Ralph Miller. Craig Fertig, Joe


And Craig Fertig was the best man at our wedding, and I sat across from him at the Country Club and had to let him go. It was really, really gut-wrenching. But he was a young man – so was Joe Avezzano – both young guys that emulated their coaches, whether it was John McKay or John Majors, and were preoccupied, right at the get-go, with the uniforms and the coach's shows, all the trappings that a successful program would earn. Well, they forgot that you have to build, you've got to be successful first. And both of those programs, in my opinion, imploded, because they just didn't pay attention to the right things to get it done. And Rich Brooks, on the other hand, built that program fundamentally.

CP: An Oregon State grad.

JR: Yeah, an Oregon State grad. I remember the three finalists for that job were Rich Brooks, Terry Donohue and Craig Fertig. And I'm sure Rich and Terry Donohue both are grateful that they didn't get the Oregon State job [laughs] because within a year Donohue became the head coach at UCLA and Rich got the Oregon job. And poor Craig just didn't make it.

CP: He came from the USC tree? That was the allure?

JR: Yep.

CP: So you were actually at the table when he was dismissed?

JR: I was the one, yeah. Paul Valenti, Dee Andros and I. And I was the one that said, "we're gonna let him go." And he'd been the best man at our wedding a year and a half before that.

CP: Jeez.

JR: So, not easy.

CP: When we talk about athletics now we talk a lot about facilities, were there any sort of facilities projects that you were a part of? Or any ambitions that-

JR: Just little things, not big. I mean, remodeling offices and things like that.

CP: Was there any grand design that was never fulfilled that you remember from that time? Or was that just not even on the table?

JR: I don't think it was even on the table. It was more our issues were just trying to sell the seats we had. We were maxed out in basketball and couldn't sell all the football seats, because we didn't have a very good football team. And there were no other sources of revenue. All the other sports, like they are today – you want them all to be great, but they just don't, they're a net loss.

CP: Don't cover their costs.

JR: Yeah. But we weren't thinking about the east side of the stadium, which is the old student side, which his now brand new. That wasn't there. Gill Coliseum, at the time – it's sixty-seven years old today, it was in its thirty-fifth year or something like that then – so it wasn't new but it wasn't, unlike a lot of the schools, Hec Edmundson Pavilion was, Maples Auditorium at Stanford was new. Cal was old, Oregon was old, Washington State was old, in basketball. So there wasn't that noticeable difference there.

Maybe you blame the football coaches for not pushing things that they needed, I don't know. But it was really more budgetary money, scholarship money, recruiting money and things like that, as opposed to the iteration we're in now. This war on infrastructure hadn't started yet, really. Most of the stadiums were still old and the basketball areas were old. So the money was really more spent on coaches' salaries and on recruiting and things like that.

CP: What is game day like for you now?

JR: Oh it's great; love it. [laughs] I want to see us win, it's a longer ride home if we don't win. It's a real long ride home if it's a night game and you're coming up I-5 at midnight. But it's fun. We tailgate with some close friends of ours and we know a lot of the people around us. It's a great time. We sit with Steve and Karen Preece. Steve was the quarterback for the Giant Killer team; he and I, we share a loge together.

CP: When he's not calling the games.

JR: When he's not calling, yeah. He always has to leave a little bit early to do the post-game.

CP: He probably has some good insight over the course of the game.

JR: Yeah, we do.

CP: Well we've talked a bit about your departure from OSU to Ferguson Wellman, was this just an opportunity that arose that you had to seize?


JR: Yeah, I will tell you that I think when I was at Oregon State, I was convinced that I had the best job in the world. I really was. I loved it and I loved the coaches; I loved everything about it. But I never picked up a tab, it was always the donor, and I thought to myself, "you know, one of these days I'd like to be able to make enough money to pick up a tab." And so this opportunity at Ferguson Wellman came about and I had an opportunity to go, when I was a young – well, let's see, I'm trying to think...1977? I had the job offered to me at Cal State-Santa Barbara, and didn't take that. They didn't have football and I just didn't think that was the right move for me. I came in second at William & Mary; that would have been a job that I would have taken. That would have been a good job. That was like '78 or something like that. Then a guy named Rick Bay who was the athletic director at Oregon at the time, he ended up going up to the Yankees and then Ohio State as the athletic director. And when Earl Bruce got fired, Rick resigned in protest. I think he's at San Diego State now, I'm not sure. But he offered me the number two job at Oregon, it would have been maybe 1980? '80-'81; probably '81.

