Search Results for "soviet propaganda"
Search Results for Language: English [eng]
(1404 Matches)
- Film and Video
- Alumni Association Motion Picture Films and Videotapes, 1942-2003 | FV 017
- Agricultural Experiment Station Motion Picture Films, circa 1955 | FV 029
- Intercollegiate Athletics Moving Images, 1936-2012 | FV 031
- College of Home Economics Motion Picture Films and Videotapes, 1950-1998 | FV 044
- Oregon State University Historical Motion Picture Films, 1921-1969 | FV 048
- Air Force ROTC Motion Picture Films, 1962 | FV 056
- News and Communication Services Motion Picture Films and Videotapes, 1942-2000 | FV 057
- Willamette River Pollution Film, circa 1940 | FV 059
- College of Forestry Moving Images, 1995-2009 | FV 061
- College of Engineering Moving Images, circa 1980 - 1996 | FV 069
- Libraries Moving Images, 1960-2012 | FV 083
- College of Science Videotapes, 1991-1997 | FV 084
- President's Office Motion Picture Film and Videotapes, 1961-1996 | FV 092
- Oregon State University Bands Motion Picture Films and Videotapes, 1968-1991 | FV 104
- Agricultural Engineering Department Motion Picture Films, 1947-1968 | FV 106
- Microbiology Department Motion Picture Films, 1969-1970 | FV 117
- Media Services Moving Images, 1957-2002 | FV 119
- Extension and Experiment Station Communications Moving Images, 1937-2007 | FV 120
- Experiment Station Communications Films, 1974-1984 | FV 132
- Crop and Soil Science Department Videotapes, 1999-2006 | FV 134
- 4-H Moving Images, 1939-2009 | FV 146
- University Archives Videotapes, 1991-1994 | FV 169
- KBVR-TV Moving Images and Sound Recordings, 1979-2013 | FV 170
- Oregon State University Foundation Moving Images, 1976-2007 | FV 178
- Student Affairs Moving Images, 1963-1992 | FV 182
- Oregon Sea Grant Communications Videotapes and DVDs, 1977-2011 | FV 185 - SG 1
- Farmers of the Sea Motion Picture Film Production, 1983-1984 | FV 185 - SG 2
- Oregon Sea Grant Communications Moving Images, 1973-1991 | FV 185 - SG 3
- College of Liberal Arts Videotapes, 1975-1996 | FV 186
- Industrial Arts Department Motion Picture Film, 1944 | FV 189
- College of Business Videotapes, 1983-2005 | FV 194
- Memorial Union Videotapes, 1977-1990 | FV 198
- College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Motion Picture Films and Videotapes, 1968-1998 | FV 203
- Chemistry Department Motion Picture Films, 1958-1959 | FV 205
- KOAC-TV Films, 1947-1975 | FV 207
- University Advancement Videotapes, 1983-2006 | FV 210
- Alderman Farms Films, 1943-2001 | FV 214
- Human Resources Videotapes, 1992 | FV 223
- Office of Admissions Videotapes, 1998 | FV 233
- "Oceanography: The Making of a Science" Videotapes, 2000 | FV 236
- Fisheries and Wildlife Department Films and Videotapes, 1934-2001 | FV 243
- Agricultural and Resource Economics Department Motion Picture Films and Videotapes, 1954-1994 | FV 245
- Finance and Administration Videotapes, 1997 | FV 247
- Hatfield Marine Science Center Videotapes, 1968-1998 | FV 254
- United States Forest Service Video Workshop Videotapes, 1988-1989 | FV 264
- Pass Creek Motion Picture Film Collection, 1968-1993 | FV 273
- Charles Osterberg Motion Picture Films, 1961-1965 | FV 284
- Gerald W. Williams Moving Image and Sound Recordings Collection, 1959-2007 | FV 320
- Rugby Films Collection, 1968-1977 | FV 328
- KEZI Sports Videotapes, 1980-2013 | FV 329
- Maps
- Camp Adair, Oregon, Maps and Aerial Photographs, 1942-1973 | MAPS Adair
- Bureau of Land Management Maps of Oregon, 1944-1993 | MAPS BLM
- Early Topographical Maps of the Oregon Coast, 1868-1915 | MAPS CoastTopo
- Corvallis and Benton County, Oregon, Maps, 1859-1991 | MAPS Corvallis
- General County Highway Maps, 1951-1963 | MAPS CountyHwy
- Crater Lake National Park Maps, 1903-1962 | MAPS CraterLake
- Oregon Drainage Basin Maps, 1957-1992 | MAPS Drainage
- Forest Type Maps of Oregon, circa. 1900-1995 | MAPS ForestType
- William H. Galvani Rare Maps Collection, circa 1570-1909 | MAPS Galvani
- Central and Eastern Oregon Township Plats, 1858-1939 | MAPS GLOPlats
- Highway Maps of Oregon Counties, 1965-1976 | MAPS Highway
- Lehi F. Hintze Geological Reconnaissance Maps of Oregon, 1936-1958 | MAPS Hintze
- Lincoln County, Oregon, Chronic Geologic Hazard Maps, 1994 | MAPS LincolnHazard
- McDonald Forest and Peavy Arboretum Maps, 1934-1993 | MAPS McDonaldForest
- Metsker's Atlases of Oregon Counties, 1929-1988 | MAPS Metsker
- Oregon Central Military Road Map, 1865 | MAPS MilitaryRoad
- Native American Maps Collection, 1875-1972 | MAPS Native
- Historic Oregon Nautical Charts, 1868-2009 | MAPS Nautical
- World War II Newsmaps, 1942-1946 | MAPS Newsmap
- Oregon Department of Forestry Maps, 1914-1985 | MAPS ODF
- Oregon State Highway Division Maps of Oregon Cities and Towns, 1969-1989 | MAPS ORCities
- State of Oregon Maps Collection, 1866-2000 | MAPS ORMaps
- Oregon State Highway Maps, 1918-1991 | MAPS ORStateHwy
- Historic Oregon Topographic Maps, 1898-1993 | MAPS ORTopos
- Oregon Transportation Maps, 1940-1944 | MAPS ORTransport
- Oregon State University Campus Maps, 1894-1994 | MAPS OSUCampus
- Oregon State Park Sites and Timber Reserves Maps, 1922-1928 | MAPS ParkSites
- Planimetric Maps of Oregon and Washington, 1947 | MAPS Planimetric
- Maps of Washington (State) and the Pacific Northwest, 1863-1994 | MAPS PNW
- Rangeland Resources Department Maps, 1936-1967 | MAPS Rangeland
- Plans and Profiles of Oregon Rivers, 1923-1971 | MAPS RiverPlans
- Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Oregon, 1879-1956 | MAPS Sanborn
- Satellite Images and Aerial Photographs of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, 1972-1982 | MAPS Satellite
- Street Surface Maps of Oregon Cities and Towns, 1939-1942 | MAPS Streets
- Tideland Ownership Maps of the Oregon Coast, 1972-1973 | MAPS Tidelands
- Oregon Timber Tax Maps, 1950-1996 | MAPS TimberTax
- Willamette Valley Township Survey Plats, 1851-1898 | MAPS Township
- Tsunami Hazard Maps of the Oregon Coast, 1995-1997 | MAPS Tsunami
- National Forests in Oregon Maps, 1910-1989 | MAPS USFS
- Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States Nautical Charts, 1853-1864 | MAPS WestCoast
- Wetlands Inventory and Survey Maps, circa 1976 - 1990 | MAPS Wetlands
- Willamette Valley Sketch Map, 1851 | MAPS WVSketch
- Donald B. Zobel Collection of Historic Forestry and Vegetation Maps, 1914-1989 | MAPS ZobelMaps
- Manuscripts and Personal Papers
- Oregon State University Collegiate 4-H Club Records, 1929-1985 | MSS 4HClub
- American Association of University Professors (AAUP)-OSU Chapter Records, 1928-1997 | MSS AAUP
- Gail Achterman Papers, 1975-2012 | MSS Achterman
- Activities of Women Scrapbook, 1909-1930 | MSS ActivitiesWomen
- Doris P. Adamson Scrapbook, 1939-1942 | MSS Adamson
- Obo Addy Legacy Project Collection, 1970-2018 | MSS Addy
- IRCO Asian Family Center Records, 1981-2014 | MSS AFC
- American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter Records, 1963-2014 | MSS AFS
- After 8 Records, 1984-2002 | MSS After8
- Agricultural Research Foundation Records, 1936-2007 | MSS AgResFound
- Frances Alva Aitken Collection, 1908-1970 | MSS Aitken
- Association of Latin American Students Records, 1994-1999 | MSS ALAS
- Edward C. Allworth Papers, 1954-1963 | MSS Allworth
- Alpha Chi Omega Chi Chapter Minutes, 1918 | MSS AlphaChiOmega
- Alpha Epsilon Oregon Upsilon Chapter Records, 1975-1995 | MSS AlphaEpsilon
- Alpha Lambda Delta - Oregon State University Chapter Records, 1933-1999 | MSS AlphaLambdaDelta
- Alpha Phi Omega - OSU Chapter Records, 1945-1984 | MSS AlphaPhiOmega
- Alpha Zeta Oregon State Chapter Records, 1918-1983 | MSS AlphaZeta
- Edna P. Amidon Papers, 1924-1979 | MSS Amidon
- Arthur W. Anderson Papers, 1949-2000 | MSS AndersonA
- Norman H. Anderson Papers, 1955-2000 | MSS AndersonN
- Roberta Frasier Anderson Papers, 1959-1974 | MSS AndersonR
- Carol Andrews Papers, 1991-2012 | MSS Andrews
- Association of Office Professionals Records, 1961-2008 | MSS AOP
- Ed Ferguson Oregon Anti-Apartheid Scrapbook, 1980-2012 | MSS Apartheid
- Apiary (Or.) Rural Telephone Cooperative Records, 1922-1962 | MSS Apiary
- Jesse A. Applegate Collection, 1861-1934 | MSS Applegate
- Neil Armantrout Papers, 1960-2001 | MSS Armantrout
- Mary Louise Armstrong Collection, 1936-1954 | MSS Armstrong
- Benjamin L. Arnold Collection, 1874-1892 | MSS Arnold
- George H. Arscott Papers, 1950-1997 | MSS Arscott
- American Society of Agricultural Engineers Oregon Student Branch Records, 1955-1989 | MSS ASAE
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers Oregon State College Student Branch Records, 1909-1930 | MSS ASME
- Associated Men's Halls Scrapbook, 1934-1940 | MSS AssocMensHalls
- George H. Atherton Papers, 1937-1979 | MSS Atherton
- History of Atomic Energy Collection, 1872-2014 | MSS Atomic
- Winfred M. Atwood Scrapbook, 1893-1907 | MSS Atwood
- Audiovisual Education Scrapbook, 1930-1939 | MSS Audiovisual
- Thomas John Autzen Notebooks, 1905-1907 | MSS Autzen
- Avery Lodge Records, 1966-2014 | MSS Avery
- Associated Women Students Scrapbook, 1966-1967 | MSS AWS
- Azalea House Records, 1953-2014 | MSS Azalea
- George J. and Florence Badura Collection, 1921-1947 | MSS Badura
- James R. Baggett Papers, 1948-2000 | MSS Baggett
- George S. Bailey Papers, 1969-2007 | MSS Bailey
- Otto Ballhorn Chemistry Laboratory Notebook, 1911-1912 | MSS Ballhorn
- Banks Dairy Products Company Records, 1922-1944 | MSS BanksDairy
- Barley's Angels Records, 2010-2021 | MSS BarleysAngels
- Story of the Oregon State College Barometer Manuscript, circa 1947-1948 | MSS Barometer
- Frank H. Bartholomew Collection, 1983-1985 | MSS Bartholomew
- Kate W. Belden Collection, 1925-1930 | MSS Belden
- Benton County Bicentennial Commission Records, 1973-1977 | MSS BentonCoBicent
- Benton County Courthouse Scrapbook, 1968 | MSS BentonCoCourthouse
- Benton County Foundation Records, 1947-2004 | MSS BentonCoFoundation
- Helen M. and Alan B. Berg Papers, 1914-2007 | MSS Berg
- Paul E. Bernier Papers, 1930-1992 | MSS Bernier
- Ralph Berry Papers, 1952-2001 | MSS Berry
- Ralph S. Besse Thesis, 1913 | MSS Besse
- Frederick V. Betts Scrapbook, 1926-1964 | MSS Betts
- Irwin Betzel Papers, 1911-1920 | MSS Betzel
- Brewing and Fermentation Research Collection, 1891-2016 | MSS BFRC
- Margaret Alden Biddle Scrapbook, 1910-1917 | MSS Biddle
- James F. Bishop Papers, 1940-1956 | MSS Bishop
- Eva Blackwell and William A. Frater Family Collection, ca. 1874-1955 | MSS BlackwellFrater
- James A. Blodgett Photographs and Ephemera, 1937-1938 | MSS Blodgett
- John McKnight Bloss Collection, 1870-1968 | MSS Bloss
- Bluebird Habitat Research Records, 1975-2004 | MSS Bluebird
