The Beaver Yearbook Photographs are comprised of numerous accessions of print and born digital photographs captured for use in the Beaver Yearbook. Accessions since the year 2000 include:
2001:010 This accession consists of black and white and color photographic prints used in the publication of the 1999 and 2000 Beaver Yearbooks.
2005:064 This accession consists of photographic images taken by Beaver Yearbook staff for use in yearbooks from 1998 to 2003 and numbers about 4600 images in total (2300 prints and 2300 35mm negatives). In addition to documenting annual events such as homecoming, Dad's, Mom's, and Siblings Weekends, and spring commencement, the photographs in this transfer also depict campus buildings, classroom scenes, athletic games, structural dedications, and group shots of student organization membership. These images were predominantly used in the 2001 and 2002 yearbooks.
2005:076 This accession consists of photographic images taken by Beaver Yearbook staff for the 2003 yearbook. The bulk of these images originated as digital files and are stored on floppy discs and cds. In addition to individual portrait shots of students, these images depict athletic games, fraternity and sorority members, the spring commencement ceremony, student organizations, and Sibling's Weekend events. Also found in this transfer are 35mm slides and color prints (numbering 8 and 3, respectively) depicting the exterior of the Memorial Union, Hatfield Marine Science Center staff in a laboratory, and residents of the Columbia Lodge cooperative house.
2006:031 This accession consists of photographic images taken by Beaver Yearbook staff that document athletic games, intermural sports, Mom's and Dad's Weekend shows, events sponsored by student organizations, the OSU Chamber Choir, the OSU Dance Team, and group shots of fraternity/sorority members. Consisting of 35mm negatives and images stored digitally on 51 cds, these images appeared in the 2003, 2004, and 2005 yearbooks.
2006:055 This accession consists of photographic images taken by Beaver Yearbook staff that are primarily portrait shots of students but also document classroom scenes at the College of Veterinary Medicine and major national/international events (stock footage) used to highlight the non-OSU "news" of the year. Stored digitally on 19 cds and 14 floppy/zip disks, these images appeared in the 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 yearbooks.
2015:018 This accession consists of photographic images taken by Beaver Yearbook staff during the 1996/97 through the 2001/02 school years for use in the annual yearbook. Numbering about 6000 photographs in total (3200 prints and 2800 negatives), the images primarily depict campus events, including: spring commencement ceremonies, Mom's and Dad's Weekend, athletic games, intramural sports, Homecoming Weekend, Interfraternity Council (IFC) Sing performances, musical concerts, and student organization cultural nights. Among the views of athletic contests are several hundred shots of the Oahu Bowl (1999) and Fiesta Bowl (2001) football games. There are also a number of general scenic shots of campus and students engaged in everyday activities in dormitories, classrooms, and outside in the quads. Portrait shots of yearbook staff and group shots of student organization members were also found in this transfer.
Images from this collection have been digitized and are available in Oregon Digital.