Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Records, 1966-2014
The Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Records consist of the theatre's administrative records, production files, and community outreach work. Also included is the company's artwork, videos and audio of performances, correspondence, and promotional materials. Established in 1985 by José González and Dañel Malán, Milagro is the premier Latino arts and cultures program in the northwest. The theatre produces both classical and contemporary performances that are English, Spanish, or bilingual. Milagro is still active to this day.
The Series 12: Audiovisual materials have been digitized and are available upon request. Please see SCARC's "Accessing Audio-Visual Content" for more information.
Container List
- Series 1: Administrative, 1985-2012 Add to Shelf
- Series 1 consist of Milagro’s administrative records such as the theatre’s articles of incorporation and bylaws, press releases, reports, and strategic plans.
- UnitID: Series 1
- Box-Folder 1.1: Articles and Certificate of Incorporation, 1985-2000 Add to Shelf
- Includes 1985-1988, 1995, 1997, and 2000
- Box-Folder 1.2: Bylaws, 1987-2008 Add to Shelf
- Includes 1987, 1993, 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2008
- Box-Folder 1.3 - 1.4: Executive Director Reports, 1995-2011 Add to Shelf
- undated,1995,1997-2005,2006-2011
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 1.5: Goals, Missions, Visions and History, 1995-2008 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.6 - 1.7: Newsletters, 1989-2012 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 1.8: Organization Structure, 1999-2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.9: Policies and Plans of Action, 2008 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.10 - 1.11: Praise and Appreciation Letters, undated Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 Folders
- Box-Folder 1.12 - 1.15: Press Releases, 1998-2012 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 4 folders
- Box-Folder 1.16 - 1.17: Reports, circa 1990-2010 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 1.18: Strategic Plans, circa 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.19: Strategic Sessions / Town Hall Meetings, 2005-2006 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.20: Social Media, 2011-2012 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.21: Website, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Series 2: Board, 1988-2012 Add to Shelf
- Series 2 includes the theatre’s board meeting minutes and member profiles as well as materials documenting committee activities regarding the theatre’s development, finances, and building.
- UnitID: Series 2
- Box-Folder 1.22: Actions and Board Recruitment, 1992-2008 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.23: Committees, 1993-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 25th Anniversary Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Advisory Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Arts and Education Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Artistic Advisory Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Board and Staff Development Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Institution and Community Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 1.24: Committees, 1993-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Facilities Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Finance Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Fundraising Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Publicity Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Renovation Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Resource Development Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Space Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Steering Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.1: Communications, 1992-2008 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 2.2 - 2.11: Meeting Minutes, 1985-2012 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 10 folders
- Box-Folder 2.12 - 2.13: Member Profiles and Lists, 1989-2011 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 2.14 - 2.15: Retreats, 1994-2010 Add to Shelf
- 1994-1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002-2003, 2005, 2006-2010
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 2.16: Roles and Responsibilities, 1988-2008 Add to Shelf
- Series 3: Building, 1966-2009 Add to Shelf
- Series 3 documents the history of Milagro’s theatre space and includes assessment reports, floor and building plans, contracts, financial records, and blueprints.
- UnitID: Series 3
- Box-Folder 3.1: Assessment: Environmental, 1996-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.2: Assessment: Structural, 1996-1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.3: Buyout, 1989-2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.4: Café, 2003-2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.5: Cancelled Site - Church, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.6: Capital Campaign, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.7: Escrow (Steward Title), 1995-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.8: Floor Plan, undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.9: Hispanic Arts Cultural Center, 1990-1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.10: Lease, 1989-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.11 - 3.12: Loan, 1996-2007 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 3.13: Market Appraisal, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.14: Operating Agreement, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.15: Permits, 1966-1967 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.16: Refinance, 1997-2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.17: Renovations, 1966-2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.18 - 3.22: Renters Contracts, 1995-2006 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 5 folders
- Box-Folder 3.23: Theater, 1997-2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.24: Title and Closing, 1994-1998 Add to Shelf
- Folder 18: Blueprints of Building Structure, 1989-2012 Add to Shelf
- Includes 2 buildings plans, one theater layout and one light grid
- Series 4: Company, 1989-2012 Add to Shelf
- Series 4 includes handouts such as pamphlets, budgets, correspondence, and general planning outlines.
- UnitID: Series 4
- Box-Folder 3.25: Bellas Artes, 2002-2006 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.26: Centro Milagro, 1995-1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.27: Milagro Bailadores, 1997-2002 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.28: Milagro Development Group, 1997-2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.29: Miracle Theatre Group, 1990-2011 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.30: Teatro Español, 2002-2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.31 - 3.33: Teatro Milagro, 1989-2012 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 folders
- Series 5: Events, 1992-2010 Add to Shelf
- Series 5 contains materials in regard to the events hosted by Milagro. Materials include planning for events, budgets, attendee lists, as well as handouts.
- UnitID: Series 5
- Box-Folder 4.1: 25th Anniversary, 2007-2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.2: House Parties, Board Soliciting Events, 1998-2010 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.3: Latino Arts Congress, 2010 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.4: National Hispanic Theatre Conference, 1992-1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.5: Old Havana Night, auction fundraiser, 1999-2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.6: Posada Milagro, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.7: Sabor Milagro, Community Fundraiser, 1994-1995 Add to Shelf
- Series 6: Organizations, 1985-2011 Add to Shelf
- Series 6 contains materials regarding various organizations and includes handouts, correspondence, and articles about the organizations.
- UnitID: Series 6
- Box-Folder 4.8: ArtPaz, circa 1985 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.9: Art Space, 1995-2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.10: Centro Mexicano de Oregon, 1999-2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.11: Festival Internacional Cervantino, 1995-1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.12: International Hispanic Theatre Festival, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.13: Memberships, 2009-2011 Add to Shelf
- Series 7: Outreach and Education, 1988-2012 Add to Shelf
- Series 7 contains outreach and education materials including syllabi for classes, handouts and outlines, and correspondence.
- UnitID: Series 7
- Box-Folder 4.14: Bridges / Puentes Program, 1988-2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.15: Classes, Workshops, and Camps, 1995-2012 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.16: Educational Training, 2007-2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.17: Hispanic Arts Outreaches Services, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.18: LAX / IdeAL, 2012 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.19: Light Up the World, 2007-2012 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.20: MAIZ (Movimiento Artistico Intercultural del Zol), 2008 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.21: Milagro @ SEIS (Spanish English International School), 2009-2010 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.22: MTG Outreach Purpose and Scope, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.23: Mundo de Las Mujeres, 2010-2012 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.24: P'Adelante, 1996-2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.25 - 4.30: Pluma Nueva, 2004-2008 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 6 folders
- Box-Folder 4.31 - 4.32: Posada Milagro, 2003-2012 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 4.33: Resource Books, 2006-2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.34: Unveiled Spirits, 2002-2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 4.35: Viva la World, 2002-2003 Add to Shelf
- Series 8: Projects, 1992-2013 Add to Shelf
- Series 8 contains project records including art planning, correspondence, contracts, and various written lectures and readings.
- UnitID: Series 8
- Box-Folder 5.1: Artwork at Milagro, 2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.2: Collaborations, 2005-2008 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.3: Community, 2004-2013 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.4: Radio, 1992-2010 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.5: Readings and Lectures, 1992-2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.6: Video, 1996-2010 Add to Shelf
- Series 9: People, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Series 9 contains records pertaining to the people associated with Milagro including the audience, creative staff, and employees. Documents include audience membership meetings and surveys; performer contracts, organized by production; and personnel files.