- Blue Key Fraternity Records, 1934-2003 | MSS BlueKey
- Chuck Boice Papers, 1912-2010 | MSS Boice
- Thurza Boies Papers, 1913-1987 | MSS Boies
- Floyd E. Bolton Papers, 1959-1981 | MSS Bolton
- Marion F. Bolton Papers, 1950-1984 | MSS BoltonM
- Carl E. Bond Papers, 1944-2000 | MSS Bond
- Dean E. Booster Papers, 1966-1983 | MSS Booster
- Marcus J. Borg Papers, 1969-2000 | MSS Borg
- Benjamin D. Boswell Military Records, 1867-1887 | MSS Boswell
- Arthur G.B. Bouquet Collection, circa 1880-1993 | MSS Bouquet
- Fred Bowman Papers, 1983-2010 | MSS Bowman
- Boy Scouts of America Troop 1 (Corvallis, Or.) Records, 1919-1996 | MSS BoyScouts
- Philip M. Brandt Papers, 1931-1957 | MSS Brandt
- F. Ross Brown Papers, 1890-1963 | MSS BrownFRoss
- Lawrence L. Brown Collection, 1948-2002 | MSS BrownLL
- Jesse F. Brumbaugh Papers, circa 1875 - 1958 | MSS Brumbaugh
- William C. Bryant Collection, 1902-1905 | MSS Bryant
- Clarence L. Bump Papers, 1922-1928 | MSS BumpC
- Jessie E. Bump Papers, 1920-1924 | MSS BumpJ
- Victor L. Bump Papers, 1920 | MSS BumpV
- Lawrence A. Burt Papers, 1974-2009 | MSS Burt
- John C. Burtner Papers, 1926-1950 | MSS Burtner
- Ivy G. Burton Collection, 1899-1951 | MSS Burton
- Joseph S. Butts Papers, 1931-1971 | MSS Butts
- John V. Byrne Papers, 2014 | MSS Byrne
- Corvallis-Albany Farmers' Markets Records, 1991-2012 | MSS CAFM
- Brooks and Melba Labbe Caldwell Collection, 1851-1985 | MSS Caldwell
- James W. Callaway Papers, 1917-1969 | MSS Callaway
- Ewan Cameron Papers, 1959-1994 | MSS Cameron
- Homer Campbell Papers, 1938-2002 | MSS Campbell
- Noreen and Harriett Watts Camp Fire Girls Collection, 1917-1985 | MSS CampFireGirls
- Campus Club Alumni Collection, 1962-2009 | MSS CampusClub
- USDA Northwest Cannery Survey Collection, 1914-1915 | MSS Cannery
- William H. Carlson Papers, 1924-1981 | MSS Carlson
- Ted Carlson Collection, 1950-1975 | MSS CarlsonT
- Leslie Carraway and B. J. Verts Papers, 1954-2011 | MSS CarrawayVerts
- Haskell C. and Sarah E. Carter Memoir, 1982 | MSS Carter
- Emery N. Castle Papers, 1948-2003 | MSS Castle
- Gerald W. Williams Collection on the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-2012 | MSS CCC
- Century Club Records, 1962-2005 | MSS CenturyClub
- Colleges for Oregon's Future Collection, 1959-1977 | MSS CFOF
- Hope Chamberlin Newspaper Columns, 1936-1938 | MSS Chamberlin
- Othniel R. Chambers Papers, 1922-1951 | MSS Chambers
- Te May Ching Papers, 1947-1988 | MSS Ching
- Virgil L. Choate Collection, 1953-1957 | MSS Choate
- U.S. Civil War Collection, 1862-1898 | MSS CivilWar
- Clackamas County Jersey Cattle Club Scrapbook, 1944-1947 | MSS ClackamasCattle
- Ava Milam Clark Papers, 1856-1972 | MSS ClarkAvaM
- J. C. Clark Papers, 1893-1967 | MSS ClarkJC
- Richard L. Clinton Papers, 1970-2003 | MSS Clinton
- Ella Mae Cloake Diary, 1941-1944 | MSS Cloake
- Coed Cottage Records, 1956-1984 | MSS Coed
- Colegio César Chávez Collection, 1965-1982 | MSS Colegio
- Ralph O. Coleman Papers, 1910-1991 | MSS Coleman
- Columbia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Collection, 1866-1893 | MSS Columbia
- Joe Cone Papers, 1952-1994 | MSS Cone
- Denny Conn Papers, 1998-2017 | MSS Conn
- Benjamin F. Cook Letters, 1860-1865 | MSS CookBF
- Cooke Family Letters, 1867-1956 | MSS CookeFamily
- Thomas W. Cook Papers, 1970-2009 | MSS CookTW
- Don Coons Collection, 1932-1983 | MSS Coons
- Peter Copek Papers, 1966-2001 | MSS Copek
- Corvallis-OSU Piano International Records, 2008-2014 | MSS COPI
- Stanley E. Corder Papers, 1942-1978 | MSS Corder
- A.B. Cordley Entomological and Horticultural Scrapbook, 1896-1899 | MSS Cordley
- Charles W. Cormack Papers, 1954-1990 | MSS Cormack
- Dick Corrick Football Scrapbook and Programs, 1954-1957 | MSS Corrick
- Corvallis College Articles of Incorporation, 1868-1884 | MSS CorvallisCollegeArticles
- Corvallis College Benefit Broadside, 1859 | MSS CorvallisCollegeBenefit
- Corvallis Fire Department Young America Engine Company No. 1 Records, 1872-1880 | MSS CorvallisFire
- Corvallis Lesbian Avengers Collection, 1990-2000 | MSS CorvallisLesbianAvengers
- Corvallis-Oregon State University Music Association Records, 1932-2005 | MSS CorvallisMusicAssoc
- Co-Signers Engineer Students' Wives' Club Collection, 1958-1978 | MSS Cosigners
- E. Wayne Courtney Papers, 1952-2013 | MSS Courtney
- Grant Adelbert Covell Papers, 1883-1904 | MSS Covell
- COVID-19 at Oregon State University Collection, 2020-2023 | MSS COVID
- Helen Cowgill Papers, 1914-1956 | MSS Cowgill
- Jeannette I. Cox Collection, circa 1915-1986 | MSS Cox
- Corvallis Queer Film Festival Collection, 2009-2019 | MSS CQFF
- Bill Crocker Papers, 1970-1975 | MSS Crocker
- George L. Crookham Papers, 1927-2007 | MSS Crookham
- Robert Crookham and Marjorie Enos Scrapbook, 1937-1943 | MSS CrookhamEnos
- Crop Science Club Records, 1965-1991 | MSS CropClub
- Melvin Cutler Papers, 1947-2003 | MSS Cutler
- Amy Cyrus Sewing Book and Photographs, 1907-1926 | MSS Cyrus
- Oregon State University Dads Club Records, 1933-2003 | MSS DadsClub
- A Dairy Program for Oregon Scrapbook, 1929 | MSS Dairy
- Robert Daly Beer Publication Collection, 1978-2004 | MSS Daly
- Oregon State University Dames Club Records, 1927-1973 | MSS Dames
- Richard Dankleff Sound Recording, 2010 | MSS Dankleff
- Cathy Dark Papers, 1952-2019 | MSS Dark
- Tracy Daugherty Papers, 1933-2018 | MSS Daugherty
- Everett H. Davis Collection, 1925-1991 | MSS DavisEH
- Merton and Eleanor Davis History of the Davis and Hall Families, 1983 | MSS DavisHall
- William Harling Davolt Scrapbook and Photographs, 1904-1908 | MSS Davolt
- OSU Here to Stay Club and Dreaming Beyond Borders Resource Center Records, 2017-2024 | MSS DBBRC
- Phil Decker Oregon Crop Festival Photographs Collection, 2010-2016 | MSS Decker
- Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Beta Chapter Records, 1943-1996 | MSS DeltaKappa
- Delta Zeta Sorority Chi Chapter Scrapbook, 1944 | MSS DeltaZeta
- Young Democratic Club of Benton County Collection, 1936-1937 | MSS DemocraticClub
- Deschutes Brewery Collection, 1986-2007 | MSS DeschutesBrewery
- Roland Eugene Dimick Papers, 1901-1978 | MSS Dimick
- Dimick Family Collection, 1886-1945 | MSS DimickFamily
- Dona Dinsdale Papers, 1943-2013 | MSS Dinsdale
- Ellen and Carolyn Dishman Papers, 1998-2014 | MSS Dishman
- Dixon Lodge Records, 1963-2013 | MSS Dixon
- Dolph, Nixon, and Dolph Letterbooks, 1894-1899 | MSS Dolph
- Howard D. Dorman Journal for the Northrup Creek Range Experiment, 1937-1938 | MSS Dorman
- Ernst J. Dornfeld Papers, 1931-1989 | MSS Dornfeld
- A. Isabella Downs Scrapbook, 1910-1916 | MSS Downs
- Drama, Debate, and Oration Clippings Scrapbooks, 1920-1963 | MSS Drama
- Karl F. Drlica Papers, 1909-2018 | MSS Drlica
- Elvin A. Duerst Papers, 1929-1999 | MSS Duerst
- Jack Dunitz Papers, 1927-2009 | MSS Dunitz
- Pete Dunlop Papers, 1852-2020 | MSS Dunlop
- Paul M. Dunn Papers, 1916-1988 | MSS Dunn
- Fred Eckhardt Papers, 1879-2013 | MSS Eckhardt
- Edward and Donna Caldwell Collection, 1951-2012 | MSS EDCaldwell
- George Edmonston, Jr. Collection, 1907-2011 | MSS Edmonston
- Alice L. Edwards Papers, 1895-1962 | MSS EdwardsAlice
- Floyd and Lilly Nordgren Edwards Collection, 1923-1932 | MSS EdwardsFloyd
- Jason S. Elder U.S. Forest Service Diary, 1908-1909 | MSS Elder
- Paul R. Elliker Papers, 1934-1973 | MSS Elliker
- Merlin S. Eltzroth Papers, 1971-2005 | MSS Eltzroth
- Joseph Emery Lecture Notebook, circa 1872 | MSS Emery
- Paul Emmett Papers, 1918-2001 | MSS Emmett
- David C. England Papers, 1954-1990 | MSS England
- Epsilon Pi Tau Records, 1931-1967 | MSS EpsilonPiTau
- Leif D. Espenas Papers, 1938-1970 | MSS Espenas
- Eta Sigma Gamma Alpha Tau Chapter Records, 1974-2001 | MSS EtaSigma
- Gwil Evans Papers, 1960-1980 | MSS Evans
- Harold J. Evans Papers, 1947-1992 | MSS EvansHJ
- Donald Everhart Field Notebooks, 1949-1986 | MSS Everhart
- Faculty Men's Club Records, 1930-1981 | MSS FacultyMens
- John Leo Fairbanks Collection, circa 1850 - 1930 | MSS Fairbanks
- Avard T. Fairbanks Collection, 1911-1981 | MSS FairbanksA
- Paul Lawrence Farber Papers, 1910-2016 | MSS Farber
- Fashion Organization Records, 1978-2012 | MSS FashionOrg
- Nathan Fasten Collection, 1930 | MSS Fasten
- John Faudskar Papers, 1942-1985 | MSS Faudskar
- Roger Fendall Papers, 1953-1981 | MSS Fendall
- Iona Irving Ferguson Collection, 1893-1950 | MSS Ferguson
- Oregon State University Collegiate FFA Chapter Records, 1949-2013 | MSS FFA
- Marian Field Collection, 1933-1982 | MSS Field
- Alton H. Finch Papers, 1975 | MSS Finch
- Fine Press Ephemera Collection, 1924-1972 | MSS FinePress
- William L. Finley Papers, 1899-1955 | MSS Finley
- William A. Finley Scrapbook, 1861-1898 | MSS FinleyWA
- Alice Fisher Community Drama Class Scrapbook, 1931 | MSS FisherA
- Oregon State University Folk Club Records, 1908-2014 | MSS FolkClub
- Bernice Forest Diary, 1916-1917 | MSS Forest
- Forest Fire Ephemera Collection, 1944-1948 | MSS ForestFire
- Norman C. Franklin Collection, 1932-1973 | MSS FranklinN
- William A. Frazier Papers, 1918-1996 | MSS FrazierW
- Harry Freund Collection, 1939-1962 | MSS Freund
- Anne Frewerd Scrapbook, 1945 | MSS Frewerd
- Friendship Internationale Scrapbook, 1964-1977 | MSS FriendsInt
- Friends of Horner Museum Records, 1989-1999 | MSS FriendsofHorner
- W. Dean Frischknecht Papers, 1938-2009 | MSS Frischknecht
- Wanda F. Hardin Fruits Memoir, 2007 | MSS Fruits
- John L. Fryer Papers, 1953-2001 | MSS Fryer
- John H. Gallagher, Sr., Collection, 1932-1973 | MSS Gallagher
- Vera Garrison Collection, 1935-1939 | MSS Garrison
- Jay S. Gashwiler Papers, 1939-1961 | MSS Gashwiler
- Max Geier The Color of Night Research Files, circa 1900s-2016 | MSS Geier
- Viola Gentle Papers, 1954-1959 | MSS Gentle
- Louis G. Gentner Papers, 1829-1980 | MSS Gentner
- Vane G. Gibson Collection, 1908-1961 | MSS Gibson
- F. A. Gilfillan Papers, 1894-1984 | MSS Gilfillan
- Beulah Gilkey Collection, 1905-1960 | MSS GilkeyB
- Helen M. Gilkey Papers, 1910-1974 | MSS GilkeyH
- Carl Gilmore Papers, 1926-1999 | MSS Gilmore
- W.J. Gilstrap Papers, 1897-1950 | MSS Gilstrap
- Gordon Glass Collection, 1940-1990 | MSS Glass
- Douglas W. Glennie Papers, 1919-1966 | MSS Glennie
- Abram Goldman-Armstrong Papers, 1980-2018 | MSS GoldmanArmstrong
- Erlinda Gonzales-Berry Papers, 1943-2010 | MSS Gonzales-Berry
- Kenneth L. Gordon Collection, 1920-1980 | MSS Gordon
- Florence Gradon Scrapbook, 1920-1926 | MSS Gradon
- Samuel H. Graf Collection, 1903-1964 | MSS Graf
- Crawford Henderson "Scram" Graham Collection, 1953-1996 | MSS GrahamC
- Robert D. Graham Papers, 1903-1973 | MSS GrahamRD
- Grace Gramms Scrapbook, 1937-1941 | MSS Gramms