And I thought about it but I think by then – maybe it was '82 – by then, I think, mentally we had decided that we wanted to stay in the state of Oregon. My wife was from Portland, we loved Portland. And that I was probably going to be leaving intercollegiate athletics. I'd done it for eight years, loved every minute of it, but it was probably time for me to go. And so I told Rick no, that I was going to stay at Oregon State, but I had a very close friend of mine that I thought he should hire. His name was Bill Byrne. And Bill and I knew each other from when Bill was at New Mexico, I was at Oregon State, 1975 maybe. And Bill was at San Diego State at the time. I said, "let me call Bill," and I said, "he's better than I am, and that's the truth. And I think he's exactly what Oregon needs."

So I called Bill up and I said, "Rick Bay's a good guy, a good athletic director" - he and Bill Bowerman were in kind of a pissing match, because Bowerman wanted to fund a track facility on the University of Oregon campus but also wanted outside Oregon track or whatever, not just for the athletes. So Rick said no and that got Bowerman upset, and Phil Knight too, I'm sure. So I told Bill, "it's a good program and they've got good people." Their fundraiser before Bill was a guy named Lou Cryer who had come in from the College of the Pacific, I think. And I just remember – Dick Harter was the basketball coach and we beat the Ducks a lot then, but Harter had the Kamikaze Kids and I just remember Lou Cryer saying how proud he was of Oregon, that they had kicked out widows on fixed income because they were re-scaling Mac Court. And I thought to myself, "boy, you're just making a huge mistake; that's not anything you want to lead with."

And I told Bill, "you just come in and treat these people like this is the only job you're ever going to have, treat them well and they'll respond." And I said, "but the other thing is, I'm not quite sure how long Rick Bay is going to be here. You could be the next athletic director." Well, two years later Bill became the youngest athletic director in Division I, and then he and Rich Brooks finally won a Rose Bowl ten years later. And then Rich went to the St. Louis Rams and Bill became the athletic director at Nebraska, did that for ten years, won a couple national championships, and then finished his career here a couple years ago at Texas A&M. And Bob Gates, the former Defense Secretary under George Bush, was the president of A&M at the time and hired him. So I'm not quite sure what your question was [laughs] but I got off on a tangent.

CP: That's an interesting story.

JR: But again, for me anyway, meeting people like that was such an upside for me. I loved athletic people, only because its competitive, its competition – there's plenty of competition in this too – but we live in kind of a gray world sometimes, and with athletics it's black and white. All the things that distract our society, it's not there in athletics. Wayne Tinkle would start five Chinamen if he thought they could win – it doesn't matter. Or five women. Race doesn't matter, gender doesn't matter, it's all about competing and winning. And I'm sure there are other aspects of anybody's life, whether it's debate or dance. But to me the key is competition. Put young people in competitive environments. And for me that's what was great about athletics, and the kind of people that I got to meet and be around.


CP: Well I want talk about competition a bit in the more current context, and one thing I'm always interested to learn more about is how people acquire their skills to be successful. You've been very successful in an extremely competitive environment here, and I'm interested in knowing how you built up that toolkit.

JR: Well, again, for me it goes back to growing up realizing that you had to work hard, and that you could out-work people. You could learn, but just learning in and of itself doesn't do you any good. You need to have good mentors. I've been so fortunate to have associated myself with people who really took an interest in me and helped me along the way; helped open some doors or cracked doors that I'd walk through. But then, once you get through the door, you've got to earn it too. But I think earning it is the key word for me; you earn everything you get, nobody's entitled to anything, and being around people that believe that as well. And then you just demonstrate that you're going to be here, you're going to answer the bell. You're going to get up early, you're going to stay late, you're going to live the right kind of life.