- UnitID: Series 9
- Box-Folder 5.7: Audience: Membership Meetings, 1989-2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.8: Audience: Patron Surveys, 1997-2011 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.9: Creatives: Contracts, A-B, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: A Bicycle Country Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Alma de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Item 3: American Sueño Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Ancient Greek Festival Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Antigone Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Ardiente Paciencia Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Artwork at Milagro Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Aventuras de Don Quixote Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Affirmative Action Add to Shelf
- Item 10: ¡Ay, Compadre! Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Baile Romantico Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Barrio Hollywood Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Blood Wedding Add to Shelf
- Item 14: Brujerias Add to Shelf
- Item 15: Burning Patience Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.10: Creatives: Contracts, C, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Café con Leche Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Camino de Carnival Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Can I Tango Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Cenizas Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Chavez Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Clean Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Cloud Tectonics Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Colombus Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Conquista and Rebellion Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Corazon Gitano Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Cuéntame Coyote Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Cuentos Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Cupid and Psyche Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.11: Creatives: Contracts, D, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Danza Tropica Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Deporting the Divas Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Día de Los Muertos 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Día de Los Muertos 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Día de Los Muertos 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Día de Los Muertos 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Día de Los Muertos 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Día de Los Muertos 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Dia de los Muertos 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Día de Los Muertos, Canta y No Llores 2009 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.12: Creatives: Contracts, E-G, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Earth Summit Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Electra Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Elliot, A Soldier's Fugue Add to Shelf
- Item 4: El Nino Diego Add to Shelf
- Item 5: El Paso Blue Add to Shelf
- Item 6: El Quijote Add to Shelf
- Item 7: El Sueno Americano Add to Shelf
- Item 8: El Ultimo Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Entre de Mundos Add to Shelf
- Item 10: En este valle de Lagrimos Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Entre Villa y Una Mujer Desnuda Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Faustino Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Festival Primaveral Add to Shelf
- Item 14: Fiesta Add to Shelf
- Item 15: Flaminco Add to Shelf
- Item 16: Frida Add to Shelf
- Item 17: Fortuna de vida Add to Shelf
- Item 18: Fuente Ovejuna 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 19: Fuente Ovejuna 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 20: Guadalupe Urbina Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.13: Creatives: Contracts, H-L, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Heroes and Saints Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Hispanic Arts & Sciences Lecture Series Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Hispanic Cultural Festival Add to Shelf
- Item 4: How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Icarus Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Jardín de Sueños Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Jason and Golden Fleece Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Journeys Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Kiss of the Spider Woman Add to Shelf
- Item 10: La Baraca Sin Pescador Add to Shelf
- Item 11: La Canción de Libertad Add to Shelf
- Item 12: La Carpa del Ausente Add to Shelf
- Item 13: La Chunga Add to Shelf
- Item 14: La Luna Nueva Festival 2009 Add to Shelf
- Item 15: La Noche Eterna Add to Shelf
- Item 16: Latina Add to Shelf
- Item 17: Life is a dream Add to Shelf
- Item 18: Lorca in a Green Dress Add to Shelf
- Item 19: Lysistrata Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.14: Creatives: Contracts, M-S, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Matachines Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Medea Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Men on the Verge of a his panic breakdown Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Men on a Verge 2 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Mi Gente, Mi Vida Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Milagro at SEIS Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Milagro Bailadores Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Milagro on Calle 401K Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Mi Vida Gitana Add to Shelf
- Item 11: My Visits with MGM Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Oedipus Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Orinoco Add to Shelf
- Item 14: Our Lady of the Tortilla Add to Shelf
- Item 15: Pérez y Martina Add to Shelf
- Item 16: Perseus Add to Shelf
- Item 17: Pesticides in the Chavez Years Add to Shelf
- Item 18: Pluma Nueva Add to Shelf
- Item 19: Profecia Add to Shelf
- Item 20: Recuerdos de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Item 21: References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot Add to Shelf
- Item 22: Regreso a Mis Sueños Add to Shelf
- Item 23: Rey de La Gente Add to Shelf
- Item 24: Roosters Add to Shelf
- Item 25: Sex, Lies & Coffee Beans Add to Shelf
- Item 26: Shadow of a Man Add to Shelf
- Item 27: Sirena, Queen of Tango Add to Shelf
- Item 28: Songs for a New World Add to Shelf
- Item 29: Song of the Love Apple Add to Shelf
- Item 30: Sonia Flew Add to Shelf
- Item 31: Spirits of the Ordinary Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.15: Creatives: Contracts, T-U, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Tango Add to Shelf
- Item 2: The Death of Life of Sneaky Fitch Add to Shelf
- Item 3: The Fat Free Chicana and the Snow Cap Queen Add to Shelf
- Item 4: The Frogs Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Theseus Add to Shelf
- Item 6: The Magic Stone Add to Shelf
- Item 7: The Miser of Mexico Add to Shelf
- Item 8: The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa Add to Shelf
- Item 9: True History of Coca Cola Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Tierra del Fuego Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Tino Does Time Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Unmerciful Good Fortune Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.16: Creatives: Contracts, V-Z, 1986-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Velvet, Velour, and Burlap Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Visión del Jaguar Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Viva Baile Noche de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Viva la Word Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Viva La World Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Voices from the Threshold Add to Shelf
- Item 7: When El Cucui Walks Add to Shelf
- Item 8: When the Blues Chase Up a Rabbit Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Yemaya's Belly Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Yerma Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Zorro Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.17: Creatives: Resumes and Bios, undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.18: Creatives: Immigration Department, 1996-2008 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.19: Creatives: Mexico Tour, 1995-1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.20: Personnel: Directories, 1991-1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 5.21: Personnel: Employee Files, A-G, 1989-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Austin, Paula Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Barajas, Berha Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Barton, Halbert Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Bolanos, Angela Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Bond, Feisal Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Breton, Leila Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Brown, Paul Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Chávez, Susy Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Dorado, Ana Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Evleshin, Catherine Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Farias, Joann Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Fenston, Jacob Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Garcia, Victoria Add to Shelf
- Item 14: Gomez, "Lori" Rose Add to Shelf
- Item 15: Gonzales, Alejandra Add to Shelf
- Item 16: González, José Add to Shelf
- Item 17: Gray, Tamara Castillo Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.1: Personnel: Employee Files, H-P, 1994-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Hanchar, Sonjar Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Howie, Karla Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Lomas, Juli Ann Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Lorecchio, G.E. Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Loring, Mark Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Malán, Danielle Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Mannness, Maria Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Martinez, Leinna Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Martinez, Rebecca Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Matthews, Tami Add to Shelf
- Item 11: McGreevey, Nara Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Miller, Patricia Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Monroe, Roger Add to Shelf
- Item 14: Moraga, Cherrie Add to Shelf
- Item 15: Phoenix, Andrew Add to Shelf
- Item 16: Pick, Stephen Add to Shelf
- Item 17: Portuguez, Gabriela Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.2: Personnel: Employee Files, R-Z, 1995-2013 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Ramirez, Anabel Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Ruiz, Daniel Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Saligumba, Marlie Add to Shelf
- Folder 4: Salim, Anna Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Sanchez, Olga Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Sheldon, Baily Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Shellnutt, Adrienne Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Siler, Bunnie Rivera Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Sonera, Antonio Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Thorpe, David Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Tilche, Barbara Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Torres, Reveca Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Ulsna, Shae Add to Shelf
- Item 14: Vargas, Omar Add to Shelf
- Item 15: Wojezuki, Montana Add to Shelf
- Item 16: Zavala, Rocio Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.3: Personnel: Employee Policy, 1995-2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.4: Personnel: Internships, 1999-2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.5: Personnel: Job Descriptions, 1995-2011 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.6: Personnel: Staff Biographies, undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.7: Personnel: Staff Meetings, 1995-2011 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.8: Personnel: Time Tickets, Undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 26.9: Personnel: Video/Audio Release Forms, Undated Add to Shelf
- Series 10: Productions, 1984-2014 Add to Shelf
- Series 10 contains thirty years of production files organized by season. Records include promotional materials, parts of scripts, notes, photos, and research materials.
- UnitID: Series 10
- Box-Folder 6.1: Play Solicitations Not Used, undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.2: 1984-1985 Season, 1984-1985 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Relatively Speaking [ArtPaz] Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Son of Man [ArtPaz] Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Waiting for Godot [ArtPaz] Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.3: 1985-1986 Season, 1985-1986 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: MGC 148 [ArtPaz] Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Tango [ArtPaz/MTG] Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.4: 1986-1987 Season, 1986-1987 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oedipus Rex Add to Shelf
- Item 2: The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.5: 1987-1988 Season, 1987-1988 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Antigone Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.6: 1988-1989 Season, 1988-1989 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 88/89 Festival: Ancient Greek Theatre Festival Add to Shelf
- Item 2: 88/89 Festival: Hispanic Cultural Festival (1st) Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.7: 1988-1989 Season, 1988-1989 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Burning Patience Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Jason and the Golden Fleece Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Lysistrata Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Pérez y Martina Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Roosters Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.8: 1989-1990 Season, 1989-1990 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 89/90 Festival: Ancient Greek Theatre Festival Add to Shelf
- Item 2: 89/90 Festival: Hispanic Cultural Festival (2nd) Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Electra Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Maria's Magic Christmas Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Orinoco Add to Shelf
- Item 6: The Magic Stone Add to Shelf
- Item 7: The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.9: 1990-1991 Season, 1990-1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 90/91 Festival: Hispanic Cultural Festival (3rd) Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Adventuras de Don Quixote Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Medea Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Our Lady of the Tortilla Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.10: 1991-1992 Season, 1991-1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 91/92 Festival: Ancient Greek Theatre Festival Add to Shelf
- Item 2: 91/92 Festival Hispanic Cultural Festival (4th) Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Cuentos Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Un Christmas Cuento Add to Shelf
- Item 5: El Zorro Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.11: 1992-1993 Season, 1992-1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 92/93 Festival: Hispanic Cultural Festival (5th) Add to Shelf
- Item 2: 92/93 Festival: Hispanic Playwrights Series Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Earth Summit Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Latina Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Noche Oscura Add to Shelf
- Item 6: The Lady from Havana Add to Shelf
- Item 7: The Miser of Mexico Add to Shelf
- Item 8: The Truer Story of Columbus Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Un Christmas Cuento Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Zona Rosa Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.12: 1993-1994 Season, 1993-1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 93/94 Festival: Hispanic Cultural Festival (6th) Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Arte Flamenco Dance Company Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Boxcar Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Camino Confusión/Confusion Street Add to Shelf
- Item 5: El Niño Diego Add to Shelf
- Item 6: La Canción de Libertad Add to Shelf
- Item 7: My Visit with MGM Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Ocho Elenas para Esteban Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Shadow of a Man Add to Shelf
- Item 10: To the Posada Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.13: 1994-1995 Season, 1994-1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Ay, Compadre Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Festival de Navidad Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Heroes and Saints Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Matachines Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Mi Gente, Mi Vida Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Ray de la Gente Frutal Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Voices from the Threshold Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.14: 1995-1996 Season, 1995-1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 95/96 Festival: Hispanic Cultural Festival (8th) Add to Shelf
- Item 2: 95/96 Festival: Hispanic Playwrights Series Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Deporting the Divas Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Día de los Muertos - When El Cucui Walks Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.15: 1995-1996 Season, 1995-1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Sueño Americano Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Posada 187 (Festival de Navidad) Add to Shelf
- Item 3: The Fat-Free Chicana and the Snow Cap Queen Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Tierra del Fuego Add to Shelf
- Item 5: U Got the Look Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Una Noche de Liberación Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.16: 1996-1997 Season, 1996-1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Alas del Huracán Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Chávez Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Corazón Gitano Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Día de los Muertos Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Don Faustino Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.17 - 6.18: 1996-1997 Season, 1996-1997 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Item 1: En Este Valle de Lágrimas Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Regreso a Mis Lágrimas Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 6.19: 1996-1997 Season, 1996-1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Velvet, Velour and Burlap Add to Shelf
- Item 2: X-Flock 209 (Festival de Navidad) Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.1: 1997-1998 Season, 1997-1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Café con Leche Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Camino al Carnaval Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Cloud Tectonics Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Día de los Muertos Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Recuerdos de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Un Christmas Cuento Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.2: 1997-1998 Season, 1997-1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Unmerciful Good Fortune Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Visión del Jaguar Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.3: 1998-1999 Season, 1998-1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Burning Patience Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Deporting the Divas Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Día de los Muertos Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Entre Dos Mundos Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.4: 1998-1999 Season, 1998-1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Festival de Navidad Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.5: 1998-1999 Season, 1998-1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Fortuna de la Vida Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Men of the Verge of a His-Panic Breakdown Add to Shelf
- Item 3: When the Blues Chase Up a Rabbit Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.6: 1999-2000 Season, 1999-2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Baile Romántico Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Blood Wedding Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Cenizas Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.7: 1999-2000 Season, 1999-2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Día del los Muertos Add to Shelf
- Item 2: El Paso Blue Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Fortuna de la Vida Add to Shelf
- Item 4: La Posada (The Inn) Add to Shelf
- Item 5: The American Sueño Add to Shelf