- John W. Green Papers, 1919-1973 | MSS Green
- Julie Green Papers, 1983-2021 | MSS GreenJ
- Agnes Gregson Collection, circa 1870 - 1971 | MSS Gregson
- George P. Griffis Portfolio and Scrapbook, 1926-1979 | MSS Griffis
- J.R. Haag Papers, 1927-1964 | MSS Haag
- Roy Haber Hanford Nuclear Reservation Downwinders Case Collection, 1942-1997 | MSS Haber
- Barton C. Hacker Papers, 1955-1995 | MSS HackerB
- Thomas Hager Papers, 1898-2010 | MSS Hager
- Frank E. Hall Collection, 1886-1909 | MSS Hall
- Bonnie B. Hall Botanical Prints, 1989-2003 | MSS HallB
- Robert Dale Hall Papers, 1900-1983 | MSS HallRobert
- Paul W. Handy Papers, 1968-1996 | MSS Handy
- Hugh J. Hansen Papers, 1975-1989 | MSS HansenHJ
- Henry Paul Hansen Papers, 1907-1989 | MSS HansenHP
- N. John Hansen Scrapbook, 1937-2007 | MSS HansenNJohn
- Hanson Leghorn Farm Records, 1917-1967 | MSS HansonLeghorn
- Harding School Collection, 1923-2002 | MSS HardingSchool
- John R. Hardison Papers, 1969-1981 | MSS Hardison
- Froduald Harelimana Collection, 1994-1997 | MSS Harelimana
- James A. Harper Papers, 1930-1992 | MSS HarperJ
- Milton Harris Papers, 1925-1996 | MSS Harris
- Celeste Liston Harris Scrapbooks on Ben Hur Lampman, 1926-1951 | MSS HarrisC
- Robert Dalton Harris, Jr. Collection of Atomic Age Ephemera, 1897-2017 | MSS HarrisRD
- Betty E. Hawthorne Collection, 1951-1987 | MSS Hawthorne
- Roger Hayward Papers, 1899-2007 | MSS Hayward
- Charlotte Headrick Papers, 1977-2012 | MSS Headrick
- Kenneth W. Hedberg Papers, 1966-1986 | MSS Hedberg
- Robert W. Henderson Papers, 1933-2005 | MSS Henderson
- Jerry D. Hendricks Papers, 1965-2008 | MSS Hendricks
- Elizabeth Henley Papers, 1918-2000 | MSS Henley
- William F. Herrin Papers, 1872-1910 | MSS Herrin
- Bertha Herse Collection, 1905-1960 | MSS Herse
- Charter Heslep Papers, 1932-1963 | MSS Heslep
- Ray S. Hewitt Collection, 1956-1995 | MSS Hewitt
- Hop Growers of America Records, 1956-2011 | MSS HGA
- Donald David Hill Collection, 1927-1990 | MSS HillD
- Melvin C. Hironaka Notebooks, 1956-2002 | MSS Hironaka
- Collection of Historical Newspaper Issues, 1723-1941 | MSS HistNewsIssues
- Hmong at OSU Records, 2001-2018 | MSS HmongOSU
- Edgar P. Hoener Papers, 1946-1983 | MSS Hoener
- Godfrey R. Hoerner Papers, 1895-1959 | MSS Hoerner
- Ronald V. and John G. Hogg Papers, 1918-1922 | MSS Hogg
- Betty Hole Collection, 1925-1980 | MSS Hole
- Jacquelin F. Holland Papers, 1945-1951 | MSS Holland
- Oregon State University Home Economics Alumni Association Records, 1972-1996 | MSS HomeEcAlumni
- Home Economics Club Records, 1937-1974 | MSS HomeEcClub
- John B. Horner Papers, 1885-1933 | MSS Horner
- Heart of the Valley Homebrewers Records, 1982-2004 | MSS HOTV
- Hattie Hanna and George B. Hovenden Collection, 1880-1932 | MSS Hovenden
- Francis T. Howard Diary, 1858-1946 | MSS Howard
- James C. Howland Papers, 1860-2008 | MSS Howland
- E. Roxie Howlett Collection, circa 1948-2005 | MSS Howlett
- Hop Research Council Records, 1943-2009 | MSS HRC
- Gustaf Wilhelm Hult Papers, 1953-1954 | MSS Hult
- Albert S. Hunter Collection, 1899-1961 | MSS Hunter
- Floyd J. ("Peck") Huntley Collection, 1907-1959 | MSS Huntley
- R.H. Huston Hardware Store Journals, 1910-1919 | MSS Huston
- Josephine Hutchens Collection, 1938-1941 | MSS Hutchens
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oregon State University Student Chapter Records, 1913-1985 | MSS IEEE
- Inspiration Dissemination (Student Radio Show) Sound Recordings, 2012-2024 | MSS Inspiration
- Irish American Newspaper Clippings Scrapbook, 1830-1874 | MSS IrishAmerican
- Ruby Stafrin Irwin Scrapbook, 1923-1927 | MSS Irwin
- Edwin Russell Jackman Papers, 1917-1970 | MSS Jackman
- Royal G. Jackson Papers, circa 1905 - 1992 | MSS JacksonR
- Annabelle E. Jaramillo Papers, 1967-2012 | MSS Jaramillo
- Donald G. Jefferys Collection, 1931-1969 | MSS Jefferys
- Merle T. Jenkins Papers, 1913-1974 | MSS Jenkins
- J. Granville Jensen Papers, 1925-1991 | MSS Jensen
- A. Grace Johnson Collection, 1918-1933 | MSS JohnsonA
- Harold W. and Charles H. Johnson Collection, 1923-1982 | MSS JohnsonHC
- James W. Johnson Papers, 1958-1978 | MSS JohnsonJW
- Leone S. Johnson Papers, 1911-1964 | MSS JohnsonL
- C.D. Johnson Lumber Company Toledo Mill Collection, 1920-1995 | MSS JohnsonMill
- Lory Johnston Collection, 1946-1950 | MSS Johnston
- Gary Jolliff Papers, 1962-2004 | MSS Jolliff
- Alice Jones Collection, circa 1904 - 1910 | MSS JonesA
- Mary Jones Sewing Sample Book, 1895-1896 | MSS JonesM
- Wallace L. Kadderly Papers, 1931-1963 | MSS Kadderly
- OSU Kalmekak Community Outreach Program Records, 1994-2018 | MSS Kalmekak
- Kappa Delta Sorority Alpha Kappa Chapter Records, 1926-1980 | MSS Kappadelt
- Kappa Sigma Nu Fraternity Records, 1910-1955 | MSS KappaSigmaNu
- Barney Keep Papers, 1918-2000 | MSS Keep
- Keep Oregon Green Association Records, 1945-1957 | MSS KeepOrGreen
- Ruth H. Kennedy Scrapbook, 1915-1965 | MSS Kennedy
- Kathleen A. Kerr Papers, 1935-1990 | MSS Kerr
- Jackson F. Kimball Collection, 1910-1945 | MSS Kimball
- Arthur S. King Papers, 1931-1972 | MSS King
- David B. King Papers, 1982-1994 | MSS KingD
- Judy Kitzman Papers, 1972-2015 | MSS Kitzman
- Klamath County Timber Cruising Records, 1952-1955 | MSS Klamath
- Ardis W. Koester Papers, 1962-1996 | MSS Koester
- Orville Kofoid Journals, 1942-1950 | MSS Kofoid
- Florence L. Kohlhagen Notebook, 1923 | MSS Kohlhagen
- Edward Kolbe Research Notebook, 1970-1978 | MSS Kolbe
- Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers, 1906-2011 | MSS Kordesch
- W. Arthur Koski Papers, 1946-1983 | MSS Koski
- Thomas Kraemer Papers, 1908-2018 | MSS Kraemer
- Leo George and Ruth Ann Kramer Papers, 1951-1982 | MSS Kramer
- Warren E. Kronstad Papers, 1954-2002 | MSS Kronstad
- Kupono Cooperative House Scrapbook, 1939-1943 | MSS Kupono
- Harry B. Lagerstedt Papers, 1937-1981 | MSS Lagerstedt
- Rubin H. Landau Papers, 1966-2008 | MSS Landau
- Rebecca Landis Papers, 1995-2003 | MSS LandisR
- Merton Lane Papers, 1893-1973 | MSS Lane
- Clair V. Langton Papers, 1914-1973 | MSS Langton
- Elmer G. Larson Papers, 1925-1985 | MSS Larson
- John D. Lattin Papers, 1941-2004 | MSS Lattin
- Denis P. Lavender Papers, 1935-2008 | MSS Lavender
- The Lavender Network Newsmagazine, 1986-1992 | MSS LavenderNetwork
- William Evans Lawrence Papers, 1893-1945 | MSS Lawrence
- Beverly J. Leach Papers, 1918-1949 | MSS Leach
- Lester M. Leland Papers, 1894-1938 | MSS Leland
- E. B. Lemon Papers, ca. 1910-1979 | MSS LemonEB
- Lora Lemon Scrapbook, 1896-1961 | MSS LemonLora
- Helen Lepper Diary, 1928-1931 | MSS Lepper
- Lucy Lewis Scrapbook, 1914-1915 | MSS Lewis
- Leander N. Liggett Papers, 1869-1873 | MSS Liggett
- J. Frank Ligon Papers, 1965-1979 | MSS Ligon
- Living Groups Index, circa 1960 - 1976 | MSS LivingGrps
- Les Lloyd Papers, 1942-1951 | MSS Lloyd
- Edith Whitelock Lowe Collection, 1920-1989 | MSS Lowe
- Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine Records, 1901-2010 | MSS LPISM
- William M. Lunch Papers, 1987-2007 | MSS Lunch
- Edmund R. Lyman Diary, 1889-1891 | MSS Lyman
- William H. Maas Scrapbook, 1911-1943 | MSS Maas
- Macpherson Family History, 2010 | MSS Macpherson
- Robert W. MacVicar Papers, 1942-1995 | MSS MacVicar
- Victor A. Madsen Papers, 1964-1998 | MSS Madsen
- Leonard M. Maki Nuclear Power Collection, 1958 - circa 1990s | MSS Maki
- Bernard Malamud Papers, 1949-1992 | MSS Malamud
- Malheur County 4-H Leaders' Council Records, 1935-1966 | MSS Malheur
- Harold L. Manley Collection, 1911-1949 | MSS Manley
- Collection of Individual Manuscript Items, 1774-1945 | MSS ManuscriptItems
- Maple Manor Cooperative House Records, 1940-1995 | MSS MapleManor
- Bruce G. Marcot Spotted Owl Collection, 1951-1997 | MSS Marcot
- David A. Marcus Letters, 1972-1985 | MSS Marcus
- Homer Maris Collection, 1918-1946 | MSS Maris
- Fritz Marti Papers, 1909-2009 | MSS Marti
- Charles H. Martin Papers, 1939-1942 | MSS MartinC
- A. Freeman Mason Scrapbook, 1910-1922 | MSS Mason
- Jean Mater Papers, 1947-2007 | MSS Mater
- Mater Engineering Tribal Consultation Files, 1920-1995 | MSS MaterEngineering
- Christopher Mathews Papers, 1962-2010 | MSS Mathews
- William Budd Matlock Papers, 1934-2003 | MSS Matlock
- Oliver Matthews Collection, 1905-2013 | MSS Matthews
- Leroy G. Mattley Papers, 1898-1903 | MSS Mattley
- Oregon State University Masters of Business Administration Association Records, 2005 | MSS MBAA
- Master Brewers Association of the Americas District Northwest Records, 1935-2017 | MSS MBAANW
- Oregon State University Memorabilia Collection, ca. 1860-present | MSS MC
- Ulysses Grant McAlexander Collection, 1883-1964 | MSS McAlexander
- Harvey L. McAlister Collection, 1805-1950 | MSS McAlister
- W.F. McCulloch Collection, 1926-1968 | MSS McCulloch
- Robert E. McDole Papers, 1949-1998 | MSS McDole
- Doryce J. McDonald Papers, 1992-1995 | MSS McDonaldD
- Don E. McIlvenna Papers, 1970-1978 | MSS McIlvenna
- James McIver Papers, 1980-1984 | MSS McIver
- Douglas and Mabel McKay Papers, 1901-2014 | MSS McKay
- McMenamins Brewery Collection, 1983-2015 | MSS McMenamins
- William J. McNeil Papers, 1978-2002 | MSS McNeil
- Frank P. McWhorter Papers, 1942-1961 | MSS McWhorter
- Esther Mears Collection, 1917-1931 | MSS Mears
- Sigurd D. Medhus Papers, 1947-1949 | MSS Medhus
- Margaret Meehan Papers, 1961-1987 | MSS Meehan
- John T. and Virginia E. Merrifield Collection, 1916-2008 | MSS Merrifield
- Fred Merryfield Papers, 1916-1978 | MSS Merryfield
- Ted Mesang Collection, 1925-1968 | MSS Mesang
- Oregon Agricultural College Voluntary Observers' Meteorological Records, 1889-1940 | MSS Meteorology
- Mike Club Scrapbook and Sound Recordings, 1947-1964 | MSS Mike
- Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Records, 1966-2014 | MSS Milagro
- Mildred and Frank Miles Scrapbook of the Santo Tomás Internment Camp, 1942-1947 | MSS Miles
- Leslie Miller Scrapbook, circa 1916-1948 | MSS Miller
- W.E. Milne Collection, 1905-1981 | MSS Milne
- Fred Milton Papers, 1969-2000 | MSS Milton
- J. Ronald Miner Papers, 1953-2004 | MSS Miner
- Kenneth C. Minnick Papers, 1945-2000 | MSS Minnick
- C.B. Mitchell University Theater Scrapbooks, 1920-1952 | MSS Mitchell
- Buena Maris Mockmore Papers, 1916-2010 | MSS Mockmore
- Ellen J. Moore Papers, 1909-2003 | MSS MooreE
- George W. Moore Papers, 1952-2001 | MSS MooreGW
- James A. Moore Papers, 1966-2000 | MSS MooreJA
- Richard Y. Morita Papers, 1949-2005 | MSS Morita
- Jimmie Morris Papers, 1920-2008 | MSS MorrisJ
- Hugh E. Morrison Papers, 1937-1964 | MSS Morrison
- Mortar Board Scrapbooks, 1938-1982 | MSS MortarBoard
- Dale Moss Papers, 1958-1994 | MSS Moss