And there's a certain degree of intellectual ability that you have to have, there's no question about that, but that, in and of itself, isn't enough. I've seen a lot of young people that are very very strong academically, but have never had a "no" said to them before. And they just wilt when it happens; they just don't know how to overcome a temporary set-back – it's never happened to them before. For me, my venue was athletics and that taught me; there's plenty of losing in athletics. You learn how to bounce back and you learn how to value other people. All the things that athletics teaches or anything that's competitive - again, my frame of reference is athletics but I know there are other venues that teach young people that. But the key is not participation, it's competition. I saw something the other day that a starting defensive lineman for the Pittsburgh Steelers just gave his kids' participation trophies back. He said, "I'm raising my young men to be good young men." He said, "I don't want them to get a trophy for just participating. They've got to learn that there's winners and losers, and you've got to work hard to win." There's nothing wrong with that.

CP: A couple of non-OSU questions for you real quick. In taking a look at your vita, I was very interested to see that you have a connection to Romania as the honorary consul. Tell me about that; how did that come about?

JR: Well, you know, every Irish Catholic boy's dream to someday be the consul for Romania. [laughs] I happen to be the dean of the Oregon Consular Corps this year, but I've been the honorary consul for Romania for eleven years, I think. And it happened – two things occurred ten or twelve years ago. One is a good friend of mine name Serge D'Roverncourt, who used to run the Hilton Hotel - he's retired now - he was the dean of the Oregon Consular Corps back then, and he asked me if I'd ever be interested in that kind of service. And it sounds more important than it really is, but it's really more economic development for the home country, and you have to get State Department clearance as well as the Ministry of Finance in Bucharest. But at the time, Serge was thinking more about Greece. And I didn't care. Ireland would have been my choice, but that wasn't available.


So I was moving through the chairs of Greece, and then all the sudden Alan "Punch" Green, who was a client of ours, was the ambassador to Romania for George Bush the first - H.W. Bush appointed him U.S. ambassador to Romania. And in 1989, the world changed: Tiananmen Square, the Berlin Wall, everybody knows those two things. Well the third event that happened was Ceausescu and his wife were taken out and killed; there was a big revolution in Bucharest. And Punch was there and became the Ambassador of the Year after that, and laid the American flag up on the balcony of the U.S. embassy. He'd sent Joni out with the Marines a couple days before and he'd stayed in the U.S. embassy and slept under his desk. There was bombs and gunfire and all that kind of stuff. And he was a client of ours. And so he came home – I'd go down and see him, down in Palm Springs where he'd spend half the year, and he would tell me about how lovely Romania was, how much he enjoyed the people and all that. And so I became real interested in that.

And so Romania, there was an opportunity, and I applied for that and got my clearance from the State Department and the Ministry of Finance. It got held up in Bucharest for a while because I was not a Romanian – I think they were trying to figure that out. But then all the sudden – for a Romanian person to vote in a national election, they have to go to a consulate or a consul. And there's a lot of Romanians living in Oregon and in Washington, a lot of Microsoft technicians. And so they very much – it was politics – the party in power said "hey, we've got to get these people to vote," and we had the third highest turnout in the United States when I was named consul. So they were motivated to speed it up. So that's how it happened.

But I've been to Bucharest about three times, or been to Romania three times, and I will tell you, I've learned more about the importance of freedom and liberty from those people that I did growing up here as an American. Those people, under the Soviet regime, twenty years, thirty years ago, risked their lives, had people killed. There were people who got shot in the back or drowned or had left their families to come to the United States for freedom. And those people are out there walking among us all the time, and I really appreciate that. So it's been a very meaningful thing for me to do as well; I really feel good about that.

CP: I'm interested too in, you've had a close connection with Oregon Health Sciences University and they're very much in the news these days, having garnered, through a couple different means, a billion dollars for cancer research.

JR: Yeah, Phil Knight and Gert Boyle, absolutely.