- Item 6: The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.8: 2000-2001 Season, 2000-2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Christmas Crisis in Las Cruces! Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Día de los Muertos Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Kiss of the Spider Woman Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Life is a Dream Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Profecía Add to Shelf
- Item 6: References to Salvador Dali Makes Me Hot Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Viva el Baile! Noche de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.9: 2001-2002 Season, 2001-2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: A Bicycle Country Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Aventuras de Don Quixote Add to Shelf
- Item 3: El Día de los Muertos Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Familia, Food and Fiesta Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Frida, Un Retablo Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Icarus Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Milagro on Calle 401K Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Te Llevo en La Sangre Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Viva Baile! Danza Tropical! Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Yerma Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.10: 2002-2003 Season, 2002-2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: 02/03 Festival: Festival Primaveral Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Alma de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Item 3: El Días de los Muertos - El Díablo Don't Dance Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Fausto Add to Shelf
- Item 5: La Barca Sin Pescado Add to Shelf
- Item 6: La Chunga Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Milagro on Calle 401K (Festival de Navidad) Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.11: 2002-2003 Season, 2002-2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Sirena, Queen of the Tango Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Spirit of the Ordinary Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.12: 2003-2004 Season, 2003-2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Barrio Hollywood Add to Shelf
- Item 2: El Día de lost Muertos - Ofrenda al Cuerpo Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.13: 2003-2004 Season, 2003-2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Fuente Ovejuna, Pluma Nega, Ome Ire Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Posada Milagro Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Tino Does Time Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.14: 2004-2005 Season, 2004-2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Cuéntame Coyote Add to Shelf
- Item 2: El Día de los Muertos - Xandu Ya Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.15: 2004-2005 Season, 2004-2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Jardín de Sueños Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.16: 2004-2005 Season, 2004-2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Elliot, A Soldier's Fugue Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Fuente Ovejuna Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.17: 2004-2005 Season, 2004-2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Lorca in a Green Dress Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 7.18: 2004-2005 Season, 2004-2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrls! Add to Shelf
- Item 2: The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.1: 2005-2006 Season, 2005-2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Ardiente Paciencia Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Clean Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.2: 2005-2006 Season, 2005-2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Día de los Muertos - La Noche Eterna Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Men on the Verge 2 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Mi Vida Gitana Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Posada Milagro Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.3: 2006-2007 Season, 2006-2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Día de los Muertos - La Carpa Calavera Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Frida, Un Retablo Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Rosalba y Los Llaveros Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.4: 2006-2007 Season, 2006-2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Sonia Flew Add to Shelf
- Item 2: The Road to Xibalba Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Viva Baile! Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.5: 2007-2008 Season, 2007-2008 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Bodas de Sangre Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.6: 2007-2008 Season, 2007-2008 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Día de los Muertos - La Carpa del Ausente Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Mariela in the Desert Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.7: 2007-2008 Season, 2007-2008 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oya: Call the Storm Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Posada Milagro Add to Shelf
- Item 3: The Labyrinth of Desire Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Zapatista Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.8 - 8.9: 2008-2009 Season, 2008-2009 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Dos Pueblos Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.10: 2008-2009 Season, 2008-2009 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Día de los Muertos - La Carpa del Maestro Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Mujeres de Arena Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.11: 2008-2009 Season 2008-2009 Season, 2008-2009, , 2008-2009 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Grito del Bronx Add to Shelf
- Item 2: El Ultimo Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Posada Milagro Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.12: 2008-2009 Season, 2008-2009 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Te Lleva en La Sangre Add to Shelf
- Item 2: The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Voz Alta Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.13: 2009-2010 Season, 2009-2010 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: American Sueño Add to Shelf
- Item 2: El Día de los Muertos - Canta y No Llores Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.14: 2009-2010 Season, 2009-2010 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Quijote Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.15: 2009-2010 Season, 2009-2010 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Entre Villa y Una Mujer Desnuda Add to Shelf
- Item 2: How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Add to Shelf
- Item 3: La Luna Nueva Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 8.16: 2010-2011 Season, 2010-2011 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Ana en El Trópico Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Boomcracklefly Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Duende de Lorca Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Songs for a New World Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.1: 2010-2011 Season, 2010-2011 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Día de los Muertos - Viva Don Juan Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.2: 2010-2011 Season, 2010-2011 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: La Luna Nueva Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Lazarillo Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.3: 2011-2012 Season, 2011-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: B'Aktun 13 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Boleros for the Disenchanted Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.4: 2011-2012 Season, 2011-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Día de los Muertos - Viva La Revolucion! Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.5: 2011-2012 Season, 2011-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Jardín de Sueños Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.6: 2011-2012 Season, 2011-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: La Luna Nueva Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oedipus El Rey Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.7: 2012-2013 Season, 2012-2013 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Item 1: El Día de los Muertos - Raiz Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Guapa Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.8: 2011-2012 Season, 2011-2012 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: La Celestina Add to Shelf
- Item 2: La Luna Nueva Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Frida, Un Retablo Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Adventuras de Don Quixote Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Cuéntame Coyote Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.9: 2013-2014 Season, 2013-2014 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: El Niño Diego Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Adventuras de Don Quixote Add to Shelf
- Series 11: Photographs and Slides, 1990-2007 Add to Shelf
- Series 11 consists of aproximately 2,000 photographs, 100 slides, and 150 negatives documenting Milagro’s Bailadores dance company, its community outreach endeavors, creative personnel and employees, and productions, which are organized in alphabetical order.
- UnitID: Series 11
- Sub-Series 1: Bailadores, 1990-2004 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 1
- Box-Folder 9.10: Bailadores, circa 1990s Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Bailadores 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Bailadores 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Bailadores 1997 - Caitlin Gable Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Bailadores 1997 - Friendly House Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Bailadores 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Bailadores 1999 - State Capital Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.11: Bailadores, circa 2000s Add to Shelf
- Folder 1: Bailadores 2000 - Blue Lake Add to Shelf
- Folder 2: Bailadores 2000 Fiesta Add to Shelf
- Folder 3: Bailadores 2002 - Xedex, Ixal, and Friends Add to Shelf
- Folder 4: Bailadores 2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.12: Bailadores, undated Add to Shelf
- Packets A-J
- Box-Folder 9.13: Community Performances, undated Add to Shelf
- Packets A-J
- Box-Folder 9.14: Dance Camps, 1997-2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.15: Workshops and School Shows 1990s, circa 1990s Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.16: Workshops and School Shows 2000s, 2000-2002 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 9.17 - 9.19: Workshops and School Shows Undated, undated Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 2: Outreach Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 2
- Box-Folder 10.1: MTG Building, undated Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.2: Outreach Program - Titled Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Bridges Add to Shelf
- Item 2: En Este Valle de Lágrimas Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Hispanic Arts Outreach Services (NAOS) Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Metro School - 1996 - Chávez Human Relations Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Summer Workshops Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.3: Outreach Program - Untitled Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.4: Travels Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.5 - 10.6: Social Events Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Sub-Series 3: People Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 3
- Box-Folder 10.7: Board Members Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.8: Executive Director José González Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.9: Headshots-Named Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Joel Applegate Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Virginia Belt Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Time Blough Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Tim Cuevas Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Amy DaSilva Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Diane DeHaven Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Ricardo Delgado Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Gray Eubank Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Shannon Fabry Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Joann Farias Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Lori Ferraro Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Ty Fredette Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Frank Garcia Add to Shelf
- Item 14: Michael Godsey Add to Shelf
- Item 15: Joe Guerra Add to Shelf
- Item 16: Megan Harris Add to Shelf
- Item 17: Joe Healy Add to Shelf
- Item 18: Kristen Heyman Add to Shelf
- Item 19: Daniel Jaquez Add to Shelf
- Item 20: Maricelle Jeannette Add to Shelf
- Item 21: Lara Maniccia Add to Shelf
- Item 22: Crystal Minor Add to Shelf
- Item 23: Blaine Palmer Add to Shelf
- Item 24: Mary Beth Pinon Add to Shelf
- Item 25: Bob Rawson Add to Shelf
- Item 26: Bunnie Rivera-Siler Add to Shelf
- Item 27: Denis Robles-Torres Add to Shelf
- Item 28: Elaine Romero Add to Shelf
- Item 29: Eva Rotter Add to Shelf
- Item 30: Olga Sanchez Add to Shelf
- Item 31: Ted Schulz Add to Shelf
- Item 32: David John Seitz Add to Shelf
- Item 33: Nathan Siler Add to Shelf
- Item 34: Rosalie Siler Add to Shelf
- Item 35: Diana Solano Add to Shelf
- Item 36: Jose Solano Add to Shelf
- Item 37: Tony Sonera Add to Shelf
- Item 38: Ron Sorci Add to Shelf
- Item 39: Johnny Stallings Add to Shelf
- Item 40: Ina Strauss Add to Shelf
- Item 41: Clif Swinford Add to Shelf
- Item 42: Fayra Teeters Add to Shelf
- Item 43: Ralph Turley Add to Shelf
- Item 44: Sonia Unkeles Add to Shelf
- Item 45: Rosalba Valerio Add to Shelf
- Item 46: Carina Vargas Add to Shelf
- Item 47: Elaine Werner Add to Shelf
- Item 48: Nancy Wilson Add to Shelf
- Item 49: Alima Zepeda-Olsen Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.10: Headshots-Unnamed Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.11: Staff and Creatives Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 4: Productions Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 4
- Box-Folder 10.12: A Bicycle Country Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.13: Adventuras de Don Quixote Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.14: Alas del Huracán Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.15: Alma de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.16: Antigone Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.17: Baile Romántico Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.18: Blood Wedding Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.19: Burning Patience Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.20: Café con Leche Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.21: Cenizas Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.22: Chávez Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.23: Christmas Crisis in Las Cruces Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.24: Cloud Tectonics Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.25: Comparsa Cubana Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.26: Corazón Gitano Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.27: Cuéntame Coyote Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.28: Cuentos Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.29: Deporting the Divas Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.30: Don Faustino Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 10.31 - 10.35: El Día de los Muertos, 1995-2005 Add to Shelf
- Includes: 1995,1997-1998, 1999, 2002-2003, 2004-2005, undated, and alters
- Extent: 5 Folders
- Box-Folder 11.1: Elder Film Project Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.2: Electra Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.3: El Jardín de Sueños Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.4: El Paso Blue Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.5: El Sueño Americano Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.6: El Zorro Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.7: Entre Dos Mundos Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.8: Festival de Navidad Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.9: Fortuna de la Vida Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.10: Frida, Un Retablo Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.11: Fuente Ovejuna Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.12: Heroes and Saints Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.13: Hispanic Cultural Festival Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.14: Hispanic Dialogues Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.15: Hispanic Playwrites Series Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.16: Icarus Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.17: Jason and the Golden Fleece Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.18: Kiss of the Spider Woman Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.19: La Chunga Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.20: Latina Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.21: Life is a Dream Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.22: Lorca in a Green Dress Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.23: Los Viejitos Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.24: Lysistrata Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.25: Mariela in the Desert Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.26: Matachines Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.27: Medea Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.28: Men on the Verge of a His-Panic Breakdown Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.29: Men on the Verge 2 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.30: Mi Vida Gitana Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.31: Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.32: My Visits with MGM Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.33: Oedipus Rex Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.34: Orinoco Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.35: Our Lady of Tortilla Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.36: Pérez y Martina Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.37: Perseus, Gorgon Slayer Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.38: Posada187 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.39: Profecia Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.40: Reading Series Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.41: Recuerdos de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.42: References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.43: Regreso a Mis Sueños Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.44: Relatively Speaking Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.45: Rey de la Gente Frutal Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.46: Roosters Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.47: Shadows of a Man Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.48: Sirena, Queen of the Tango Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.49: Son of Man Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.50: Tango Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.51: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrls! Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.52: The Death and Life of Sneaky Finch Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.53: The Fat-Free Chicano and the Snow Cap Queen Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.54: The Frogs Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.55: The Magic Stone Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.56: The Miser of Mexico Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.57: The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.58: The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.59: The Truer Story of Columbus Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.60: Theseus Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.61: Tierra de Fuego Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.62: Tino Does Time Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.63: Un Christmas Cuento Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.64: Unmerciful Good Fortune Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.65: Velvet, Valour, and Burlap Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.66: Visión de Jaguar Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.67: Viva Baile! Noches de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.68: When El Cucui Walks Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.69: When the Blues Chase Up the Rabbit Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.70: Yamaya Belly Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.71: Yerma Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.72: X-Flock 209 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.73: Seasons Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 11.74: Unknown Add to Shelf
- Series 12: Audiovisual, circa 1980-circa 2014 Add to Shelf
Series 12 contains recordings of productions, 1989-2005; outreach events, projects, promotional clips, and work samples. Audiovisual formats include 114 VHS tapes, 4 VHSC tapes, 26 audiocassettes, 28 DVDs, 6 U-Matic tapes, 50 Hi8 tapes, 4 Betacam tapes, 19 MiniDV tapes, and 40 CDs. The materials are predominately organized in chronological order or grouped by title.