- Jean Moule Papers, 1975-2011 | MSS Moule
- Oregon State University Mountain Club Records, 1947-1975 | MSS MountainClub
- Art Larrance Papers, 1876-2000 | MSS MSSLarrance
- Multnomah County Extension Home Economics Units Collection, 1930-1985 | MSS MultnomahHomeEc
- D. Curtis Mumford Papers, 1903-1990 | MSS Mumford
- J. Kenneth Munford Collection, 1866-2000 | MSS Munford
- Daniel P. and Doris Dow Murphy Papers, 1937-1966 | MSS Murphy
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Corvallis Branch Records, 1971-1974 | MSS NAACPCorvallis
- Harry S. Nakaue Papers, 1975-1997 | MSS Nakaue
- Nash Family Music Collection, 1890-1950 | MSS Nash
- Percival Nash Collection, 1870-1929 | MSS NashP
- Alfie Nelson Laboratory Notebook, 1921-1922 | MSS NelsonA
- C. William Nelson Papers, 1958-1990 | MSS NelsonCW
- Harry I. Nettleton Records, 1959-1960 | MSS Nettleton
- Richard L. and Maurine B. Neuberger Papers, 1958-1965 | MSS Neuberger
- Robert W. Newburgh Papers, 1958-1976 | MSS Newburgh
- Ben A. Newell Papers, 1943-2006 | MSS Newell
- Newman Foundation of Oregon State University Records, 1962-2008 | MSS Newman
- Ernest Newsted Papers, 1948-1974 | MSS Newsted
- Nuclear Free America Records, 1945-2003 | MSS NFA
- David B. Nicodemus Papers, 1945-1989 | MSS Nicodemus
- Roger L. Nielsen Papers, 1977-2010 | MSS Nielsen
- Ninkasi Brewing Company Collection, 1999-2015 | MSS Ninkasi
- Marie Norris Collection, 1974-2004 | MSS Norris
- Mary Jo Nye Papers, 1986-1997 | MSS Nye
- Olympia Brewing Company Library Collection, 1937-2007 | MSS OBCL
- Fred W. Obermiller Papers, 1964-2004 | MSS Obermiller
- Oregon Brewers Guild Records, 1988-2015 | MSS OBG
- Oregon Broiler Growers Association Records, 1956-1991 | MSS OBGA
- Oregon Custom Weavers Guild Linen Research Notebook, 1950 | MSS OCWG
- Oregon Fryer Commission Records, 1958-1989 | MSS OFC
- Oregon Home Economics Association Records, 1927-1999 | MSS OHEA
- Oregon Hop Growers Association Records, 1895-2004 | MSS OHGA
- James E. Oldfield Papers, 1951-2010 | MSS Oldfield
- Geraldine I. Olson Papers, 1992-2000 | MSS Olson
- Paul W. Oman Papers, 1930-1983 | MSS Oman
- Oregon Multicultural Communities Research Collection, 1873-Present | MSS OMCRC
- Omicron Nu Records, 1919-2010 | MSS OmicronNu
- Oregon Nutrition Council Records, 1924-1988 | MSS ONC
- Oregon Poultry Council Records, 1936-1989 | MSS OPC
- Oregon Poultry Industries Association Records, 1924-1989 | MSS OPIA
- Oregon Century Farm and Ranch Program Records, 2006-2016 | MSS ORCFRP
- Oregon Community Surveys, 1925-1936 | MSS ORCommSurveys
- Order of the Spoon Records, 1928-1939 | MSS OrderSpoon
- Oregon Trail Brewery Records, 1951-2020 | MSS OregonTrail
- Oregon Fiber Flax Collection, 1940-2001 | MSS ORFiberFlax
- Oregon Tilth, Inc. Records, 1975-2018 | MSS OrTilth
- Oregon Wildlife Federation Scrapbooks, 1960-1962 | MSS ORWildlife
- Oregon State College Clipping Scrapbooks, 1908-1957 | MSS OSCClippings
- Oregon State College - New York University Football Game Scrapbooks, 1928 | MSS OSCNYUFootball
- Oregon State College History of World War II Project Records, 1940-1947 | MSS OSCWW2
- Oregon State Employees Association Records, 1955-1983 | MSS OSEA
- Oregon State Employees Association - OSU Faculty Chapter Records, 1955-1983 | MSS OSEAOSU
- Margaret Osler Papers, 1912-2010 | MSS Osler
- Oregon State Poultry Association Records, 1912-1918 | MSS OSPA
- OSU Extension Association Records, 1971-1999 | MSS OSUEA
- Oregon State University Extension Association/4-H Records, 1977-1996 | MSS OSUEA4H
- Oregon State University History Students Association Records, 1989-2009 | MSS OSUHistoryClub
- Oregon State University Management Association (OSUMA) Records, 1986-2003 | MSS OSUMA
- Oregon State University News Clipping Collection, 1974-1987 | MSS OSUNewsClips
- Oregon State University Women's Club Records, 1970-1980 | MSS OSUWomensClub
- Oregon Turkey Improvement Association Records, 1943-1992 | MSS OTIA
- Oregon Vocational Agriculture Teacher's Association Newsletters, 1959-1970 | MSS OVATA
- May Oviatt Collection, 1903-1912 | MSS Oviatt
- John Owen Papers, 1971-1987 | MSS Owen
- Oregon and Washington Offshore Oil Exploration Research Records, 1965-1989 | MSS OWOOER
- Oxford House Records, 1966-2014 | MSS Oxford
- Earl L. Packard Papers, 1913-1980 | MSS Packard
- Dale P. Parnell Papers, 1965-1998 | MSS Parnell
- William L. Pate Collection, 1899-1901 | MSS Pate
- Harry C. Patton Collection of Oregon State College Memorabilia, 1914-1971 | MSS Patton
- Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers, 1910-1994 | MSS Pauling
- William G. Pearcy Papers, 1967-2012 | MSS Pearcy
- George W. Peavy Papers, 1886-1955 | MSS Peavy
- Arthur L. Peck Papers, 1904-1957 | MSS PeckA
- Barbara B. Peck Papers, 1922-1987 | MSS PeckB
- Kareen Peiffer Laboratory Notes, 1930-1931 | MSS Peiffer
- Raul Peña Collection, 1968-2005 | MSS Peña
- Phyllis Pendell Collection, 1877-1966 | MSS Pendell
- Oregon State University Pennant Collection, ca. 1920-2020 | MSS Pennant
- Catherine Perry Collection, 1924-1965 | MSS Perry
- Paul J. Persiani Papers, 1938-2009 | MSS Persiani
- Sigurd Peterson Collection, 1909-1963 | MSS PetersonS
- Lillian Jeffreys Petri Collection, 1924-1927 | MSS Petri
- Phi Kappa Phi - OSU Chapter Records, 1914-2002 | MSS PhiKappaPhi
- Roy Philippi and Beth Miller Philippi Scrapbooks, 1915-1943 | MSS Philippi
- Mark Clyde Phillips Collection, circa 1857-1961 | MSS PhillipsM
- Harry K. Phinney Papers, 1938-1988 | MSS Phinney
- Phrateres Gamma Chapter Scrapbooks, 1930-1962 | MSS Phrateres
- Pink Boots Society Records, 2007-2019 | MSS PinkBoots
- Hans Plambeck Papers, 1900-1995 | MSS Plambeck
- Helen E. Plinkiewisch Papers, 1888-1995 | MSS Plinkiewisch
- Pacific Northwest Seed and Nursery Catalog Collection, 1992-2009 | MSS PNWSeedCat
- Pacific Northwest Stream Survey Collection, 1931-1950 | MSS PNWStream
- Dan Poling Papers, 1956-1966 | MSS Poling
- Beulah M. Porter Collection, 1928-1930 | MSS Porter
- Portland Brewing Company Records, 1984-2021 | MSS PortlandBrewing
- E. L. Potter Collection, 1910-1970 | MSS PotterEL
- Norma Olson Potter Collection, 1912-1985 | MSS PotterN
- Willard C. Potts Papers, 1953-2007 | MSS Potts
- Chester L. Proebstel Collection, 1896-1925 | MSS Proebstel
- Oregon Prune Association Letterbook, 1890-1894 | MSS Prune
- Put Up the Gates Campaign Scrapbook, 1940 | MSS PutUpGates
- Queer History Research Collection, 1960-2024 | MSS QHRC
- Queer Theatre Collection, 1974-2015 | MSS QueerTheatre
- William H. Quinn Papers, 1943-1995 | MSS Quinn
- Frank J. Radovsky Papers, 1957-2008 | MSS Radovsky
- OSU Rainbow Continuum Records, 1993-2021 | MSS Rainbow
- Robert Rankin Papers, 1935-1974 | MSS Rankin
- August Rauch Collection, 1935-1981 | MSS Rauch
- Thayer Raymond Collection, circa 1912-1990 | MSS Raymond
- Edwin T. Reed Papers, 1886-1948 | MSS Reed
- Natalie Reichart Papers, 1936-1961 | MSS Reichart
- Religious Embassy Scrapbook, 1950-1951 | MSS ReligiousEmbassy
- Nuclear Science Technical Reports Collection, 1946-1979 | MSS Reports
- Oregon State University Retirement Association Records, 2001-2016 | MSS RetirementAssoc
- Charles M. Rice Papers, 1977 | MSS Rice
- John C. Ringle Papers, 1960-2012 | MSS Ringle
- William J. Ripple Papers, 1927-2014 | MSS Ripple
- Paul Ritchter Papers, 1937-1972 | MSS Ritchter
- William G. Robbins Papers, 1886-2014 | MSS Robbins
- R. H. Robinson Papers, 1889-1968 | MSS Robinson
- Ben L. Robinson Farm Journals, 1929-2000 | MSS RobinsonFarm
- Rock Bottom Brewery Records, 1994-2010 | MSS RockBottom
- Theodore Rockwell Papers, 1915-2013 | MSS Rockwell
- Bill R. Rogers Papers, 1975-2003 | MSS Rogers
- Rose Bowl Football Game Scrapbooks, 1940-1942 | MSS RoseBowl
- Rose Bowl Game Scrapbook, 1941-1942 | MSS RoseBowlPanagis
- Sharon E. Rosenkoetter Papers, 1996-2011 | MSS Rosenkoetter
- Robert G. Rosenstiel Papers, 1940-1988 | MSS Rosenstiel
- Charles R. Ross Papers, 1933-2001 | MSS Ross
- Wesley Ross Memoir of World War II, 2009 | MSS RossW
- Beth Russell Papers, 1941-2005 | MSS RussellB
- Walter H. Russell Papers, 1923-1982 | MSS RussellW
- Kenneth A. Rykbost Papers, 1990-2005 | MSS Rykbost
- William E. Sandine Papers, 1972-1995 | MSS Sandine
- Arthur H. Sasser Collection, 1936-1944 | MSS Sasser
- Thomas F. Savage Papers, 1977-1997 | MSS Savage
- John C. Scharff Collection, 1936-1995 | MSS Scharff
- Carolyn Schelling Scrapbook, 1909-1978 | MSS Schelling
- Albert Schleicher Papers, 1920-1934 | MSS Schleicher
- Roman Schmitt Papers, 1961-1988 | MSS Schmitt
- Harry August Schoth Papers, 1910-1970 | MSS Schoth
- John R. Schubert Papers, 1954-1963 | MSS Schubert
- Clark Edwards Schultz Papers, 1900-1982 | MSS Schultz
- Ade Schwammel Collection, 1931-2005 | MSS Schwammel
- Leo Sciuchetti Collection, 1959-1964 | MSS Sciuchetti
- H. D. Scudder Collection, 1909-1923 | MSS Scudder
- Herman A. Scullen Papers, 1930-1972 | MSS Scullen
- Thomas B. Searcy Collection, 1889-2013 | MSS Searcy
- James R. Sedell Papers, 1819-2011 | MSS Sedell
- Nursery and Seed Trade Catalogues Collection, 1832-1999 | MSS Seed
- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Scrapbook, 1906 | MSS SFEarthquake
- Marvin N. Shearer Papers, 1918-1995 | MSS Shearer
- Edgar Raymond Shepard Letters, 1900-1915 | MSS Shepard
- Jon Shepard Papers, 1962-1997 | MSS ShepardJ
- Fred M. Shideler Papers, 1929-1998 | MSS Shideler
- David and Clara Shoemaker Papers, 1930-2000 | MSS Shoemaker
- Florence Lynds Shuff Collection, 1940-1957 | MSS Shuff
- Sigma Delta Chi Oregon State Chapter Records, 1919-1967 | MSS SigmaDeltaChi
- Sigma Xi Records, 1932-2001 | MSS SigmaXi
- Siletz News, 2007-2017 | MSS SiletzNews
- Edward D. Silver Military Service Collection, 1957-1964 | MSS Silver
- Virginia Esther Simmons Sewing Book, 1896 | MSS Simmons
- Henrietta Singer Autograph Book, 1830-1835 | MSS Singer
- Leland F. Skillin Collection, 1935-1973 | MSS Skillin
- Edward J. Slezak Papers, 1963-1979 | MSS Slezak
- Arthur Byron Smith Papers, 1906-1909 | MSS SmithAB
- M. Ellwood Smith Papers, 1913-1961 | MSS SmithME
- Pete Smith Papers, 1983-1994 | MSS SmithP
- Mary Margaret Smith-Watson Sewing Books, 1910-1955 | MSS SmithWatson
- Gerald W. Williams Collection on Smokey Bear, 1933-1995 | MSS Smokey
- Snook and Traver Ledger, 1917-1918 | MSS Snook
- Donald Snyder Scrapbook, 1929-1941 | MSS Snyder
- Sol: LGBTQ+ Multicultural Support Network Collection, 2001-2023 | MSS SOL
- Federal Writers' Project of Oregon Soldiers of the Air! Radio Scripts, 1941 | MSS SoldiersAir
- J. Brookes Spencer Papers, 1952-1979 | MSS SpencerJ
- Nettie Spencer Papers, 1878-1920 | MSS SpencerN
- Sphinx Society Records, 1909-2006 | MSS Sphinx
