The Agricultural Education and Agricultural Sciences Department Records document the undergraduate and graduate programs in agricultural education and general agriculture offered by Oregon State University, especially the coordination of undergraduate agriculture degree programs with Oregon community colleges, the training of agriculture teachers, and the development of agriculture programs for Oregon high school students.
The collection includes transfer and articulation agreements with community colleges, materials prepared for and documenting the Agricultural Science and Technology (AST) program for Oregon high school students, publications, photographs, and related documents.
The bulk of the records document transfer and articulation agreements between Oregon State University and 13 community colleges in Oregon from the 1970s through the mid-2000s. The transfer agreements allowed students in vocational and technical agriculture programs at community colleges to transfer into the General Agriculture and Agricultural Education degree programs at Oregon State University with little or no loss of credit. These records also include documents providing transfer assistance to students at Eastern Oregon State College and Southern Oregon State College. A transfer agreement between Oregon Institute of Technology and the OSU Department of Industrial Education is also available.
The collection includes policies and procedures for the Agricultural Science and Technology (AST) program in Oregon public schools as well as curriculum, activity guides, and handbooks for the experiential learning component of the program. Handbooks for program evaluations and development of long range plans for AST programs are also included. Some of these materials were prepared as part of graduate courses in Agricultural Education.
Resource manuals for student teachers in agricultural education for 2009-2010 and 2014-2015 provide details about the expectations and requirements for graduate students in the Agricultural Education program.
The publications consist of Agricultural Education Outlines - Poultry Practices (1955) and Agricultural Science Laboratory Exercises for High School Students (1961). A small quantity of records pertain to the failed attempt in the 1970s to offer a forestry option within the Agricultural Education degree.
The records include portrait photographs of three former heads of the Agricultural Education and General Agriculture Department -- H.H. Gibson (1920-1949), Phillip B. Davis (1968-1974), and Leno V. Christensen (1974-1977).