Oral History Interviews, Personal Histories, and Sound Recordings Collection on Agriculture, Forestry, and Oregon History, 1908-2022
Container List
- Series 1: Transcripts, Project Files and Sound Recordings, 1908-2001 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 boxes; 12 folders
- UnitID: 1
- Box-Folder 1.1: Drake, George, November 10, 1958 Add to Shelf
Interview is titled "Oral History Interview with George Drake, consulting forester; formerly logging manager for Simpson Logging Company, Shelton, Washington; and forester, U.S. Forest Service." Interview transcript includes an index of subjects and personal names. Subjects discussed include the Forest Service, logging camps, Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, Pacific Logging Congress, Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Spark Arrester Committee, George Cornwall, Ed Hirst, tractor logging, forest fire prevention. [Item OH05:01, interview conducted by Elwood R. Maunder, Forest History Foundation, Inc.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.2: Matthews, Oliver V., June 1959 Add to Shelf
Interview is titled "The Work of Oliver Matthews, Dendrologist Extraordinary." Subjects discussed include dendrology, unusual Oregon trees, forest photography and the Johnson fir. [Item OH05:02, interview conducted by W.R. Randall.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.3: Finley, Ross, 1949-1956 Add to Shelf
Interview is titled "History of OSU -- Prior 1890." Folder includes six SoundScriber discs annotated as having been used for dictation of Finley's interview between 1949 and 1956. Transcript was created in 1964 at the offices of Corvallis Sand and Gravel Co. Subjects discussed include the Gibson Mine, William A. Finley, Marianna Mines and Corvallis College. [Item OH05:03, interview conducted by J.H. Gallagher.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Extent: Six SoundScriber discs
- Box-Folder 1.4: Agricultural Information Trainee Program promotional recording, United States Department of Agriculture, 1958 Add to Shelf
Folder includes a form letter from R. Lyle Webster, Director of Information, describing the trainee program and the purpose of the recording. Subjects discussed in the recording include the USDA Office of Information in Washington DC and the Agricultural Research Service in Beltsville, Maryland]. [Item OH05:04, narrated by George Loesing and Jerry Carlson.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Extent: 1 reel-to-reel audiotape; 11:00
- Box-Folder 1.5: MacKenzie, Donald, October 31, 1957 Add to Shelf
Subjects discussed include Tom Roach, Bill Brian, Kenneth Ross, Frank Mallory, Thomas F. Walsh, Anaconda Company, 1909-1957; logging, Ouray, Colorado; Camp Birdmine; horse sleigh logging; Potomac, Montana; Seely Lake; Red Cross; Osgood portable loader; lumberjacks; Paul Bunyan stories; tall tales; "ten-day men." [Item OH05:05, interview conducted by Elwood R. Maunder, Forest History Foundation, Inc. Gordon D. Marckworth, Dean of the College of Forestry at the University of Washington, also participated in the interview.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.6: MacVicar, Robert, June 3, 1984 Add to Shelf
Interview is titled "MacVicar Reflects - Transcription of Interview just before Graduation," conducted in connection with MacVicar's retirement from Oregon State University. [Item OH05:06, interviewer unknown.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.7: Snook, Paul, August - September, 1983 Add to Shelf
A personal and family history focusing primarily on Snook's work in constructing campus buildings and in highway construction. Transcript includes a partial list of construction projects carried out by the Snook family. [Item OH05:07; prepared by Susan M. Gaughan with interviews conducted in part by Alison Otis.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.8: Pubols, Ben H., Sr., June 15, 1973 Add to Shelf
Transcript is titled "Ancestry and Early Life of Dr. Ben H. Pubols, Sr." Folder includes a Washington Post obituary of Pubols, "Ben H. Pubols, Ex-Economist for USDA Research Service," December 21, 1978. [Item OH05:08]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.9: Henkle, Jacob and Elizabeth Conger Henkle, 1908 Add to Shelf
Transcript is titled "A Traditional Sketch of the Henkle Ancestry" and includes recollections of the Henkle wagon train on the Oregon Trail in 1853 and the family's early years in Oregon. [Item OH05:09; dictated in 1908 to Charlotte Shipley Bonebrake. Copied by Edith Connor Grutze, historian, in 1919. Re-copied by Terry Evelyn Staines Lovell in 1965.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.10: Purchase, Kathreen Kirkpatrick, August 24, 1994 Add to Shelf
Purchase graduated from Oregon Agricultural College in 1914 and, by 1996, was believed to be the oldest living OSU graduate. [Item OH05:10, interview by Martin "Skip" Haley and Dawn Hawkins of the OSU College of Home Economics, with the assistance of Purchase's daughter, Elnor Purchase Akio.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 1.11: Moore, Harriet Forest, 1988-1990 Add to Shelf
Transcripts, notes and background materials pertaining chiefly to Moore's service as a physical therapist during World War I. Recordings were made by Moore in answer to questions posed by Lettie Gavin, a Seattle researcher. Gavin asked Moore questions by telephone, who then recorded her answers onto cassette tapes and sent the tapes to Gavin in Seattle. Folder includes a summary of the Moore cassette tapes as prepared by Mark Tolonen of the Benton County Historical Museum. [Item OH05:11]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon request.