- Spike Sisters Scrapbooks, 1919-1936 | MSS Spike
- Sports Trading Card Collection, 1972-2007 | MSS SportsCards
- Spotted Owl Management, Policy, and Research Collection, 1969-1993 | MSS SpottedOwl
- Gerald W. Williams Collection on the Army Spruce Production Division, 1916-2013 | MSS Spruce
- T.J. Starker Papers, circa 1890-1996 | MSS Starker
- Eugene Starr Papers, 1911-1988 | MSS Starr
- Steak and Chop Club Records, 1938-2007 | MSS Steak
- Shirley Dow Stekel Collection, 1955-2018 | MSS Stekel
- Milton O. Stemmler Student Diary, 1891-1896 | MSS Stemmler
- Mervyn Stephenson Collection, 1915-1941 | MSS Stephenson
- Edward A. Stevens Papers, 1908-1959 | MSS Stevens
- Albert N. Steward Papers, 1940-1991 | MSS Steward
- Stock's Cash Store Records, 1880-1897 | MSS Stock
- Irwin Stone Papers, 1902-1984 | MSS Stone
- Clara A. Storvick Papers, 1925-2002 | MSS Storvick
- Dale Story Scrapbook, 1961-1962 | MSS Story
- Benjamin B. Stout Papers, 1959-2006 | MSS Stout
- Douglas C. Strain Papers, 1914-2007 | MSS Strain
- Carey L. Strome Papers, 1911-1914 | MSS Strome
- Ernst Thedore Stuhr Papers, 1928-1956 | MSS Stuhr
- Frank G. Sutherland Notebook, 1912-1913 | MSS Sutherland
- Talons Records, 1936-1990 | MSS Talons
- Esther Taskerud Papers, 1938-1992 | MSS Taskerud
- William H. Taubeneck Papers, 1881-2010 | MSS Taubeneck
- Albert D. Taylor Collection, 1907-1928 | MSS TaylorA
- George H. Taylor Papers, 1980-2003 | MSS TaylorG
- Janet Taylor Papers, 1942-1954 | MSS TaylorJ
- Technology Educators of Oregon Records, 1954-2001 | MSS TechEducators
- Russell and Katherine Tegnell Scrapbook, 1931-1941 | MSS Tegnell
- Ten Rivers Food Web Records, 1996-2017 | MSS TenRivers
- Theta Sigma Phi Records, 1921-1980 | MSS ThetaSigmaPhi
- Lulu Thornton Papers, 1893-1895 | MSS Thornton
- Elmo R. and Doris Mardis Tibbetts Collection, 1923-1930 | MSS Tibbetts
- Ralph Coleman Jr. Tokyo Blues Memoir, 2009-2015 | MSS TokyoBlues
- Bill Tomsheck Scrapbook, 1926-2003 | MSS Tomsheck
- Ruth Tibbits Tooze Papers, 1938-1940 | MSS Tooze
- Town Club Records, 1937-1995 | MSS TownClub
- Triad Club Records, 1925-2006 | MSS TriadClub
- Rodney Tripp Collection, circa 1870-2001 | MSS Tripp
- E. Dale Trout Papers, 1939-1983 | MSS Trout
- Jo Anne J. Trow Papers, 1952-2014 | MSS TrowJ
- Joanne Tynon Papers, 1999-2016 | MSS Tynon
- Willi Unsoeld Collection, 1963-1979 | MSS Unsoeld
- Robert Dalton Harris, Jr. Collection on Uranium Mining, 1949-1964 | MSS Uranium
- Urban League of Portland Records, 1910-2014 | MSS UrbanLeague
- Paul Valenti Scrapbook and Thesis, 1957-1966 | MSS Valenti
- Neal VanDevender Papers, 1950-2002 | MSS Vandevender
- Liz VanLeeuwen Spotted Owl Collection, 1973-2004 | MSS VanLeeuwen
- Tony Van Vliet Papers, 1946-2004 | MSS VanVliet
- George W. Varseveld Papers, 1948-1994 | MSS Varseveld
- J. D. Vertrees Papers, 1949-2001 | MSS Vertrees
- Arthur Victor Papers, 1919-1920 | MSS Victor
- Village Improvement Society Minutes, 1904-1911 | MSS Village
- Shirley Voigts Collection, 1946-2012 | MSS Voigts
- Western Agricultural Economics Research Council Records, 1947-1974 | MSS WAERC
- Berny Wagner Scrapbooks, 1937-2012 | MSS Wagner
- Effie L. Wagner Scrapbook of the Women's Debate Tour, 1928 | MSS WagnerEffie
- Waldo Hall Scrapbooks, 1947-1958 | MSS WaldoHall
- Rodney Waldron Papers, 1937-2008 | MSS Waldron
- Robert B. Walls Collection, 1916-1974 | MSS Walls
- Jayne Walters Scrapbook, 1934-1940 | MSS Walters
- Chih H. Wang Papers, 1947-1984 | MSS Wang
- Watercolor Society of Oregon Records, 1958-2009 | MSS Watercolor
- Margaret Cartwright Weatherford Collection, 1926-1928 | MSS WeatherfordMC
- Mark V. Weatherford Papers, 1851-1951 | MSS WeatherfordMV
- Roger Weaver Papers, 1978-2014 | MSS Weaver
- Willibald Weniger Papers, 1908-1955 | MSS Weniger
- Ben Westlund Papers, 1976-2010 | MSS Westlund
- Western Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Uniform Labor Agreements, 1952-2004 | MSS WestPulp
- Melvin N. Westwood Papers, 1894-2005 | MSS Westwood
- Paul H. Weswig Collection, 1945-1965 | MSS Weswig
- Doris Hageman Whalen Scrapbooks, 1917-2001 | MSS Whalen
- William Q. Wick Papers, 1966-1989 | MSS Wick
- Widmer Brothers Brewing Company Records, 1984-2013 | MSS Widmer
- Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society Records, 1965-2001 | MSS Wildlife
- Bill Wilkins Papers, 1912-2006 | MSS Wilkins
- Edith Mae Wilkinson Records, 1920-1942 | MSS Wilkinson
- Gerald W. Williams Papers, 1854-2016 | MSS Williams
- Gerald W. Williams Ephemera Collection, 1866-2008 | MSS WilliamsEphemera
- Gerald W. Williams Electronic Records, 1985-2008 | MSS WilliamsGElectronic
- Gerald W. Williams Posters Collection, 1969-2007 | MSS WilliamsGPosters
- Harold C. Williams Papers, 1962-2013 | MSS WilliamsH
- Gerald W. Williams Prints Collection, 1845-1874 | MSS WilliamsPrints
- Gerald W. Williams Collection of Forestry and Northwest History Publications, 1880-2016 | MSS WilliamsPubs
- William Appleman Williams Papers, 1877-2012 | MSS WilliamsWA
- E. E. Wilson Papers, 1838-1961 | MSS WilsonEE
- Lottie Wilson Letter, 1908 | MSS WilsonL
- Maud Wilson Papers, 1917-1965 | MSS WilsonM
- Robert Claude Wilson Papers, 1920-2004 | MSS WilsonR
- Wilson Room Prints Collection, 1738-1885 | MSS WilsonRoom
- Sarah Jackman Wilson Papers, 1961-1977 | MSS WilsonS
- Oregon Wine Industry Collection, 1937-2011 | MSS Wine
- Charles Burton Winne Scrapbooks, 1916-1979 | MSS Winne
- Withycombe Family Collection, 1844-1918 | MSS Withycombe
- James M. Witt Collection, 1945-1960 | MSS Witt
- Oregon State University Women's Basketball and Field Hockey Scrapbooks, 1964-1968 | MSS WomenBBHockey
- G. Burton Wood Papers, 1908-1987 | MSS Wood
- Western Oregon Petroleum Exploration Well Records, 1927-1996 | MSS WOPE
- Early Written Word Collection, 2046 BCE - 1837 | MSS Word
- Josh Worden Interviews on Oregon State University Athletics, 2020-2021 | MSS Worden
- United States War Relocation Authority Reports, 1942-1946 | MSS WRA
- Abigail and Mattie Wright Collection, 1886-1915 | MSS WrightAM
- Wright-Blodgett Company Records, circa 1901-1935 | MSS WrightBlodgett
- Western Small Fruit Pest Conference Records, 1968-1999 | MSS WSFPC
- World War I Poster Collection, 1917-1919 | MSS WW1Posters
- World War II Poster Collection, 1941-1945 | MSS WW2Posters
- World War II Scrapbooks, 1942-1945 | MSS WW2Scrapbooks
- Xi Sigma Pi Records, 1923-1953 | MSS XiSigmaPi
- Edith Yang Papers, 1940-2009 | MSS Yang
- Oregon State Yank Collection, 1942-1945 | MSS Yank
- Ralph L. York Papers, 1920-1940 | MSS York
- Don Younger Beer Publications Collection, 1979-2007 | MSS Younger
- Roy A. Young Papers, 1913-1990 | MSS YoungRA
- Gilbert Zigler Papers, 1962-2014 | MSS Zigler
- Donald B. Zobel Papers, 1935-2008 | MSS Zobel
- Zoller Hop Company Records, 1900-2006 | MSS Zoller
- Zorn-Macpherson Bill Collection, 1926-1933 | MSS ZornMacpherson
- Bob Zybach Collection, 1972-1990 | MSS Zybach
- Oral Histories
- Oregon Pioneers Oral History Collection, 1975-1978 | OH 001
- Judith Carol Carlson Oral History Interview with Robert C. Ingalls, 1977 | OH 002
- History of Oregon State University Oral Histories and Sound Recordings, 1956-2025 | OH 003
- Basques of Harney County, Oregon, Oral History Collection, 1976-2001 | OH 004
- Oral History Interviews, Personal Histories, and Sound Recordings Collection on Agriculture, Forestry, and Oregon History, 1908-2022 | OH 005
- Soap Creek Valley History Project Oral Histories, 1978-2009 | OH 006
- A.L. Strand Oral History Collection, 1949-1985 | OH 007
- Oregon Emergency Farm Labor Service Oral History Collection, 1992 | OH 008
- Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection, 1995-2024 | OH 009
- Horner Museum Oral History Collection, 1952-1993 | OH 010
- College of Home Economics Oral Histories, 1968-1985 | OH 011
- Oregon Native American Language Sound Recordings, 1962-1988 | OH 012
- Oregon State University Alumni Oral History Collection, 2005-2014 | OH 013
- Oregon State University Extension Service Faculty and Staff Oral History Collection, 2007-2009 | OH 014
- Japanese-American Association of Lane County, Oregon, Oral History Collection, 1994-2008 | OH 015
- How OSU Grew Nuclear Science Oral Histories, 2009-2010 | OH 016
- History of Science Oral History Collection, 2009-2023 | OH 017
- Oregon Multicultural Archives Oral History Collection, 2011-2024 | OH 018
- CH2M Hill, Inc. Oral Histories, 1961-1984 | OH 019
- Oral Histories of Northern Cheyenne Descendants of the Battle of Little Bighorn, 1985-1987 | OH 020
- Oregon State University Cultural Centers Oral History Collection, 2013-2015 | OH 021
- Paul H. Jensen Oral Histories, 1979-1993 | OH 022
- Oral Histories of the Benton County (Or.) Courthouse, 1987-1991 | OH 023
- Oral Histories of the Oregon State University Microbiology Department, 1964-1989 | OH 024
- Oral Histories of the James Cant Ranch (John Day Valley, Oregon), 1982-1985 | OH 025
- Oregon State University Sesquicentennial Oral History Collection, 2013-2017 | OH 026
- Oral Histories of the 1959 Oregon State College Wrestling Court, 1983-2013 | OH 027
- H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Oral History Collection, 1991-2020 | OH 028
- African American Railroad Porters Oral History Collection, 1983-1992 | OH 029
- Asian Family Center Oral History Collection, 2014-2016 | OH 030
- Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Oral History Collection, 2015-2020 | OH 031
- Latinos en Oregón Oral History Collection / Colección de Entrevistas Orales, 2015-2017 | OH 032
- Oral Histories of the Vernonia (Oregon) Friendship Jamboree and Logging Show, 2015 | OH 033
- OSU Queer Archives Oral History Collection, 2015-2024 | OH 034
- Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives Oral History Collection, 2014-2017 | OH 035
- Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr. Interviews on Arms Control and Nuclear Disarmament, 2015 | OH 036
- Indian Americans in Corvallis, Oregon Oral History Collection, 2016-2018 | OH 037
- Oregon State University Climate Change Research Oral History Collection, 2017-2018 | OH 039
- Oregon State University Libraries and Press Oral History Collection, 2018-2023 | OH 041
- Oregon Black Pioneers Oral History Collection, 1993-2020 | OH 042
- Oregon Higher Education Oral Histories Collection, 2019-2020 | OH 046
- Northwest Forest Plan Oral History Collection, 2016-2017 | OH 048
- Mount St. Helens Oral History Collection, 2015 | OH 050
- Oregon State University Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Student Experience StoryCorps Collection, 2023 | OH 053
- Photographs
- Presidents of Oregon State University Photographic Collection, circa 1865-1999 | P 001
- Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection, 1875-1965 | P 002
- Beaver Yearbook Photographs, 1938-2005 | P 003
- Football Photograph Collection, 1894-2000 | P 004
- Basketball Photographs, 1910-1966 | P 006
- Baseball Photographs, 1919-1990 | P 007
- Women's Athletics Photograph Collection, 1899-1958 | P 009
- Track and Field Photograph Collection, 1900 - circa 1960 | P 010
- Rowing (Crew) Photograph Collection, 1922-1939 | P 015
- Buildings Photographic Collection, 1880-2002 | P 016
- Alumni Relations Photographs, 1870-2003 | P 017
- Walter R. Baker Photographs, circa 1863 - circa 1930 | P 018
- Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Illustrations, 1925-1941 | P 019
- Extension Bulletin Illustrations Photograph Collection, 1915-1963 | P 020
- Graham and Wells Photograph Collection, 1919-1925 | P 021
- Pacific Novelty Company Postcards, circa 1910 | P 022
- Pacific Photo Company Postcards, 1913-1915 | P 023
- Landscapes (Forests and Mountains) Photographs, 1958-1972 | P 024
- Oregon State University Historical Photographs, 1868-1980 | P 025
- Bertha Andresen Photographs, 1902-1911 | P 026
- Agricultural Experiment Station Photographic Collection, circa 1900-1988 | P 029
- Soils Department Photographs, 1952-1977 | P 030
- Intercollegiate Athletics Photographic Collection, 1919-1965 | P 031
- John H. Gallagher, Sr. Photograph Collection, 1898-1961 | P 032
- Fraternities and Sororities Photograph Collection, 1915-1989 | P 034
- Barometer Photographs, 1950-1970 | P 035
- College of Agricultural Sciences Photographs, 1892-2001 | P 036
- Clifford L. Smith Photograph Collection, 1916-1919 | P 037
- Agriculture Photograph Collection, circa 1890-1970 | P 040
- Ruby Breithaupt Photograph Collection, circa 1893-1910 | P 042
- Expositions and Fairs Photograph Collection, 1905-1949 | P 043
- College of Home Economics Photograph Collection, 1920-1998 | P 044
- Student Activities Photograph Collection, 1910-1968 | P 045
- Faculty and Staff Photograph Collection, 1896-1979 | P 046
- Class Sessions Photograph Collection, 1907-1961 | P 047
- Continuing Education Photograph Collection, 1950-1970 | P 048
- Edward F. Underwood Photographs, 1899-1939 | P 049
- Corvallis, Oregon, Photograph Collection, 1902-1964 | P 051
- J.M. Nolan Photograph Collection, 1889-1902 | P 053
- Oregon State Horticultural Society Photographs, 1921-1966 | P 054
- Entomology Department Photograph Collection, 1912-2002 | P 055
- Mrs. George H. Bendshadler Photograph Collection, circa 1909-1910 | P 060
- College of Forestry Photograph Collection, 1910-2006 | P 061
- Extension Service Photographs, 1900-2007 | P 062
- Arthur L. Albert Photograph Collection, 1926-1954 | P 063
- Reva Buell Photograph Collection, 1902-1904 | P 065
- Corvallis Gazette-Times Photographs, 1957-1965 | P 066
- Graduate School Photographs, circa 1940-1970 | P 067
- Gerald Hoard Photograph Collection, circa 1890-1915 | P 068
- College of Engineering Photograph Collection, 1920-2013 | P 069
- Class Groups Photographs Collection, 1893-1946 | P 071
- Edward C. Allworth Photograph Collection, circa 1880s | P 072
- Frederick Earl Price Photograph Collection, 1965 | P 073
- Robert H. Gellatly Photograph Collection, circa 1891-1899 | P 074
- Botany and Plant Pathology Department Photograph Collection, 1900-1982 | P 075
- Adolph Ziefle Photograph Collection, circa 1890-1945 | P 076
- Oregon State University Centennial Commission Photograph Collection, 1968 | P 077
- Physics Department Photographs, 1930-1962 | P 078
- Western Farmer (publication) Photographs, 1915-1922 | P 079
- Farmer (publication) Photographs, 1911-1920 | P 080
- Willibald Weniger Photographic Collection, 1870-1940 | P 081
- Gwil Evans Photographic Collection, 1930-1968 | P 082
- Library Photograph Collection, 1915-2002 | P 083
- Speech Communication Department Photograph Collection, 1925-1985 | P 088
- Edwin Russell Jackman Photographic Collection, circa 1875-1964 | P 089
- Horticulture Department Photographs, 1900-1980 | P 090
- President's Office Photographs, 1923-1998 | P 092
- Herbarium Photographs, 1904-1963 | P 093
- University Publications Photographs, 1890-2002 | P 094
- John Garman Photographic Collection, 1894-1966 | P 095
- Sydney Trask Photograph Collection, 1871-1932 | P 096
- Dean of Women's Office Photographs, 1941-1961 | P 097
- Robert W. Henderson Photographic Slides Collection, 1936-1998 | P 098 - SG1
- Architecture and Landscape Architecture Department Photographs, 1910-1987 | P 099
- J.B. Horner Photograph Collection, circa 1846-1925 | P 100
- E. E. Wilson Photographic Collection, circa 1855-1953 | P 101
- Joan Patterson Collection of Historic Oregon Houses Lantern Slides, circa 1935 | P 102
- Ray Stout Photograph Collection, 1895-1940 | P 103
- OSU Band Photographs, 1892-1998 | P 104
- Bioresource Engineering Department Photograph Collection, 1925-1982 | P 106
- School of Education Photographs, 1962-1967 | P 108
- C.A. Vincent Photograph Collection, 1909-1910 | P 109
- Marcus Struve Photographs, 1907-1908 | P 110
- Poultry Science Department Photograph Collection, 1910-1995 | P 111
- University Theatre Photographs, 1916-1968 | P 112
- Alta McCormick Photograph Collection, 1905-1931 | P 113
- Business Affairs Photographic Collection, 1962-1980 | P 114
- Home Economics Extension Photographs, 1939-1998 | P 115
- Alva Aitken Photograph Collection, 1908-1914 | P 116
- Microbiology Department Photographs, 1898-1996 | P 117
- Oliver Matthews Photograph Collection, 1922-1964 | P 118
- Media Services Photographs Collection, 1948-2003 | P 119
- Extension and Experiment Station Communications Photograph Collection, 1912-1997 | P 120
- John B. Alexander Sr. Photograph Collection, circa 1898, 1920s | P 121
- Walter E. Morris Photograph Collection, 1909-1911 | P 122
- Pitts Elmore Photographs, 1921-1922 | P 123
- Larry Kirkland Photograph Collection, 1951-1969 | P 125
- Charles David Little Photograph Collection, 1903-1905 | P 126
- G. Herbert Root Photograph Collection, circa 1891 - 1936 | P 127
- Jerry D. Belcher Collection of Oregon Agricultural College Track Photographs, 1905 | P 128
- Farm Crops Department Photographs, 1919-1961 | P 130
- Arthur Solomon King Photographs, 1967 | P 131
- Experiment Station Publications Photographic Collection, 1949-1979 | P 132
- Crop Science Department Photographic Collection, 1937-2010 | P 134
- William F. Groves Photographs, 1888-1942 | P 135
- Leona Irons Photographs, 1922 | P 136
- Music Department Photograph Collection, 1947-1998 | P 137
- Atmospheric Sciences Department Photographs, 1968-1990 | P 138
- Armond C. Taylor Photograph Collection, 1916 | P 139
- Herman A. Scullen Photographic Collection, 1895-1970 | P 141
- Food Science and Technology Department Photographs, 1900-1963 | P 142
- Phillip Parcher Photograph Album, 1915 | P 143
- Alice Kidder Evans Photograph Collection, 1889-1919 | P 144
- Joe O. Mattson Photograph Collection, 1923-1924 | P 145
- 4-H Photograph Collection, 1913-2005 | P 146
- Wilma M. Rodman Photograph Collection, 1950-1974 | P 147
- Nicholas Schneider Photograph Collection, 1912-1915 | P 148
- Harriet Moore Photograph Collection, 1890-1962 | P 150
- Bill Reasons Photograph Collection, 1952-1974 | P 151
- Diane Nicholson Photographs, 1974-1975 | P 153
- Associated Students of OSU (ASOSU) Photographs, 1955-2001 | P 154
- Emily McFarland Photograph Collection, 1908 | P 155
- Ralph VanCleave Photographic Collection, circa 1860-1949 | P 156
- Jessie Ruth Darling Photograph Collection, 1916-1942 | P 157
- Henry C. Gilbert Photograph Collection, 1905-1917 | P 158
- Horner Museum Photographs, 1892-1982 | P 159
- Ina Rihani Photographs, 1977 | P 160
- Robert "Wally" Reed Photographs, 1901-1929 | P 161
- M. B. Spillard Photograph Collection, circa 1910-1916 | P 163
- Smith-Western Company Photographs of Oregon State College, circa 1955-1956 | P 164
- School of Pharmacy Photograph Collection, 1916-1948 | P 166
- Hawley Hall Photograph Collection, 1937-1958 | P 167
- Hugh C. Currin Photograph Collection, 1902-1906 | P 168
- University Archives Photographic Collection, 1970-2007 | P 169
- KBVR Photographs, circa 1970-1988 | P 170
- Women's Recreation Association (WRA) Photographic Collection, 1910-1965 | P 171
- Letitia Shamhart Dunn Photograph Collection, 1924 | P 174
- Oversized Photographic Collection, 1889-1970 | P 176
- Agricultural Chemistry Department Photographs, 1960-1975 | P 177
- Development Office and OSU Foundation Photograph Collection, 1960-2003 | P 178
- Fisheries and Wildlife Department Photographs, 1938-1986 | P 179
- Research Office Photographs, 1974-1987 | P 181
- Student Affairs Photographic Collection, 1927-1999 | P 182
- College of Veterinary Medicine Photograph Collection, 1977-1981 | P 184
- Sea Grant College Program Photographs, 1965-2000 | P 185
- College of Liberal Arts Photographs, 1982-1991 | P 186
- Industrial Arts and Industrial Manufacturing Department Photographs, 1910-1980 | P 189
- Harold Troxel Vedder Photograph Collection, 1913-1916 | P 190
- James G. Arbuthnot Photograph Collection, 1909-1915 | P 191
- W. Lester Powell Photograph Collection, 1913-1956 | P 192
- College of Business Photographs, 1950-1999 | P 194
- Oregon Stater Photograph Collection, 1940-2001 | P 195
- Betty Kerr Photographs, 1890-1893 | P 196
- Memorial Union Photographs, 1924-2004 | P 198
- Office of Budgets and Planning Photographs, 1940-1992 | P 200
- Academic Affairs Photographs, 1970-1984 | P 201
- Herman T. Bohlman Photograph Collection, circa 1890-1928 | P 202
- School of Oceanography Photographs, 1970-1972 | P 203
- G. Herbert Fredell Photographic Collection, 1918-1919 | P 204
- Francis and Lois Wilson Neer Photograph Album, 1910-1914 | P 206
- KOAC Photographs, 1929-1974 | P 207
- Journalism Department Photographs, 1930-1984 | P 208
- Asia University America Program Photographs, circa 1988-1992 | P 209
- University Advancement Photographic Collection, 1969-1996 | P 210
- Derrick Lee Photographs, 1989-1994 | P 211
- Alice Ash Smith Photograph Collection, 1930-1936 | P 212
- Art Lowe Photograph Collection, circa 1903-1950 | P 213
- Charles Leon Robinson Photograph Album, 1912-1916 | P 215
- Crown Zellerbach Corporation Photographic Collection, ca. 1899-1980 | P 216
- Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides, circa 1900-1940 | P 217
- Benjamin A. Gifford Photographs, circa 1885 - circa 1920 | P 218-SG 1
- Ralph I. Gifford Photographs, circa 1910s - 1947 | P 218-SG 2
- Ralph I. Gifford Motion Pictures, circa 1925-1940 | P 218-SG 3
- Wanda Gifford Photographs, 1948-1958 | P 218-SG 4
- Ben L. Gifford Photographs, 1950-1955 | P 218-SG 5
- Gifford Collection Photographs by Unknown or Other Photographers, circa 1915-1955 | P 218-SG 6