All materials in this series have been digitized and are available upon request. Please see the SCARC "Accessing Audio-Visual Content" policy for more information.
- UnitID: Series 12
- Sub-Series 1: Productions, 1989-2005 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 1
- Box-Item 12.1: Perez y Martina, 1989 Add to Shelf
- Pérez y Martina; videoed, edited and dubbed by Jason Laford; at Doernbecher's Children's Hospital
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.2: The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa, 1990 Add to Shelf
- The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa; Act 1-0, Act 2-1384, Act 3-1-2234, Act 4-3623, Act 5-4263
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.3: Orinoco, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Orinoco; April 6-29,1990
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.4: The Frogs, 1991 Add to Shelf
- The Frogs; 10/1991; runtime = 1hr
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.5: Adventuras de Don Quixote, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Teatro Milagro presents Adventuras de Don Quixote, 1991; cued for viewing
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.6: Our Lady of the Tortilla, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Tortilla/[tracks]
- Extent: audiocasette
- Box-Item 12.7: The Lady from Havana, 1992 Add to Shelf
- The Lady from Havana by Luis Santiero; Staged reading, 1992; Miracle Theatre Group
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.8: Festival de Navidad, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Festival de Navidad; Original, 1992
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.9: Latina, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Latina; Teatro Milagro, October 1, 1992, 2hrs, John Rausch Videographer. (On side of case: Latina - Teatro Milagro 1992; On front of case: Pérez y Martina at Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Edited, Videoed and Dubbed by Jason Laford [box reused])
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.10: Latina, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Latina by Milcha Sanchez-Scott
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.11: El Zorro, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Teatro Milagro presents El Zorro; written and directed by Mel Fletcher, April 3-26,1992
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.12: La Vida, 1992 Add to Shelf
- La Vida; English subtitles, Morningstar Productions, 06/5/1992
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.13: The Truer Story of Columbus, 1992 Add to Shelf
- The Truer Story of Columbus; October 1992
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.14: Noche Oscura, Luis Zapata, Zona Rosa, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Noche Oscura; Luis Zapata; Zona Rosa; July 15-16, 1992
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.15: ¡Cuentos!, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Miracle Theatre Presents ¡Cuentos! by Martin Milagro, 1992 Hispanic Cultural Festival
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.16: ¡Cuentos!, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Cuentos; The Beautiful Dark Skinned Lady and La Morena Bonita; Rough-cut 10 mins
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.17: Un Christmas Cuento, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.18: Oye Como Va #3, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Oye Como Va #3; Teatro Milagro [segment for show Oye Como Va covers El Niño Diego, 1993]
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.19: The Finest Tastiest Carrot Ever, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Miracle Theatre Group presents The Finest Tastiest Carrot Ever; June 29, 1993, PSU Multicultural Center
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.20: Camino Confusion, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Camino Confusion by Roy Conboy, Summer 1993
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.21: Ocho Elenas para Esteban, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Ocho Elenas para Esteban; staged reading, 1993
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.22: Festival de Navidad, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Festival de Navidad; Saturday 10/11/1993, staged, original
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.23: Festival de Navidad, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Festival de Navidad; Sunday 12/12/1993, original
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.24: Shadow of a Man, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Shadow of a Man; Sept 10 - Oct 2, 1993
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.25: Especially for Kids at Blue Lake Park, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Especially for Kids at Blue Lake Park; Earth Summit Play, Producer: Todd Loggan MCTV 667-7636, April 1-27, 1993
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.26: Cinco de Mayo, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Cinco de Mayo 1993; Ballet Folkloric de Guadalahara, 1hr 51mins 58sec, Presented to Cathy Evleshin from Tami Sue Jaka(sp), Orignal Tape
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.27: Miser of Mexico, 1993 Add to Shelf
- The Miser of Mexico; Miracle Theatre Group, April 17, 1993
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 12.28: El Niño Diego / Shadow of a Man, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Teatro Milagro: El Niño Diego / Shadow of a Man, Fall 1993
- Extent: U-matic
- Box-Item 12.29: El Niño Diego, 1994 Add to Shelf
- El Niño Diego; May 17, 1994, 36 minutes
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 13.1: El Niño Diego, 1994 Add to Shelf
- El Niño Diego; Edit Master, 36 min, 05/17/1994. Producer: A Phillips, Tualatin Valley Community Access.