CP: I'm interested in your perspective-

JR: Well, like Oregon State, I was the board chair of that Foundation for a few years and I was the first campaign manager for what was then called the Oregon Opportunity. That preceded OSU's campaign, and it was a half a billion dollars. And Peter Kohler at the time was the president of the university, and I was the board chair of the Foundation. And when the tobacco settlement money came about twenty-some years ago, he convinced the Oregon legislature to put up $200 million if we could raise another $300 to $400 million. And at the time, it was the state's largest capital campaign ever, and I was the first campaign chair. So my wife and I are both patients, or our doctors are at OHSU – I have two new knees and a new shoulder, all compliments of OHSU. And I'm really happy to see the Collaborative Life Science Center – that is Portland State, Oregon State and OHSU – with the Pharmacy school up here. That's great.

So yeah, I've been very involved. I'm on the Knight Cancer Council, Brian Druker is a close personal friend, he and his wife Alex. Actually we just had them and Gert Boyle out to our house a couple weeks ago; we live in Lake Oswego on the water and they came out for a boat ride. And it's great – Oregon State and OHSU, I think, are two of the premiere institutions in the region, and there's an awful lot of collaboration going on between those schools. Right after Ed lost his wife, Joe Robertson, who's a personal friend of mine, we invited Ed to come up. And it was Ed Ray, who got his master's and doctorate at Stanford, and Joe Robertson, who got his master's at Yale, and Jim Rudd, Northern Iowa – the three of us sitting together and having a drink together. You know, that's pretty heady company. [laughs] But they're both wonderful people, both great institutions, and Cathy and I are both privileged to be involved with both. Cathy is very involved with Tammy Bray at the College of Health and Human Sciences, and she's very involved with the Giving Council for OHSU as well.


CP: It seems to me that this influx of concentrated funds obviously has the potential to make a big impact for cancer, but also it seems like it could make a pretty big impact just on the fabric of the city itself.

JR: You know, and giving begets more giving. And OHSU, outside of cancer, all the other departments up there have continued to raise as much or more money than they've been raising. At one point in time, people thought that this could really suck the oxygen out of the room. Well, it's been just the opposite – Oregon State's raised more money, Portland State's raised more money, Oregon's raising more money. Every philanthropy, it's been very very good and it's generated more. I've said this before and I'd say it again, with Oregon State aside – that's where my heart is – if you had a dollar to spend and you were interested in higher education, clinical results and economic development, there's no better place to put it than OHSU, because they do all three. The same can be said of Oregon State, but as a Portlander I'm up here and they're right up on the hill and I've got real good friends there just like I do at Oregon State.

CP: Well returning to Oregon State, you left OSU in 1983 but you maintained an association with the Foundation for, I think, many or most of those years. You were on the Board of Trustees and the Governing Board. And I'm interested, before we get to the capital campaign, I'm interested in knowing a bit more about that connection over the course of that time.

JR: So I stayed involved when I first got out. I think I was on the Planned Giving Council before I became a trustee. So initially when I came up here, I stayed engaged via planned giving, because Norb Wellman was the chair of that and he got me involved. And I was also on the Investment Committee for a while. And then I was a trustee. And then, when Paul Risser became the president, we disbanded the trustees and went to the Governing Board, and it was just a small group of us, like ten people. And we did that for a number of years while Paul was here and went into constituency fundraising. And then when Ed came back, we reconstituted the Board of Trustees and went to university-wide fundraising, which I think is much better because in constituency fundraising it's almost as though you're raising money against yourself, because every school is out there saying, "well the university won't give us money so we have to raise it." You raise money, but it's not a good sell as opposed to "I'm part of the institution, donate to Oregon State University." So I think this is much better.

So I think you do, what's the term – trustee is three years, isn't it?

CP: I don't know.

JR: Three or four. Let's say, for example, that it's three. So you do three years and then you're eligible for another three, then you have to go off for a year. Then you can come back on and do three and three, then you get term-limited off. Well, I've done all that. And I can no longer be a trustee, although I was honored to become a lifetime trustee about a year ago. So I can take part in all of the trustee meetings and things like that.

CP: And what are the responsibilities of a trustee? Are you helping to shape the agenda for the Foundation?