- Gifford Collection Documentary Materials, 1897-1996 | P 218-SG 7
- Pernot Family Photographic Collection, circa 1870-1940 | P 220
- Ernest Cook Photographic Collection, circa 1890-1915 | P 221
- English Department Photographs, circa 1960 | P 222
- Ellis Samuel Dement Photograph Collection, 1908-1910 | P 224
- Frank Mersdorf Photographs, 1937-1938 | P 225
- B. Sam Taylor Photograph Collection, 1907-1959 | P 226
- John W. Trigg Photograph Album, 1915-1918 | P 227
- Fred Deininger Luse Photograph Album, 1908-1910 | P 228
- Mechanical Engineering Department Lantern Slides, 1920 | P 229
- Emile Pernot Photographs, 1893-1895 | P 230
- College of Health and Human Performance Photographs, 1915-1999 | P 231
- David Robert Marr Photograph Album, circa 1918 - 1922 | P 232
- Jay William Blair Photographic Collection, circa 1939-1942 | P 234
- Alexander K. Chapman Photograph Collection, 1908-1910 | P 235
- John E. Dever Photographic Slides, 1960-1962 | P 237
- Oregon Productivity Center Photographs, 1982-1985 | P 238
- Ruth Newmyer Photograph Collection, 1915 | P 239
- Computer Science Department Photographs, 1972-1998 | P 240
- Information Services Photographs, 1988-1989 | P 241
- Neal VanDevender Photograph Collection, 1962-1965 | P 242
- Joshua Robert Akers Photograph Collection, 1915-1917 | P 244
- Agricultural and Resource Economics Department Photographs, 1925-1979 | P 245
- International Programs Photographs, 1986-2000 | P 246
- Finance and Administration Photographs, 2000 | P 247
- George Alderson Photographs, 1954-1955 | P 248
- George A. Sense Photographs, 1930-1931 | P 249
- James Kenneth Fleshman Photograph Album, 1927 | P 250
- Paul H. Spillman Photograph Collection, 1905-1957 | P 251
- Richard W. Gilkey Photographs, 1947-2005 | P 252
- Naval ROTC Photographs, 1991-2002 | P 253
- Hatfield Marine Science Center Photographs, 1965-1997 | P 254
- Donald Wesley Morse Photograph Album, 1917-1922 | P 255
- Ken Gray Photograph Collection, 1964-1979 | P 256
- Army ROTC Photographs, 1890-2007 | P 257
- Bessie Brown Lawrence Photographs, 1923-1926 | P 258
- James A. Sewell Photograph Album, circa 1902-1904 | P 259
- Hoover Dam Construction Photograph Album, 1931-1934 | P 260
- Davis Allen Photographs, circa 1917-1921 | P 261
- Paul Andresen Photographs, 1998-1999 | P 262
- Woody Holderman Photographs, 1956-1975 | P 263
- Mattie C. Avery Photograph Album, 1887-1890 | P 265
- Home Management House Photograph Collection, 1945-1948 | P 266
- United States Dept. of Agriculture Aerial Photographs of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties, Oregon, 1972-1994 | P 267
- Wilson H. Foote Photographs, 1948-1955 | P 268
- Willetta Moore Photograph Album, 1913-1930 | P 269
- Zoe Ann Holmes Photographs, 1965-2008 | P 270
- Harold Frodsham Photographs, 1921-1922 | P 271
- Rice Family Photograph Album, 1935-1947 | P 272
- Walter S. Brown Photograph Album, 1919-1942 | P 274
- James T. Gaither Photograph Collection, 1917-1922 | P 275
- Marshall S. Wright Photograph Album, 1915-1928 | P 276
- Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Photographs, 1918-1963 | P 277
- Fred Tooley Photograph Collection, 1910-1961 | P 278
- Jean W. Scheel Photographs, 1945-1983 | P 279
- Dennis Barstow Photographs, 1964-1984 | P 280
- Air Force ROTC Photographs, 1988-2005 | P 281
- Herbert A. Schell Photograph Collection, 1949-1951 | P 282
- Roland G. Holmes Collection of Oregon and Washington Postcards, 1909-1945 | P 283
- J. Llewellyn Spriggs Photograph Album, 1915-1921 | P 285
- William Evans Lawrence Photographs, 1938-1946 | P 286
- Margaret Wynne Fox Photograph Collection, circa 1985 - 2005 | P 287
- Rangeland Resources Department Photographs, 1934-1982 | P 288
- Susan Aldrich-Markham Photographs, 1971-2003 | P 289
- Donald L. Mason Photographs, circa 1915-1935 | P 290
- Magic Lantern Slide Collection, circa 1900-1935 | P 291
- Siuslaw National Forest Aerial Photographs, 1972-1974 | P 292
- Marys Peak Area Aerial Photographs, 1962 | P 293
- McDonald Forest Aerial Photographs, 1962 | P 294
- John L. Robbins Photographs, 1966-1972 | P 295
- Umatilla National Forest Aerial Photographs, 1939 | P 296
- Zoa Lowthian Photograph Album, 1928-1934 | P 297
- Warren C. Wilson Western Alpines Project Lantern Slides, 1936-1938 | P 298
- Forestry Media Center Slide Collection, 1942-2000 | P 299
- Claud L. Booth Photograph Album, 1919-1973 | P 300
- C. C. Hall Photograph Album, 1906-1933 | P 301
- Roy M. Cooley Photograph Album, 1907-1911 | P 302
- Gerald W. Williams Regional Albums, 1875-2000 | P 303
- Virgil Hiatt Photograph Album, 1977-1978 | P 304
- Fred Henshaw Photograph Album, 1916-1925 | P 305
- J. F. Ford Photographs, 1895-1913 | P 308
- Kinsey Brothers Photographs, 1907-1945 | P 309
- Mount Hood Area Excursion Photograph Album, circa 1910 | P 310
- Forest Service Equipment Development Center Photograph Album, 1965-1980 | P 311
- Frank Patterson Photographic Postcards, circa 1920s - 1986 | P 312
- Malheur Migratory Bird Refuge Photographs, circa 1936 | P 313
- Gerald W. Williams Slides, 1961-2003 | P 314
- Jack Williams Slides, 1954-1960 | P 315
- Gerald W. Williams Family Vacation Slides, 1973-1991 | P 316
- Gerald W. Williams Prints and Postcards of Native Americans Collection, 1887-1969 | P 317
- Virginia Marion Photographs, 1944-1945 | P 318
- Gerald W. Williams Lantern Slides Collection, circa 1900s-1930s | P 319
- Aerial Photographs of Benton, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, and Polk Counties, 1936-1979 | P 321
- Edward J. Reiger Civilian Conservation Corps Photograph Album, 1935-1936 | P 322
- Gerald W. Williams Postcards Collection, 1893-1959 | P 323
- U.S. Forest Service Officers and Operations Photographs, 1899-1974 | P 325
- Gerald W. Williams Glass Negatives Collection, circa 1910 | P 326
- Gerald W. Williams Stereoscopic Photograph Collection, 1870-1943 | P 327
- Frank Patterson Stereoscopic Photographs, 1911-1920 | P 330
- Evelyn M. Raymond Photograph Album, circa 1920-1930 | P 332
- Edward S. Curtis Photographs, 1900-1926 | P 333
- Barbara Pope Photographs of Marys Peak (Oregon), 1967 | P 334
- Tom Gabel Collection of Oregon State Athletics Photographs, 1916-2000 | P 336
- East Asia Military Deployment Photograph Album, 1941-1954 | P 338
- Banes-Howland Crater Lake Auto Trip Photograph Album, 1916 | P 339
- Helen H. Marburger Photograph Album, 1920-1926 | P 341
- Chuck Williams Photograph Collection, 1948-2016 | P 345
- Mt. Angel Abbey Hops Photographs, circa 1925 - circa 1960s | P 349
- Harriet's Photograph Collection, circa 1868-1980 | P HC
- Publications
- Staff Directories, 1905-2001 | PUB 002-21a
- Campus Directories, 1912-2014 | PUB 002-22c
- Alumni Magazine, 1912-2022 | PUB 003-11a
- College Bulletins, 1902-1932 | PUB 005-11a
- Oregon Counties Long-Range Planning Conference Reports, 1924-1971 | PUB 006-16
- Oregon's Agricultural Progress Magazine, 1953-2016 | PUB 006-22a
- Agricultural Experiment Station Special Reports, 1954-2012 | PUB 006-23
- Oregon Agriculture, 1944-1972 | PUB 006-43d
- Staff Newsletter, 1961-2009 | PUB 008-22a
- Annual Cruise, 1921-2000 | PUB 010-12a
- The Manuscript, 1927-1932 | PUB 010-13b
- Orange Owl, 1920-1928 | PUB 010-13c
- The Lamplighter Literary Magazine, 1936-1945 | PUB 010-13d
- Oregon Countryman, 1908-1922 | PUB 010-14a
- Oregon State Technical Record Engineering Magazine, 1925-1959 | PUB 010-15b
- Oregon State Yank Newsletters, 1943-1945 | PUB 010-15c
- Student Handbooks, 1894-1996 | PUB 010-23a
- Associated Women Students Handbooks, 1924-1963 | PUB 010-23d
- Oregon State College Preview and Promotional Booklets, 1938-1960 | PUB 010-24j
- Student Regulations, 1909-1962 | PUB 012-13a
- Underground Newspapers, circa 1965 - 2002 | PUB 013-3
- Prism Literary Magazine, 1972-2019 | PUB 013-9
- Barometer Campus Newspaper, 1896-2014 | PUB 015-11b
- Sports Media Guides, 1938-2012 | PUB 054
- Azadi Student Publication, 1947-1953 | PUB 286
- Hop Press Newsletters, 1948-1955 | PUB 487
- Illustrated Booklets, 1911-1930 | PUB 488
- Graduate Catalogs, 1963-2002 | PUB 489
- The Students Offering, 1869 | PUB 490
- Beaver's Digest, 2014-2019 | PUB 491
- Terra Research Magazine, 2006-2019 | PUB 492
- Microfilmed University Publications, 1866-1987 | PUB Microfilm
- Record Groups
- Bioresource Engineering Department Records, 1924-2004 | RG 001
- Friends of the Library Records, 1934-1996 | RG 002
- Committee on High School Relations Records, 1931-1956 | RG 006
- Intercollegiate Athletics Records, 1908-2013 | RG 007
- Board of Regents Records, 1886-1929 | RG 008
- Library Records, 1908-2002 | RG 009
- Information Department Records, 1928-1966 | RG 010
- Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU) Records, 1917-2014 | RG 011
- President's Office Records, 1903-2002 | RG 013
- President’s Office Records of B.L. Arnold, 1888-1892 | RG 013 - SG 01
- President's Office Records of John D. Letcher, 1892 | RG 013 - SG 02
- President's Office Records of John M. Bloss, 1892-1897 | RG 013 - SG 03
- President's Office Records of H. B. Miller, 1895-1926 | RG 013 - SG 04
- President's Office Records of Thomas Gatch, 1893-1907 | RG 013 - SG 05
- President's Office General Subject File, 1905-1963 | RG 013 - SG 06
- President's Office Records of William Jasper Kerr, 1907-1964 | RG 013 - SG 07
- President's Office General Subject and Correspondence Files, 1910-1974 | RG 013 - SG 11
- Annual and Biennial Reports, 1872-2007 | RG 013 - SG 12
- Science Research Institute Records, 1942-1964 | RG 014
- KOAC Records, 1923-2000 | RG 015
- Graduate School Records, 1909-2007 | RG 016
- Business Affairs Records, 1912-2007 | RG 017
- Office of University Publications and OSU Press Records, 1907-2007 | RG 018
- Gamma Sigma Delta Records, 1909-2010 | RG 020
- Patent Committee Records, 1917-1963 | RG 021
- Academic Affairs Records, 1942-2012 | RG 022
- Student Health Services Records, 1929-2015 | RG 023
- College of Science Records, 1880-2015 | RG 024
- Research Accounting Office Records, 1935-2010 | RG 026
- Entomology Department Records, 1887-2003 | RG 027
- Apparel, Interiors, Housing, and Merchandising Department Records, 1918-2005 | RG 028
- Curriculum Coordination Records, 1924-1981 | RG 029
- Civil Engineering Department Records, 1966-1990 | RG 030
- College of Health and Human Performance Records, 1917-2007 | RG 031
- Administrative Council Records, 1869-1973 | RG 032
- Board of Trustees Records, 1868-1891 | RG 033
- Alumni Association Records, 1888-2011 | RG 035
- Poling Hall Club Records, 1926-1971 | RG 036
- Department of Physics Records, 1909-1974 | RG 037
- Amicitia Literary Society Records, 1895-1911 | RG 038