- Extent: U-matic
- Box-Item 13.2: Rey de la Gente Frutal, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Rey de la Gente Frutal; Medford, Oregon, 1994
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.3: Rey de la Gente Frutal, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Rey de la Gente Frutal; 10/18/1994, Lincoln High School Show, classroom workshop, dance workshop
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.4: Rey de la Gente Frutal, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Rey de la Gente Frutal; workshop and performance program, filmed in Medford, OR and Tacoma WA
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.5: Rey de la Gente Frutal, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Rey de la Gente Frutal; Producer: Dañel Malán, 41 min 50 sec, 11/12/1994
- Extent: U-matic
- Box-Item 13.6: Festival de Mayo, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Festival de Danza y Música
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.7: My Visits with MGM, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.8: Heroes and Saints, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Heroes and Saints; Part 1, Oct 20 - Nov 5, 1994
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.9: Heroes and Saints, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Heroes and Saints; Part 2, Oct 20 - Nov 5, 1994. Workshops: Lullaby, Dance, Lisa Song
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.10: La Canción de Libertad, 1994 Add to Shelf
- La Canción de Libertad; 45 min 18 sec. Sylvia: 5 mins and Bridges: 15 mins
- Extent: U-matic
- Box-Item 13.11: La Canción de Libertad, My Visits with MGM, El Niño Diego, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Teatro Milagro Presents: La Canción de Libertad, My Visits with MGM, El Niño Diego
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 13.12: When El Cucui Walks, 1994 Add to Shelf
- When El Cucui Walks; Oct 10 - Nov 18, 1995
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.13: OES/Teatro Milagro, 1995 Add to Shelf
- OES/Teatro Milagro; 10/25/1995 [OES:Oregon Episcopal School]
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.14: Matachines, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Matachines; Research, Dance Tape
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.15: Matachines, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Los Matachines; April 21-29, 1995, About 52 mins
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.16: Matachines, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.17 - 13.20: Deporting the Divas, 1995 Add to Shelf
- [4 audiocassettes] All: Deporting Divas '95 Tape 1: voice(a) opening announcements, Tape 2: voice b debbie wins miss bakersfield, Tape 3: voice c sirenaw/voice for self-esteem, Tape 4: voice d nostalgias announcements of sirena
- Extent: audiocassette
- Box-Item 13.21: Tierra del Fuego, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Tierra del Fuego; Spring 1996. Bailadores, Teresita's class. On Case: Tierra del Fuego, Spring 1996 By Vincent Guzman-Orzoco, Music by Rodolfo Ortega
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.22: The Fat-Free Chicana and the Snow Cap Queen, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Fat-Free Chicana and Snow Cap Queen; April 4-27, 1996, Act 1 Only
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.23: The Fat-Free Chicana and the Snow Cap Queen, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.24: Affirmative Action, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Affirmative Action, Skit #1 and Discussion; Fall 1996
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.25: Affirmative Action, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Affirmative Action, Skit #2 and Discussion; Fall 1996
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.26: Affirmative Action, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Affirmative Action, Skit #3 and Discussion; Fall 1996
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.27: Affirmative Action, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Affirmative Action Plays, Skit #1
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 13.28: Affirmative Action, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Affirmative Action Plays, Skit #2, Discussion
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 13.29: Affirmative Action, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Affirmative Action Plays, Skit #1
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 13.30: Chávez, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Chávez; Fall 1996
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.31: Chávez, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Chávez; October 24, 1996
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 13.32: Don Faustino, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Don Faustino; November 15, 1996
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.33: Don Faustino, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Don Faustino; November 17, 1996
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.34: Regreso a Mis Sueños, 1996 Add to Shelf
- O.S.P. - Regreso a Mis Sueños; Fall 1996
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 13.35: Regreso a Mis Sueños, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Regreso a Mis Sueños; November 22, 1996
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 14.1: Corazón Gitano, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Corazón Gitano; Teatro Milagro, February 1997
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 14.2: Milagro Bailadores, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Milagro Bailadores; March 1997
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.3: Visión de Jaguar, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.4: Velvet, Velour and Burlap, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Velvet, Velour and Burlap; Spring 1997, Tape 1
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.5: Velvet, Velour and Burlap, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Velvet, Velour and Burlap; Spring 1997, Tape 2
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.6: Guadalupe Urbina, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Guadalupe Urbina; 06/27/1997
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.7: En Este Valle de Lágrimas, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 14.8: Latino Inspirations, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Latino Inspirations; 50 min, A video by students from Proyecto Adelante, Portland, OR, 1997, La Mano Video Workshops
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.9: Bridges Residency Project, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.10: Unmerciful Good Fortune, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Unmerciful Good Fortune; 10/11/1997
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.11: Unmerciful Good Fortune, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Unmerciful Good Fortune, Act 1; 10/11/1997
- Extent: VHSC
- Box-Item 14.12: Unmerciful Good Fortune, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Unmerciful Good Fortune, Act 2; 10/11/1997
- Extent: VHSC
- Box-Item 14.13: Un Christmas Cuento, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Un Christmas Cuento; December 1997
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.14: Milagro Bailadores, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Especially for Kids "Milagro Bailadores" at Blue Lake Park; Summer 1998, 1 hour
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.15: Recuerdos de Cuba, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Recuerdos de Cuba, Milagro Bailadores
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.16: Recuerdos de Cuba, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Recuerdos de Cuba, Teatro Milagro; 06/1998
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 14.17: Recuerdos de Cuba, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Memories of Cuba, Teatro Milagro / Miracle Theatre; 60 min, Audio: Channel 2, 06/08/1998
- Extent: U-matic
- Box-Item 14.18: When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit, 1998 Add to Shelf
- When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit by Ruben Sierra; Miracle Theatre 1998
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.19: When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit, 1998 Add to Shelf
- When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit by Ruben Sierra; Miracle Theatre 1998 [copy]
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.20: When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit, 1998 Add to Shelf
- When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit, Act 1; 10/16/1998, Miracle Theatre
- Extent: VHSC
- Box-Item 14.21: When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit, 1998 Add to Shelf
- When the Blues Chase Up A Rabbit, Act 2; 10/16/1998, Miracle Theatre
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.22: Festival de Navidad, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.23: Festival de Navidad, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Festival de Navidad; December 1998
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.24: Deporting the Divas, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Deporting the Divas by Guillermo Reyes; Miracle Theatre Group, January 22 - February 13,1999
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.25: Deporting the Divas, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Deporting the Divas by Guillermo Reyes; Miracle Theatre Group, January 22 - February 13,1999
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.26: Bailadores, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Bailadores at Friendly House; 02/19/1999, 60 min 05 seconds
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.27: Bailadores, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Bailadores at Friendly House; 02/19/1999
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.28: Entre Dos Mundos, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Entre Dos Mundos with Greenhouse; 03/19/1999
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.29: Entre Dos Mundos, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Entre Dos Mundos; 03/20/1999
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 14.30: Entre Dos Mundos, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Teatro Milagro presents Entre Dos Mundos; with students at Salish Kootenai Tribal College, Pablo,MT, April 28, 1999
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.31: Ofelia, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Ofelia; Performance 06/07/1999
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.32: Los Viejos (Muertos), 1999 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.33: Día de Muertos, 1999 Add to Shelf
- (Defectively Recorded; Incomplete)
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.34: Día de los Muertos, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Día de los Muertos, Part 1; 11/5/1999
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.35: Día de los Muertos, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Día de los Muertos, Part 2; 11/5/1999
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.36: Fortuna de la Vida, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 14.37: Bailadores, 2000 Add to Shelf
- The Milagro Bailadores at The Portland Arts Festival; Tape 1 of 1; 6/18/2000
- Extent: Betacam
- Box-Item 14.38: Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, Tape 1; Tita Cedrón
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.39: Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, Tape 2
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.40: Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, Tape #3; 08/11/2000
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.41: Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Bailadores - Afro-Peruvian, Tape 1; Tita Cedrón, August 9-2000; Landó, Samba, Malató
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.42: Dance Extravaganza, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Dance Extravaganza; 2000, Technical Director and Lighting Design: Anna Salim
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.43: Bailadores, 2000 Add to Shelf
- The Milagro Bailadores; D-Vision Dub, EDL #601, 10 mins, 8/29/2000
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.44: Bailadores, 2000 Add to Shelf
- The Milagro Bailadores; D-Vision Dub, EDL #601, 10 mins, 8/29/2000
- Extent: Betacam
- Box-Item 14.45: Life is a Dream, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Life is a Dream; Fall 2000
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.46: Life is a Dream, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Life is Dream, Tape 1
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.47: Life is a Dream, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Life is a Dream, Tape 2
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.48: Life is a Dream, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Life is a Dream, Tape 2
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 14.49: Life is a Dream, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Life is a Dream, Tape 3
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 14.50: Día de los Muertos Festival, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.51: Día de los Muertos, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Día de los Muertos; 10/2000
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 14.52: Día de los Muertos, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Miracle Theatre presents "Muertos 2000"; October 2000
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.53: Día de los Muertos, 2000 Add to Shelf
- El Día de los Muertos, Milagro Bailadores; Performance November 10,2000; Ian McCluskey, producer OPB, Raw Footage
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 14.54: Día de los Muertos, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Día de los Muertos; OPB - Muertos, 2000; Full / Unedited
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.1: Profecia, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Profecia; 0:30x2, February 1, 2001
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.2: Profecia, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Profecia; January 2000 [2001], Master Copy
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.3: Profecia, 2001 Add to Shelf
- NW Living-News, Documentary on Profecia
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.4: Auditions, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Auditions; Saturday, June 9, 2001, Original
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.5: Auditions, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Auditions; Sunday, June 10, 2001, Original
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.6: Día de los Muertos, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Muertos; 11/04/2001, Original; bad camera, Dañel and Natalina scene on (broken tripod)
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.7: Día de los Muertos, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Muertos; 11/11/2001, Act 2
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.8: Bomba, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Bomba workshop with Hal Barton, June 2001
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.9: Bomba, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Bomba rehersal footage with Hal Barton, 1999
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.10: Bomba, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Bomba; June 2001, Tape #6
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.11: El Grincho El Dorado Escapade, 2001 Add to Shelf
- El Grincho El Dorado Escapade; December 2001
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.12: El Grincho El Dorado Escapade, 2001 Add to Shelf
- El Grincho; cues, December 2, 2001
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.13: El Grincho El Dorado Escapade, 2001 Add to Shelf
- El Grincho; December 6, 2001, complete with Beat It by Michael Jackson
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.14: Icarus, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Icarus; pre-show and intermission, Phillip Glass
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.15: Bailadores, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Milagro Bailadores; Fiesta, At Blue Lake Park, 2002
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.16: Bailadores, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Danza; 03/28/2002 [3 tracks by Dangerous Eyes]
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.17: Families, Food, and Fiesta, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Families, Food, and Fiesta; April 4-28, 2002
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.18: Families, Food, and Fiesta, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Families, Food, and Fiesta; FFF 04/22/2002 [On Case: paper, sound effect tracks]
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.19: Families, Food, and Fiesta, 2002 Add to Shelf
Families, Food, and Fiesta; FFF Preshow
Note: this disc is unplayable and not available for access
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.20: A Bicycle Country, 2002 Add to Shelf
- A Bicycle Country; Nilo Cruz, May 2002
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.21: A Bicycle Country, 2002 Add to Shelf
- A Bicycle Country, May 10, 2002
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.22: Frida, Un Retablo, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Frida, Un Retablo; 2002
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.23: La Chunga, 2002 Add to Shelf
- La Chunga; October 2002
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.24: La Chunga, 2002 Add to Shelf
- La Chunga; intermission, 1-8 pre-show
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.25: La Chunga, 2002 Add to Shelf
- La Chunga; Final
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.26: Pluma Nueva, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Pluma Nueva; pre-show and intermission 6/4/2002
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.27: Día de los Muertos, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.28: Viva Baile! Danza Tropical, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Danza Tropical; 03/29/2022, master copy, no surf
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.29: Yerma, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.30: Alma de Cuba, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Alma de Cuba; El Centro Milagro, Portland, OR, Janurary 25, 2003
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.31: Alma de Cuba, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Alma de Cuba; 01/25/2003, Tape 1
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.32: Alma de Cuba, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Alma de Cuba; 1/25/2003, Tape 2
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.33: Spirits of the Ordinary, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Spirit of the Ordinary; 01/31/2003, Experiments for Strings