- Box-Folder 1.12: Haggard, Marko, 1996 Add to Shelf
Interview is titled "Marko Haggard: Recollections of a Professor in the Public Arena." File includes the finished interview as well as a vita, newspaper articles, photo reproductions and other background materials. [Item OH05:12, interview by Joella Werlin.]
This transcript was digitized and is available upon patron request.
- UnitID: 2.1
- Box-Folder 2.1: Hull, Ralph, February - May, 1992 Add to Shelf
Interview is titled "Ralph Hull: A Life in the Sawmill Business, Benton County, Oregon, 1908-1994." Interview is also itemized as OSU Research Forests Sawmill History Project Monograph #1. [Item OH05:16, interviews conducted by George Wisner on February 6, 1992; February 11, 1992; and May 6, 1992.]
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 2.2: Project Files: OSU Research Forests Sawmill History Project, 1992-2001 Add to Shelf
Files includes summaries of interviews conducted with Harold Cooper, Leroy Cooper, and Gordon Davis, ca. 1992, as well as notes on regional sawmills, and permissions forms for use by the project.
This transcript has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 2.3: Monograph: "Walter F. McCulloch: Forestry and Education in Oregon, 1937-1966", 1968 Add to Shelf
Monograph consists of an introduction, table of contents, interview transcripts, index and appendix. Interviews conducted by Amelia R. Fry of the University of California Regional Oral History Office in Berkeley. McCulloch's correspondence with Fry regarding edits to the transcript is also included, as are copies of a few short writings by McCulloch.
This file has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Box-Folder 2.4: Wakefield, Rex, 1994 Add to Shelf
Folder contains table of contents and partial introduction for 1989 Wakefield interviews, as well as a partial transcript for the January 29, 1989 session.
This partial transcript, which includes the table of contents, has been digitized and is available upon patron request.
- Digital Folder 1: Grant Troyer, Coy Lansbery and Paul Lansbery, 1976 Add to Shelf
Three audio recordings created by Portland journalist Grant Troyer in 1976. One is with Coy Lansbery (1885-1979), who was Troyer's uncle. Coy Lansbery's interview focuses on his experiences as a logger from 1907-1912. A second is with Paul Lansbery (1895-1991), brother of Coy Lansbery and also a logger – the topic of this interview is logging camp cookery. The final recording is a recitation of research that Troyer conducted on the Booth Kelly Lumber Company's activities from 1900-1930. Also included is a .pdf file containing a biography of Coy Lansbery as published in the Fall 1983 issue of the Lane County Historian.
These materials were migrated to digital format prior to their transfer to SCARC.
- Extent: 3 .mp3 files; 1 .pdf
- Series 2: Audiocassettes, 1983-1997 Add to Shelf
- Nearly all of the audiocassettes described in this series have been migrated to digital format and are available upon patron request. Marko Haggard interview tapes #4 and #5 are damaged and have not been migrated to digital format.
- Extent: 33 items
- UnitID: 2
- Box-Item 3.1: MacVicar, Robert, June 3, 1984 Add to Shelf
- [Item OH05:06]
- Extent: 1 cassette
- Box-Item 3.2-3.6: Snook, Paul, August - September, 1983 Add to Shelf
- [Item OH05:07]
- Extent: 5 cassettes
- Box-Item 3.7-3.15: Moore, Harriet Forest, 1988-1990 Add to Shelf
- [Item OH05:11]
- Extent: 9 cassettes
- Box-Item 4.1-4.11: Wakefield, Rex, January - May, 1989 Add to Shelf
- [Item OH05:13. Interviews conducted on January 11, 1989 and May 23, 1989.]
- Extent: 11 cassettes
- Box-Item 4.12: "Applegate Trail", May 25, 1991 Add to Shelf
- [Item OH05:14. Recording made by Bob Zybach and consisting of commentary on the route taken by the Applegate Trail through the Willamette Valley.]
- Extent: 1 cassette
- Box-Item 4.13: Stephenson, Tom, October 3, 1991 Add to Shelf
- [Item OH05:15]
- Extent: 1 cassette
- Box-Item 4.14-4.18: Haggard, Marko, June 1996 - January 1997 Add to Shelf
- [Item OH05:12. Interviews conducted on June 25, 1996; June 26, 1996; July 2, 1996; July 30, 1996; August 14, 1996; August 15, 1996; and January 30, 1997. Tape 4 (July 30/August 14) and Tape 5 (August 15/January 30) are both damaged.]
- Extent: 5 cassettes
- Series 3: Born Digital, 2022 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 1.18 GB
- Digital Folder 2: Smith, Bill, November 30, 2022 Add to Shelf
- In this, the first of two interviews, Oregon State College (OSC) alumnus Bill Smith discusses his upbringing in San Francisco, his stint in the Navy during World War II, his experiences at San Francisco City College, and his memories of studying Forestry at OSC. Smith graduated from Oregon State in 1951 with a degree in Forest Management. Interview conducted by Chris Petersen.
- Extent: 1:39:24
- Digital Folder 3: Smith, Bill, December 1, 2022 Add to Shelf
- In his second, Bill Smith reflects on his career in the timber industry, commenting on jobs that he had as a choker setter, operator of a pole yard, and resource manager for Georgia Pacific - Northern Coastal California. Interview conducted by Chris Petersen.
- Extent: 1:30:53