- Forestry Club Records, 1906-1934 | RG 039
- Oregon Agricultural College Engineering Association Records, 1905-1909 | RG 040
- Athletic Union of Oregon Agricultural College Records, 1900-1906 | RG 041
- Feronian Literary Society and Mask and Dagger Club Records, 1910-1917 | RG 042
- Student Assembly Records, 1903-1923 | RG 043
- Faculty Senate Records, 1944-2012 | RG 044
- Mock Legislature Records, 1909-1911 | RG 045
- Sorosis Literary Society Records, 1895-1912 | RG 046
- Websterian Literary Society Records, 1892-1894 | RG 047
- Adelphian Literary Society Records, 1882-1891 | RG 048
- Personnel Coordinating Committee Records, 1953-1958 | RG 050
- Registrar's Office Records, 1870-2011 | RG 053 - SG 1
- Student Academic Records, 1888-2009 | RG 053 - SG 2
- Botany and Plant Pathology Department Records, 1900-2005 | RG 054
- College Exhibit Committee Records, 1921-1928 | RG 055
- Panhellenic Council Records, 1922-2015 | RG 056
- Reserve Officer Training Corps Records, 1890-2009 | RG 058
- Army Specialized Training Program Records, 1943-1946 | RG 059
- Students' Army Training Corps Records, 1918-1919 | RG 060
- Athenian Literary Society Records, 1892-1895 | RG 061
- College of Engineering Records, 1930-2002 | RG 062
- Career Planning and Placement Center Records, 1960-2013 | RG 064
- Hesperian Lyceum Records, 1891-1893 | RG 065
- Jeffersonian Literary Society Records, 1897 | RG 067
- Extension and Experiment Station Communications Records, 1934-2009 | RG 069
- Oregon State Board of Higher Curricula Records, 1909-1931 | RG 073
- Zoology Department Records, 1895-1997 | RG 074
- Political Science Department Records, 1950-1967 | RG 075
- Honor Committee Records, 1920-1930 | RG 076
- Co-Resident Women, Inc., Records, 1943-1985 | RG 077
- Agricultural Chemistry Department Records, 1895-1985 | RG 081
- Public Safety Records, 1960-2009 | RG 082
- Human Development and Family Sciences Department Records, 1940-2012 | RG 085
- Institutional Research Records, 1965-1986 | RG 086
- Landscape Architecture Department Records, 1932-1982 | RG 089
- Journalism Department Records, 1918-1988 | RG 091
- Crop Science Department Records, 1925-2013 | RG 095
- Honors Program Records, 1962-1991 | RG 096
- Chemistry Department Records, 1937-1997 | RG 098
- Memorial Union Records, 1922-2012 | RG 099
- Engineering Experiment Station Records, 1904-1989 | RG 100
- Cauthorn Club Records, 1893-1940 | RG 101
- Forestry Extension Records, 1933-1990 | RG 103
- College of Pharmacy Records, 1899-2006 | RG 105
- Biology Club Records, 1915-1951 | RG 109
- Extension Service Records, 1903-2011 | RG 111
- Dean of Undergraduate Studies Records, 1971-1982 | RG 113
- Herbarium Records, 1891-1997 | RG 117
- Lower Division Records, 1929-1951 | RG 119
- Electrical Engineering Department Records, 1972-2002 | RG 121
- College of Business Records, 1910-2010 | RG 122
- Office of Budgets and Planning Records, 1961-2013 | RG 125
- Human Resources Records, 1900-2013 | RG 126
- Agricultural and Resource Economics Department Records, 1909-2008 | RG 128
- Oregon State Board of Higher Education Records, 1929-2004 | RG 130
- Finance and Administration Records, 1963-2011 | RG 131
- Resident Hostess Club of Oregon State College Records, 1948-1967 | RG 133
- Dean of Men Records, 1926-1981 | RG 134
- Mathematics Department Records, 1933-1994 | RG 136
- College of Forestry Records, 1911-2011 | RG 139
- College of Home Economics and Education Records, 1913-2000 | RG 141
- College of Liberal Arts Records, 1945-2009 | RG 143
- Oregon State University Development Office and Foundation Records, 1955-2007 | RG 144
- University Housing and Dining Services Records, 1900-2013 | RG 145
- Vocational and Technical Education Department Records, 1928-1984 | RG 146
- Music Department Records, 1899-2014 | RG 148
- Campus Cooks Club Records, 1925-1968 | RG 149
- Oregon State Horticultural Society Records, 1890-1964 | RG 151
- Statistics Department Records, 1968-1989 | RG 152
- Chemical Engineering Department Records, 1930-1966 | RG 153
- Environmental Health Sciences Center Records, 1964-1996 | RG 155
- Counseling and Psychological Services Records, 1965-2007 | RG 157
- College of Agricultural Sciences Records, 1895-1999 | RG 158
- President's Commission on the Status of Women Records, 1971-2010 | RG 159
- Dean of Faculty Records, 1962-1988 | RG 160
- Rockefeller Project Records, 1969-1981 | RG 161
- University Computing Services Records, 1965-1991 | RG 162
- Office of Admissions Records, 1961-2009 | RG 163
- International Education Records, 1960-2013 | RG 164
- Printing and Mailing Services Records, 1932-2001 | RG 166
- Department of Atmospheric Sciences Records, 1968-1994 | RG 167
- Research Office Records, 1960-2012 | RG 170
- Affirmative Action Office Records, 1971-2010 | RG 172
- College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Records, 1943-2008 | RG 173
- College of Veterinary Medicine Records, 1921-2013 | RG 175
- Food Science and Technology Department Records, 1924-2006 | RG 176
- Biochemistry and Biophysics Department Records, 1942-1987 | RG 178
- Continuing Education Records, 1925-2004 | RG 179
- University Theatre Records, 1925-2011 | RG 180
- Speech Communication Department Records, 1918-1996 | RG 181
- Poultry Science Department Records, 1900-1993 | RG 182
- Seed Certification Office Correspondence, 1946-1987 | RG 183
- School of Education Records, 1936-2009 | RG 184
- School of Mines Records, 1912-1943 | RG 186
- Horticulture Department Records, 1908-1994 | RG 187
- Animal Sciences Department Records, 1879-2011 | RG 189
- Fisheries and Wildlife Department Records, 1934-2003 | RG 190
- Microbiology Department Records, 1893-2002 | RG 191
- Facilities Services Records, 1888-2010 | RG 193
- Hatfield Marine Science Center Records, 1961-2005 | RG 194
- Institute for Manpower Studies Records, 1975-1981 | RG 196
- Horner Museum Records, 1924-2001 | RG 199
- Sea Grant College Program Records, 1964-2013 | RG 201
- Radiation Center Records, 1953-2008 | RG 202
- News and Communication Services Records, 1940-2004 | RG 203
- Geosciences Department Records, 1946-1996 | RG 208
- University Advancement Records, 1970-2012 | RG 210
- International Research and Development Office Records, 1991-2007 | RG 211
- Contract Administration Records, 1889-1976 | RG 212
- Mechanical Engineering Department Records, 1894-1971 | RG 213
- Computer Science Department Publications and Newspaper Clippings, 1972-1996 | RG 214
- Information Services Records, 1991-2012 | RG 215
- Center for Gene Research and Biotechnology Records, 1989-2007 | RG 216
- Nutrition and Food Management Department Records, 1930-2002 | RG 217
- Environmental Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory Records, 1970-1988 | RG 218
- Oregon Productivity Center Records, 1971-1995 | RG 219
- University Archives Records, 1966-2013 | RG 220
- Center for the Humanities Records, 1974-2012 | RG 221
- InterACTION Project Records, 1994-2002 | RG 222
- Greek Life Office Records, 1918-2015 | RG 223
- Nutrition Research Institute Records, 1963-1994 | RG 224
- Office of Multicultural Affairs Records, 1986-2009 | RG 225
- Center for Water and Environmental Sustainability Records, 1990-2008 | RG 226
- Ethnic Studies Department Records, 2005 | RG 227
- Diversity Development Office Records, 1998-2005 | RG 228
- Minority Education Office Records, 1998-2008 | RG 229
- Educational Opportunities Program Records, 1968-2013 | RG 230
- Public Health Department Records, 1971-2008 | RG 231
- Student Leadership and Involvement Records, 1964-2015 | RG 232
- College Student Services Administration (CSSA) Program Records, 1950-2014 | RG 233
- English Language Institute Records, 1965-2009 | RG 234
- Western Center for Community College Development Records, 1979-2004 | RG 235
- Honors College Records, 1996-2008 | RG 238
- Holocaust Memorial Program Records, 1945-2009 | RG 241
- Genetics Program Records, 1973-2009 | RG 242
- Women's Center Records, 1970-2015 | RG 243
- Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center Records, 1966-2011 | RG 244
- Asian & Pacific Cultural Center Records, 1983-2016 | RG 245
- National Rural Studies Committee Records, 1986-1999 | RG 246
- International Students of Oregon State University (ISOSU) Records, 1970-2016 | RG 247
- Centro Cultural César Chávez Records, 1973-2015 | RG 248
- Benton County (Or.) Extension Service Records, 1938-2010 | RG 249
- Difference, Power, and Discrimination Program Records, 1970-2011 | RG 250
- Water Resources Research Institute Records, 1965-1991 | RG 251
- Extension Family and Community Health Program Records, 1956-2012 | RG 252
- Washington County (Or.) Extension Service Records, 1918-2004 | RG 253
- Government Relations Office Records, 2000-2013 | RG 254
- Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department Faculty Research Publications, 1973-2010 | RG 255
- Political Identities Project Records, 2010-2011 | RG 256
- Peace Jam Northwest Records, 2004-2011 | RG 257
- Student Incidental Fees Committee Records, 1993-2012 | RG 258
- Agricultural Education and Agricultural Sciences Department Records, 1940-2014 | RG 259
- Library Gifts and Exchange Department Records, 1951-2004 | RG 261
- Hops Research Reports, 1931-1995 | RG 262
- Forestry Extension Broadcasts, 1971-1972 | RG 264
- Ujima Education Office Records, 1995-2013 | RG 266
- Summer Session Records, 1913-2018 | RG 270
- Disability Access Services Records, 1973-2016 | RG 273
- Extension Food and Nutrition Specialist Records, 1931-1977 | RG 274
- Memorial Union Program Council Records, 1964-2016 | RG 275
- Student Club and Organization Records, 1931-2008 | RG 276
- TRiO Student Support Services Records, 1976-2015 | RG 277
- Queer Studies Program Records, 2012-2020 | RG 278
- Office of New Student Programs Records, 1943-1980 | RG 279
- Oregon State University Child Care Records, 1969-2006 | RG 280
- Memorial Union Campaign Records, 1924-1944 | RG 281
- Student Experience Center Records, 2003-2015 | RG 282
- Dean of Students Office Records, 1943-1999 | RG 285
- Team Liberation Records, 2002-2004 | RG 287
- Payroll Records, 1971-1998 | RG 289
- Employment Records, circa 1910 - 1989 | RG 290
- Writing Intensive Curriculum (WIC) Program Records, 1990-2018 | RG 291
- Educational Activities Committee Records, 1972-2015 | RG 293
- Fermentation Science Program Records, 1955-2017 | RG 296
- Valley Library Art Collection Records, 1948-2018 | RG 297
- School of Forestry Senior Forestry Papers, 1910-1956 | RG 299
- Presidential Search Committee Records, 1969-1970 | RG 310
- College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) Records, 1985-2006 | RG 320
1405 results returned.