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.34: Spirits of the Ordinary, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Spirits of the Ordinary; A play by Olga Sanchez and Kathleen Alcala, Directed by Olga Sanchez, April 30, 2003, Sound design by Gerado Calderon, Act 1
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.35: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Barrio Hollywood; Master Copy, 10/17/2003
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.36: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Dance lessons with Rosa, 08/30/2003, Barrio Hollywood, La Negra, Brujas
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.37: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Dance lessons with Rosa, 8/30/2003, Barrio Hollywood, La Negra, Brujas [includes note from dance teacher]
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.38: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Barrio Hollywood; Act1
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.39: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Barrio Hollywood; Act 2
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.40: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Barrio Hollywood; A play by Elaine Romero, Directed by Olga Sanchez, September 26, 2003, Sound by Gerardo Calderon, Act 1
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.41: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Barrio Hollywood; A play by Elaine Romero, Directed by Olga Sanchez, September 26, 2003, Sound by Gerardo Calderon, Act 2
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.42: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Barrio Hollywood; Preshow and Intermission Music, Septermber 26, 2003
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.43: Barrio Hollywood, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Barrio Hollywood; Intermission
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.44: La Cancion de Libertad, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.45: Viva La Word, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Viva La Word; Conquest and Rebellion
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.46: El Día de los Muertos, 2003 Add to Shelf
- El Día de los Muertos; Ofrenda al Cuerpo, imágenes del altar ofrenda
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.47: El Día de los Muertos, 2003 Add to Shelf
- El Día de los Muertos; 11/08/2003
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.48: Posada Milagro, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.49:, 2004 Add to Shelf
-; 01/24/2004
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.50:, 2004 Add to Shelf
-; 01/24/2004
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.51: Yemaya's Belly, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Yemaya's Belly; 02/27/2004
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.52: Yemaya's Belly, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Yemaya's Bell; Act 1, 02/27/2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.53: Yemaya's Belly, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Yemaya's Belly; Act 2, 02/27/2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.54: Neruda, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Neruda's Birthday Poetry Event, 04/03/2004
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.55: Tino Does Time, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Tino Does Time; Act 1, 04/30/2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.56: Tino Does Time, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Tino Does Time; Act 2, 04/30/2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.57: Fuente Ovejuna, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; 05/30/2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.58: Fuente Ovejuna, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; 2004, Teatro Español production
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.59: Fuente Ovejuna, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; transitions, tech rehearsal
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.60: Fuente Ovejuna, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.61: Pluma Nueva, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Pluma Nueva; 6/5/2004, Directed by Rachel Anderson
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.62: Pluma Nueva, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Pluma Nueva; 06/05/2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.63: Pluma Nueva, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Pluma Nueva; ideas, 05/27/2004
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.64: Pluma Nueva, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Pluma Nueva; 5/28/2004, track 1 - Martha Talking
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.65: Lorca in a Green Dress, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Lorca in a Green Dress; preliminary questions
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.66: Lorca in a Green Dress, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Lorca in a Green Dress; rehearsal, August 5, 2004
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.67: Lorca in a Green Dress, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Lorca in a Green Dress; 92:28
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.68: Lorca in a Green Dress, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Lorca in a Green Dress; 92:28, 10/2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.69: Día de los Muertos, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Día de los Muertos; Xandu Ya, 2004
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.70: Día de los Muertos, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Día de los Muertos; 10/19/2004, Days of Dead, Rebecca Martinez
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.71: Cuéntame Coyote, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Cuéntame Coyote; Tape 1, January 2005
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.72: Cuéntame Coyote, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Cuéntame Coyote; Tape 2, January 2005
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.73: Cuéntame Coyote, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Cuéntame Coyote; 01/01/2005, Ideas
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.74: Cuéntame Coyote, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Cuéntame Coyote; Ideas, 3 tracks
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.75: House on Mango Street, 2005 Add to Shelf
- House on Mango Street; February 19, 2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.76: House on Mango Street, 2005 Add to Shelf
- House on Mango Street; /Sylvia Malán-González, 2005
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.77: House on Mango Street, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.78: The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico, 2005 Add to Shelf
- True History of Coca Cola in Mexico; 02/19/2005
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 15.79: The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico; Act 1, 2/19/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.80: The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico; Act 2, 02/19/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.81: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; Installment 12: Lulus Golden Shoes
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.82: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; Act 1
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.83: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; Act 2
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.84: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; sound roughs (sp?)], 02/23/2005
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.85: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; dances, rough sketches, 02/28/2005
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.86: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; pre-show music
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.87: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; backup PC data, WAV files, all cues, cakewalk sessions, 03/12/2005
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.88: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; Intermission
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.89: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!, 2005 Add to Shelf
- The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl!; WAVS, cakewalk files, 03/15/2005
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.90: Grupo Condor, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Grupo Condor; Al mismo tiempo, 03/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.91: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; Building Fuente Ovejuna, Brian Manley
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.92: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; Act 1, 05/14/2005
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.93: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; Act 2, 05/14/2005
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.94: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; Act 3, 05/14/2005
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.95: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna, Act 1
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.96: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna, Act 2
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.97: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna, Act 3
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.98: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; songs, 04/11/2005, track titles: 1-4 Wedding, 5-8 Lynx-eyed Love, 9 Lynx-eyed Love acc, 10 Comendador
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.99: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; FO Delys O (sp?), Karin M, P.S., 04/23-24/2005 and 04/30/2005, Fuente Ovejuna: Social and Polical Contexts, 04/23-25/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.100: Fuente Ovejuna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Fuente Ovejuna; FO: Karin M, 05/11/2005, P. Schecter 05/07/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.101: Pluma Nueva, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.102: Pluma Nueva, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.103: El Jardín de Sueños, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.104: El Jardín de Sueños, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.105: Habiba-Cuban Dance, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Habiba-Cuban Dance / Sowo (sp?)
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.106: Town Hall Meetings, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Town Hall Meetings; Artists, 06/21/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.107: Town Hall Meetings, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Town Hall Meetings; Donors and Patrons, July 2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.108: Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.109: Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue; 10/08/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.110: Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue; Elliot 1
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.111: Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue; Elliot 2
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.112: Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Elliot, A Soldiers Fugue; Elliot 3
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.113: La Noche Eterna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 15.114: La Noche Eterna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 15.115: La Noche Eterna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- La Noche Eterna; all tracks, back up
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.116: La Noche Eterna, 2005 Add to Shelf
- La Noche Eterna; 10/24/2005, track titles P#s: P35, P38, P44, P44
- Extent: CD
- Box-Item 15.117: NALAC, 2005 Add to Shelf
- NALAC NW Arts Workshop, Tape 1, Friday morning, 11-12-2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 15.118: NALAC, 2005 Add to Shelf
- NALAC NW Arts Worksop, Tape 2, Friday PM, 11/11/2005
- Extent: Hi8
- Sub-Series 2: Sound Recordings, 1987-1988 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 2
- Box-Item 16.1: Miracle Theatre, undated Add to Shelf
- Miracle Theatre B-Roll, Narration, Director's Workshop, Around Office, Danielle and Jose, Music
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.2 - 16.9: Tape 1: Scene 1 - Opening of Show, Tape 2: Scene 2 - The Cantines, Tape 3: Scene 3 - The Visit, The Dark End of the Street, Tape 4: Scene 4 - La Malinche, Tape 5: Police Sirens, Tape 6: Scene 5 - La Chicana, Tape 7: Scene 6 - La Llorona, Tape 8: End of Show, Curtain Call Add to Shelf
- Extent: 8 audiocassettes
- Box-Item 16.10 - 16.19: Tape 1: Cachao Ia, thunder, Matachines, Tape 2: Toilet flushing, Tape 3: Phone rings, Tape 4: Phone, Tape 5: Drums for end Act 1, Tape 6: Cuckoo clock, picolo, Tape 7: Door bang, Tape 8: Angry crowd, large audience applause, cherring crowd, laughing audience, Tape 9: Continous rain, Tape 10: Cachao I, thunder, Matachines from polka Add to Shelf
- Extent: 10 audiocassettes
- Sub-Series 3: Commercial, 1987-1988 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 3
- Box-Item 16.20: Antigone/Greek Cusina/Demetri's/Three:60 sec radio commercials/September 1987 Add to Shelf
- Extent: audiocassette
- Box-Item 16.21: Berbati/Miracle Theatre Company: 60sec, 9-28-1988 Add to Shelf
- Extent: audiocassette
- Sub-Series 4: Outreach, 1997-2005 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 4
- Box-Item 16.22: Bridges Performance, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Bridges Performance CGS, 05/14/1992
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.23: Identidad-Identity, undated Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.24: Adelaida del Castillo, undated Add to Shelf
- Adelaida Del Castillo - "Hispanic Dialogues"
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.25: Our Own Private Portland, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.26: Aug 2nd Town Hall Community, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: Hi8
- Box-Item 16.27: Bridges - R and J Add to Shelf
- Extent: audiocassette
- Sub-Series 5: Projects, 1996-2011 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 5
- Box-Item 16.28: Object Stories/Historia de Objectos, 2011 Add to Shelf
- NW Film Center; 38 min running time
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 16.29: Documental del grupo de teatro, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Documental del grupo de teatro "Actores del Metodo" - Director artístico: Peué Pereyta, Marzo 1996, Duracion: 12:00
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.30: Feature Hispanic Theatre, undated Add to Shelf
- Feature Hispanic Theatre; B-Roll, Intl. School, View Portland, Miracle House, B Roll and Studio interviews, Tamara Castillo-Gray, Tape #1
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.31: Feature Hispanic Theatre, undated Add to Shelf
- Feature Hispanic Theatre; Interviews with José González and Dañel Malán with Chroma Key, La Canción de Libertad, Tape #3
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.32: Feature Hispanic Theatre, undated Add to Shelf
- Feature Hispanic Theatre; cast interviews, rehearsal, visit with MGM, Tape #5
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.33: Feature Hispanic Theatre, undated Add to Shelf
- Feature Hispanic Theatre; Interviews with Tamara - Director, José González, Dañel Malán, Camera 2 with out Chroma Key, Tape #7
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.34: Portraits, undated Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.35: Los Viejos, undated Add to Shelf
- Los Viejos; excerpts 1) Standard, 2) Veracruz, 3) 1999 MTG
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.36: Around Town, undated Add to Shelf
- Extent: U-matic
- Sub-Series 6: Promotional, 1998-2003 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 6
- Box-Item 16.37: Scenes for Promo Tape, undated Add to Shelf
- Scenes for Promo Tape - Interviews Danielle, Vincente, Lagrimas interview
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.38: Teatro Milagro Add to Shelf
- On Case: Miracle Theatre Group, Teatro Milagro, Dañel L. Malán, Artistic Director [buisness card]
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.39: Milagro Promo Masters Add to Shelf
- Milagro Promo Masters - "Recuerdos" Promo, Sherman voiceover
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.40: Milagro Theatre PSA Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.41: Milagro Bailadores Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.42: Bridges H and S Promo Spot Add to Shelf
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.43: English Promo and PSAs, 1998 Add to Shelf
- English Promo and PSAs; English and Spanish, New Preview, 09/27/1998
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.44: Miracle Theatre Promo, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Miracle Theatre Promo; 07/25/2003, Length 4:15
- Extent: Betacam
- Box-Item 16.45: Bailadores Promo, undated Add to Shelf
- Extent: Betacam
- Box-Item 16.46: Promo Video Master Add to Shelf
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 16.47: Milagro Promo, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Milagro Promo; length 4 min, 48khz, drop frame
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 16.48: Milagro Promo, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Milagro Promo; length 4:15 min, 48khz, drop frame
- Extent: MiniDV
- Box-Item 16.49: Dañel Malán - Miracle Add to Shelf
- Dañel Malán - Miracle Theatre; Miracle on Northwest Living
- Extent: MiniDV
- Sub-Series 7: Work Samples, 1999-2010 Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 7
- Box-Item 16.50: Milagro Bailadores, 2001-2002 Add to Shelf
- Milagro Bailadores; Music and Dance of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2001-2002 Season
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.51: Teatro Milagro Presents, 2001-2002 Add to Shelf
- Teatro Milagro Presents; The 2001-2002 Season
- Extent: VHS
- Box-Item 16.52: Work Samples, 2007-2008 Add to Shelf
- Work Samples of 2007-2008 Miracle Theatre Group
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 16.53: Work Samples, 2009-2010 Add to Shelf
- Work Samples of 2009-2010 Miracle Theatre Group
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 16.54: Scenes from the Season, 2007-2008 Add to Shelf
- Scenes from the 2007-2008 Seasons of the Miracle Theatre Group
- Extent: DVD
- Box-Item 16.55: Milagro Bailadores, 1999-2002 Add to Shelf
- Milagro Bailadores 1) 2001-2002 Season - 11:00 2) At Friendly House, 02/19/1999 - 60:000
- Extent: DVD
- Series 13: Electronic Records, 2002-2013 Add to Shelf
- Series 13 includes administration files such as board meetings and minutes, financial records, and grant materials. In addition, Series 13 contains materials for the various productions and events at the theatre such as music, flyers, and other creative projects. The series contains electronic records in the form of 63 CDs, 1 USB, 103 3.5 Floppy disks, 48 5.25 Floppy disks, and 4 Zip 100 disks. Some materials are undated and most of the materials can be found in paper form.