JR: Yeah, it's working with management - Mike Goodwin and his staff. And there are a number of committees that people from different walks of life, that are trustees, populate those committees. Whether it's Fundraising or Audit or Investment, things like that. And so you're very involved in one aspect and then you come together and Mike and his staff talk to you about the greater good of the institution and what the Foundation is doing.


CP: So let's talk about the capital campaign now.

JR: Yeah, you bet.

CP: What is your earliest memory of the idea of the capital campaign? Or at what point were you approached to be a co-chair?

JR: Oh boy, that I don't remember. But my earliest memory of the campaign is right after Ed Ray became president. We had never had a university-wide campaign before. The athletic department is always in campaign mode, they're always raising money, but some of the schools didn't need to, didn't have to. But then, all the sudden, when the state of Oregon began to disinvest in higher education, it became pretty apparent that, in order to keep the university moving forward, that private sector capital was incredibly important, much the way it was for private institutions. So I just remember Ed, shortly after he was hired – because he had come from Ohio State and they had had two or three very successful campaigns there – he said, "we're in a campaign. We're in the quiet phase of a campaign." Wow.

And it took somebody like Ed Ray - he put his, in my opinion, put his presidential legacy on the line. Had this campaign not been successful, he would have gotten – just like you ask about who gets blamed for not winning football games? Well there's plenty of blame to go around, but the people at the top, they deserve the credit but they also deserve some of the blame. And Ed Ray had the courage to come in, before Mike Goodwin was hired, to say "we're in a campaign." And that personal commitment and power made a huge difference. And then he gave us the financial wherewithal to bring in guys like Mike Goodwin and Shawn Scoville, and populate the Foundation with people who had done it before. Prior to that we had wonderful people, but they just hadn't been part of big campaigns. Experience matters and you want to have people that know how to get it done, know how to do it the right way, and know how to do it again. And that's kind of what we're doing – we're in this quiet phase of the next campaign now.

CP: The secret's out.

JR: But my earliest remembrances were, I remember having dinner with Ed Ray and Duane McDougall and I. This was a week or two after he moved out here from Ohio State, and we were talking about the campaign and what his vision was for the institution, what the SWOT analysis was in his mind, and how important success in the campaign would really be, and how it would bring the university community together but also provide the necessary resources to really evolve the institution. And we have so many schools, as you well know, that are top ten internationally, whether it's Forestry or Engineering or Oceanography, my God, there's just a lot of good things going on. And some of that is directly related to the success of the campaign.

CP: Tell me about your role as a co-chair; what were your responsibilities?

JR: I think much more ceremonial, honestly. And that's because the staff that Mike Goodwin heads and has developed really did all the hard work, the blocking and tackling. I think Pat and Pat and I, and the rest of the campaign cabinet, provided some strategic vision; the tactics were left up to the staff. So I don't want to belittle what we did, I think it was important, but the real important stuff, the real blocking and tackling that made a difference: that's Ed Ray, that's Mike Goodwin, that's the OSU staff, it really is.

CP: And by strategic vision do you mean helping to establish priorities for the campaign?

JR: Yeah, priorities. We went through a number of priority sessions and those are the hard – that's where the president has to tell this dean yes and that dean no. "That's important but it's gonna come later." That's not easy to do, particularly when you get everybody jacked up about having a campaign. And I remember going through it once with OHSU, when we started that campaign we didn't have a feasibility study, and how difficult it is to have a campaign with a kind of continuously running feasibility study. That's hard. Ed did it the right way because he'd done it before. And OHSU had never done it before; this was their first-ever campaign and they learned a lot. But Ed brought in – as did Mike, from Georgetown, he'd done a number of campaigns before, and Mike had done a successful one at Washington State before he went to Georgetown. So experience counts, it really matters. But our role was more strategic and I think – I know – we get more credit than we deserve. I'm just telling you that.


CP: Well as one who was on the inside, I'm interested in knowing what it was like as the campaign moved forward. It was obviously wildly successful, far more so than originally envisioned.

