Search Results for "IEEE STORE"
Search Results for Language: German [ger]
(17 Matches)
- Maps
- William H. Galvani Rare Maps Collection, circa 1570-1909 | MAPS Galvani
- Manuscripts and Personal Papers
- History of Atomic Energy Collection, 1872-2014 | MSS Atomic
- Jack Dunitz Papers, 1927-2009 | MSS Dunitz
- Abram Goldman-Armstrong Papers, 1980-2018 | MSS GoldmanArmstrong
- Robert Dale Hall Papers, 1900-1983 | MSS HallRobert
- Collection of Historical Newspaper Issues, 1723-1941 | MSS HistNewsIssues
- Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers, 1906-2011 | MSS Kordesch
- Clair V. Langton Papers, 1914-1973 | MSS Langton
- Bernard Malamud Papers, 1949-1992 | MSS Malamud
- Collection of Individual Manuscript Items, 1774-1945 | MSS ManuscriptItems
- Fritz Marti Papers, 1909-2009 | MSS Marti
- Olympia Brewing Company Library Collection, 1937-2007 | MSS OBCL
- James R. Sedell Papers, 1819-2011 | MSS Sedell
- Nursery and Seed Trade Catalogues Collection, 1832-1999 | MSS Seed
- Irwin Stone Papers, 1902-1984 | MSS Stone
- Early Written Word Collection, 2046 BCE - 1837 | MSS Word
- Zorn-Macpherson Bill Collection, 1926-1933 | MSS ZornMacpherson
17 results returned.