Six life history interviews conducted by Mike Dicianna and Debora Landforce.
May 2013 - October 2015Location: Multiple locations including the Landforce residence in Corvallis; the Veterans Lounge of the OSU Memorial Union; OSU's Ballard Hall; and Winkle Lake, near Corvallis.
Andy Landforce (b. 1917) graduated from Oregon State College in 1942, serving as student body president his senior year. A World War II veteran, Landforce enjoyed a long career at Oregon State University, first as a County Extension Agent and later as a Wildlife Management Specialist. He also worked for an additional fifteen years in retirement as a professional fishing guide. Among many other topics, the Landforce oral history interviews focus on campus life at Oregon State College during the 1930s, the 1942 Rose Bowl game, his military service during World War II, and his post-war career at OSU.