JR: It got ratcheted up three times. And we took a hard gulp when it was at 625. We said, "I'm not sure we can get this done." We had never done it before. But then that quiet confidence of people that had done it before – Ed Ray, Mike Goodwin, Shawn Scoville – said, "yeah, we can do this. Maybe we won't get it done in three years, maybe it'll take four years, but this can happen. It has to happen." And then it went to 850 then it went to a billion. And we went through a billion, so it's really impressive.

CP: And as it moved forward, re-establishing new priorities, was that a piece of...?

JR: Yeah, new priorities, new facilities, new buildings and things that would come up. Or simply a continuation of momentum too. There was no good reason why we would stop, not until you hit that plateau. And I think things have plateaued and now it's time to kind of re-group, re-strategize and then begin to lay the groundwork for the next campaign. And it goes on forever, those fundraisers are fundraising money all the time, but you begin to count it a little bit later.

CP: It's fascinating to me too that this all happened in the midst of a very poor economy.

JR: Yeah, that's right. But the importance of higher education, the importance of young people to our society. Again, I go back to the stigma attached to a football ticket – when your football team isn't good, people won't give you ten dollars but they'll give you twenty-five for a scholarship, to help a young person get an education. The same thing is true in a campaign. If you have the right priorities, you put out a compelling vision – which I think Ed and the Foundation has – in terms of the portfolio that Oregon State has, it really does help create jobs, it speaks to the fabric of our country. So the vision was there, the execution – we had experienced people running it and we had the luxury of being able to extend it too. I mean, you can always go another year. We didn't have to; we got it done earlier rather than later. But that's a nice backstop to have.

I'm just encouraged. I really think that for Ed Ray to have stuck his neck out like that – the first ever, seven or eight years ago there was no guarantee of success, it's much easier to look back at it now than it was then. And I really really value people like Pat Stone and Pat Reser and the early adopters, because every dollar in every campaign counts, the last dollar is as important as the first dollar. However, the reputational risk of those early adopters, it was on the line too. And I don't think you can ever underestimate people that signed on early and said, "count me in. I want to be a part of this." There's risk there for a person. And I know Ed and Mike and the Foundation people understand that, because they've done it before. And they cherish every person, every dollar, but I know that there's something special about some of those early people too. People like Al Reser.

CP: Well as we wind up here, I'll conclude with a question that we've been asking everybody. This is a sesquicentennial project that we're doing and OSU is three years away now, where do you see the university as being positioned right now and what do you see as is its future for the next couple of years as we look towards its 150th?


JR: I think it has to become even more relevant than it is today, to make a difference. Not only in the state of Oregon, not only in our region, but for the world. And we have some of those disciplines that can do that. Martin Grenzebach, our campaign consultant, asked me, because he said, "the next campaign, we did a billion this time, I can't imagine the next campaign being a billion. It's going to be a multiple something like that. So how do we get bigger gifts?" And it really comes down to the compelling vision that some of those deans have that will cut across not just Oregon Staters, not just Oregonians, not just Northwesterners, but a vision so compelling that you can get people all over this world to donate to. So it has to be seen as fundamental and relevant to our society. So that's what I see Oregon State becoming, if it's going to truly be great.

And we have some tools – there's a lot of tools in that toolbox. And it takes courage – Ed Ray's got that, he's shown that, and Mike Goodwin's got that, he's shown that. So they're not afraid to take on a big task. And I know they're challenging the deans to come up with those things that really inspire people, even Ducks, to invest in Oregon State. Steven Sample, who was the president at USC, when they finished their $5 billion campaign or whatever it might have been, they asked him "what were the key components of your success." And he said "one, Trojan alumni; two was the deans; and three was a vision so compelling that a Bruin would give to it." Well it's the same thing – something that even the staunchest Oregon supporter would see at Oregon State and would be moved to invest in that. And it's not a donation, it's an investment.

CP: Well Jim, you mentioned earlier the preciousness of time and I really appreciate you giving us some of your time and your memories here, it's really valuable. Thank you very much.

JR: Oh, of course. Absolutely. I'm always happy to talk about Oregon State.

CP: Thank you.



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