- UnitID: Series 13
- Series 14: Posters and Artwork, 1996-2006 Add to Shelf
- Series 14 contains materials such as promotional posters and transparencies for various plays and events, production study guides, and original artwork.
- UnitID: Series 14
- Sub-Series 1: Posters Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 1
- Folder-Item 19.1 - 19.2: 1996-1997 Season Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Folder-Item 19.3: The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch Add to Shelf
- Handpainted for Rippling Rivers Dinner Theater
- Box-Item 20.1: 1999-2000 Season Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.2: 2000-2001 Season Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.3 - 20.5: 2005-2006 Season Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.6: American Sueño Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.7: Ancient Greek Theatre Festival Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.8 - 20.10: Ardiente Paciencia Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.11: Baile Romántico Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.12: Barrio Hollywood Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.13 - 20.14: Blood Wedding Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.15: Bodas de Sangre Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.16 - 20.18: Burning Patience Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.19 - 20.20: Ceniza Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.21 - 20.23: Clean Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.24: Cuéntame Coyote- Green Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.25 - 20.27: Cuéntame Coyote- Purple Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.28: Dos Pueblos Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.29 - 20.31: Electra Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.32 - 20.34: El Jardín de Sueños Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.35: El Paso Blue Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.36 - 20.37: Elliot, A Soldier's Fugue Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.38: El Niño Diego Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.39: El Quijote Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.40: Entre Villa y Una Mujer Desnuda Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.41 - 20.43: Frida, Un Retablo - White Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.44 - 20.46: Fuente Ovejuna Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.47: Heroes and Saints Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.48 - 20.50: Hispanic Cultural Festival - First Annual Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.51: Hispanic Cultural Festival - Third Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.52 - 20.53: Holiday Miracle Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.54: How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.55: Kiss of the Spider Woman Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.56 - 20.57: La Carpa Calavera Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.58: La Carpa del Ausente Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.59 - 20.61: Le Noche Eterna Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.62 - 20.64: La Posada Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.65: Lorca in a Green Dress Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.66 - 20.68: Lysistrata Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.69: Mariela in the Desert Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.70 - 20.71: Medea Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.72 - 20.73: Membership Poster - Holiday 2005/06 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.74 - 20.75: Men on the Verge 2 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.76 - 20.78: MGC 148 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copes
- Box-Item 20.79: Mi Vida Gitana Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.80 - 20.81: NW Health Foundation 1998 Grantee Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.82 - 20.84: Oedipus Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 folders
- Box-Item 20.85: Oya, Call the Storm Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.86: Perez y Martina Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.87 - 20.88: Refences to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.89: Relativly Speaking Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.90: Rosalba y Los Llaveros Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.91: Sonia Flew Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.92 - 20.94: Son of Man Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.95 - 20.96: Tango Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies
- Box-Item 20.97 - 20.99: The Adventures of Barrio Grrrl! Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 copies
- Box-Item 20.100: The Death and Life of Sneak Fitch - Black and White Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.101: The Labyrinth of Desire Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.102: The Road to Xibalba Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.103: The True History of Coca-Cola in Mexico Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.104: Viva Baile! Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.105: Zapatista Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 2: Production Study Guides Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Sbuseries 2
- Box-Item 20.106 - 20.109: Ana en El Trópico Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 english, 2 spanish
- Box-Item 20.110 - 20.113: Boomcracklefly Add to Shelf
- Extent: 4 english
- Box-Item 20.114 - 20.115: Don Quijote Add to Shelf
- Extent: 1 English, 1 Spanish
- Box-Item 20.116 - 20.117: How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 english
- Box-Item 20.118 - 20.119: The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa Add to Shelf
- Extent: 1 english, 1 spanish
- Box-Item 20.120 - 20.127: Viva Don Juan Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 english, 5 spanish
- Sub-Series 3: Transparencies Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 3
- Box-Item 20.128: Cupid and Psyche Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.129: Day of the Dead (Montoya) Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.130: Heroes and Saints Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.131: Hispanic Cultural Festival, 3rd Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.132: Hispanic Cultural Festival, 8th Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.133: Electra Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.134: Mi Gente, Mi Vida Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 copies and taped print
- Box-Item 20.135: Regreso a Mis Sueñoss Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.136: Subscripion Campaign (Mark Hooper) Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 20.137 - 20.145: Collages, 1985-1994 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 9 Prints
- Sub-Series 5: Artwork and Enlarged Photographs Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 4
- Box-Item 21.1: Frida, Un Retablo Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.2: Men on the Verge 2 Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.3: Hipanic Dialogues:The Latin Experience Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.4: The Frogs Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.5: Te Llevo a la Sangre, Set Concept Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.6: Frida Blue House Expo, Series of Portraits Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.7: Three Wise Men Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.8: Portrait of Male Bust Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.9: Young Boy in Blue Amongst Crowd Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.10: Noche de Cuba Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.11: Bailadores 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.12: 3rd Hispanic Cultural Festival (color in Black and White) Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.13: People in Field Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 21.14: Creating a Cultural Miracle Poster Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 6: Outreach Banners Add to Shelf
- Rolled paper banners
- UnitID: Subseries 5
- Box-Item 22.1: Gracias Albina Bank Add to Shelf
- Box-Item 22.2: Thank You Albina Community Bank Add to Shelf
- Sub-Series 7: Wall Panels Add to Shelf
- Rolled vinyl panels
- UnitID: Subseries 6
- Box-Item 23.1: 2008-2009 Season - 25th Anniversary Add to Shelf
- 1 extra large
- Box-Item 23.2: 2011-2012 Season Add to Shelf
- 2 large and 1 extra large
- Box-Item 23.3: 2012-2013 Season Add to Shelf
- 1 large and 1 extra large
- Box-Item 23.4: Audience photo top half and open bottom Add to Shelf
- 1 extra large
- Box-Item 23.5: Audience photo top half and quotes bottom Add to Shelf
- 1 extra large
- Box-Item 23.6: Quotes Add to Shelf
- 1 large
- Sub-Series 8: Original Artwork Add to Shelf
- UnitID: Subseries 7
- Folder-Item 24.1: 2006/2007 Season "Coming of Age" with Show Summaries Add to Shelf
- Folder-Item 24.2: Entre dos mundos Add to Shelf
- Entre dos mundos on center panel; information about Bailadores and Teatro Milagro on side panels; multi-color background.
- Folder-Item 25.: "Look Miracle; What is Milagro" collage of newspaper clippings about MTG Add to Shelf
- Flip-open sides
- Folder-Item 25.1: Milagro Bailadores !Fiesta! 2000 bright font Add to Shelf
- Folder-Item 25.2: 2001-2002 donor list poster Add to Shelf
- Folder-Item 25.3: Pamphlet poster with two pockets Add to Shelf
- Folder-Item 25.4: Risk and Rebellion pamphlet poster with two pockets Add to Shelf
- Folder-Item 25.5: Design images of MTG building interior Add to Shelf
- Folder-Item 25.6: Design images of MTG building exterior Add to Shelf
- Series 15: Grants, 1986-2007 Add to Shelf
- Series 15 contains materials pertaining to Milagro’s grant applications such as correspondence, grant proposals, and reports. Grantors include federal, state, corporate, and private funds. Organized chronologically, the grant materials include proposals, correspondence, reports, and letters of agreement. Various foundations, commissions, and companies that served as the source of the grants, as well as the applications that were rejected, are included.
- Box-Folder 27.1: Grants, 1986-1987 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1986 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1986 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1986 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1987 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1987 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.2: Grants, 1988-1989 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1988 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1988 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1988 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 1988 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1989 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1989 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1989 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Rejections [Safeway], 1989 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.3: Grants, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Collins Foundation, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: McKenzie River Gathering (MRG), 1990 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1990 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1990 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Rejections [AT&T, Alaska Airlines, Bank of CA, Murdock Charitable Trust, Rose E. Tucker Char. Trust], 1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.4: Grants, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: A Territory Resource (ATR), 1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Art Resource Center (ARC), 1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: McKenzie River Gathering (MRG), 1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1991 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Rejections [US Bancorp], 1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.5: Grants, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: A Territory Resource (ATR), 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Bank of America (BoA), 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Collins Foundation, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Meyer Memorial Trust (MMT), 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.6: Grants, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Powell's, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Security Pacific Bank, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: In-Kind & Donations, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Rejections [Lorena Sails Higgins Char. Trust, MRG, OR Institute of Literary Arts, Resist, Women's Foundation of OR], 1992 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Reports & Summaries, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.7: Grants, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Boeing, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Ford Foundation, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Mervyn's, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Meyer Memorial Trust, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.8: Grants, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: NW Area Foundation, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Rockefeller Foundation, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Rejections [Bank of CA, Target, Advanced Data Concept], 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.9: Grants, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: A Territory Resource (ATR), 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Bank of America (BoA), 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Metropolitan Arts Commission (MAC), 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.10: Grants, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: NW Area Foundation, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.11: Grants, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: In-Kind & Donations, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Rejections [EPA, MRG, Herbert A. Templeton Fdn], 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.12: Grants, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Black United Fund of Oregon, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Heathman Hotel, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: John F. Smeikel Foundation, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: NW Area Foundation, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: In-Kind & Donations, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Rejections [Hoover Family Foundation, PGE Fdn], 1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.13: Grants, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: A Territory Resource (ATR), 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Black United Fund of Oregon, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Multnomah County Innovative Project Fund, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.14: Grants, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: NW Area Foundation, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.15: Grants, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: In-Kind & Donations, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Rejections [Braemar Charitable Trust, MRG], 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.16: Grants, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: A Territory Resource (ATR), 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Collins Foundation, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Intel, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Lamb Foundation, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Nike, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.17: Grants, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: NW Area Foundation, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 27.18: Grants, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Ralph L. Smith Foundation, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.1: Grants, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Rejuvenation, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Washington Mutual, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Rejections [IBM, BoA, Alaska Airlines, Standard Insurance Co., Nathan Cummings Fdn, Rose C. Tucker Charitable Trust, Wheeler Fdn, ATR, Black United Fund, NEA, The Fund], 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.2: Grants, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Equity Foundation, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Hewlett Packard, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Meyer Memorial Trust, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: NW Area Foundation, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.3: Grants, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon State Health Dept., 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: US West, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: In-Kind & Donations, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Rejections [ATR, OR Health Division, Smucker's Lamb Fdn, Black United Fund, US West Fdn, IBM], 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.4: Grants, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Bernard van Leer Foundation, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Equity Foundation, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Fred Meyer Foundation, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Mentor Graphics Foundation, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Multnomah Commission on Children, Families, & Community, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: NW Health Foundation, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.5: Grants, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: ODS Health Plans, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.6: Grants, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 1999 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Rejections [Schnitzer Care Fdn, NEA, Norm Thompson, US West, Portland Civic Theatre Guild, OR Dept of Human Resources, Adidas, Rejuvenation, Tektronix, Starbucks, Pacific Power, AT&T], 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.7: Grants, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Adobe, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Allen Foundation for the Arts (PGA Foundation), 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Bernard van Leer Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Equity Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Fred Meyer Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Hewlett Packard, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Lamb Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.8: Grants, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Education Association (OEA), 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: PGE Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Ralph L Smith Foundation (BoA), 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Rose Tucker Charitable Trust, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Spirit Mountain Community Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Tektronix, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Rejections [Templeton Fdn, Pacific Power, Seven Feathers Fdn, NEA, Gates Fdn, Fred Meyer], 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.9: Grants, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Meyer Memorial Trust, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Nike, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.10: Grants, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: PGA Foundation, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: PGE Foundation, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Ralph L. Smith Foundation (BoA), 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: SAFECO, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Rejections [NEA, Union Pacific Fdn, Templeton Fdn], 2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.11: Grants, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Allen Foundation for the Arts (PGA Foundation), 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Equity Foundation, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Mervyn's, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Meyer Memorial Trust, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2002 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.12: Grants, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT), 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Ralph L. Smith Foundation (BoA), 2002 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.13: Grants, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: SmartForest Ventures Charitable Gift Fund, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Spirit Mountain Community Foundation, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: In-Kind & Donations, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Rejections [NW Natural, Schnitzer Care Fdn, Nat'l Fdn for Jewish Culture, SBC Southwestern Bell, TCG, Templeton Fdn, Hoover Family Fdn, Jackson Fdn/US Bank, PGSCA], 2002 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.14: Grants, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Allen Foundation for the Arts (PGA Foundation), 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Bank of America, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Boeing Co., 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Carpenter Foundation, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Community 101, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Goodman Family Chariable Foundation, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Hewlett Packard Worldreach, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Hoover Family Foundation, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 28.15: Grants, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Mervyn's, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Meyer's Memorial Trust, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Spirit Mountain Community Foundation, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Starbucks Foundation, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Target, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: In-Kind & Donations, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Rejections [PacifiCorp Fdn, OCF, Smith Fdn/BoA, PGE Fdn, Washington Mutua, US Bank], 2003 Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Reports & Summaries, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.1: Grants, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Autzen Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Bank of America, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Boeing, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Carpenter Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Collins Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Goodman Family Charitable Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Hewlett Packard Worldreach, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Hoover Family Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Jackson Foundation (BoA), 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 11: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Juan Young Trust, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 13: Mervyn's, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 14: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.2: Grants, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: New Belgium Brewing Co., 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Spirit Mountain Community Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Starbucks Foundation, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Target, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.3: Grants, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Theatre Communications Group (TCG), 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: United Way of the Columbia-Willamette, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: US Bank, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Wells Fargo, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: In-Kind & Donations, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Rejections [Schnitzer Care Fdn, TCG, BoA, Smith Fdn/BoA, Murdock Trust, Wessinger Fdn, US Bank], 2004 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Reports & Summaries, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.4: Grants, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Albina Community Bank, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Autzen Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Carpenter Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Collins Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Equity Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Ford Family Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: John F. Smiekel Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Kinsman Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Goodman Family Charitable Trust, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Jackson Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Janet Spencer Weekes Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Juan Young Trust, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 13: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 14: New Belgium Brewing Co., 2005 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.5: Grants, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT), 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: PGA Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2005 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.6: Grants, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Samuel S. Johnson Foundation, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Target, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Theatre Communications Group (TCG), 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Wells Fargo, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: In-Kind & Donations, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Rejections [Starbucks Fdn, Spirit Mountain Community Fund, Herbert A. Templeton Fdn, Key Bank, Bank of America, Multnomah County Cultural Coalition, US Bank, Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC)], 2005 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.7: Grants, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Albina Community Bank, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Albina Rotary Club Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Autzen Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Black United Fund of OR, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Bloomfield Family Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Boeing, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Carpenter Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Collins Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Equity Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Embassy of Spain in the US, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Gannett Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.8: Grants, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Goodman Family Charitable Trust, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Hubert & Ludmila Schlesinger Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Juan Young Trust, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Kinsman Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: McGraw Family Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: National Assoc. of Latino Arts & Culture (NALAC), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: New Belgium Brewing Co., 2006 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.9: Grants, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: PGA Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Portland Civic Theatre Guild, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Pozanski Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Spirit Mountain Community Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.10: Grants, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Target, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Theatre Communications Group (TCG), 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Wells Fargo, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Wintz Family Foundation, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: US Bank, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: In-Kind & Donations, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Rejections [Starbucks Fdn, Irwin Fdn, Stimson-Miller Fdn, Trust Management Services, Ford Family Fdn, Randall Charitable Trust, Shapira Charitable Trust, Anne A Berni Fdn, Hoover Family Fdn, Wheeler Fdn, Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust, TCG, Portland Business Journal, PDC], 2006 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Reports & Summaries, 2006 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.11: Grants, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Albina Rotary Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Autzen Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Bank of America, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Black United Fund of OR, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: Bloomfield Family Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Boeing, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Campbell Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Carpenter Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: Embassy of Spain in the US, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: Equity Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Ford Family Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 12: Gannett Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.12: Grants, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Jackson Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Juan Young Trust, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Kinsman Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Leupold & Stevens, Inc., 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: MAP Fund, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: McGraw Family Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Medford Fabrication, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Miller Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 9: National Assoc. of Latino Arts & Culture (NALAC), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 10: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 11: Nordstrom, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 12: OnPoint Community Credit Union, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.13: Grants, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Oregon Arts Commission (OAC), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Oregon Committee for the Humanities (OCH), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: PGA Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: Regional Arts Cultural Council (RACC), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Shubert Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Spirit Mountain Community Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 29.14: Grants, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 1: Target, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 2: Theatre Communications Group (TCG), 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 3: Wells Fargo, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 4: Wintz Family Foundation, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 5: US Bank, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 6: In-Kind & Donations, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 7: Rejections [Randall Charitable Trust, Princess Grace Fdn, Shubert Fdn, Alaska Airlines, Irwin Fdn, Hoover Family Fdn, Holzman Fdn, Herbert A Templeton Fdn, Wheeler Fdn, Stimson-Miller Fdn], 2007 Add to Shelf
- Item 8: Reports & Summaries, 2007 Add to Shelf
- Series 16: Financials, 1986-2005 Add to Shelf
- Series 16 contains materials pertaining to Milagro’s finances including audits, box office documentation, financial summaries, taxes, and insurance/workers compensation materials.
- Box-Folder 33.1: Financials - Ledger, 1986-1987 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.1: Audit, 1986-1989 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.2: Box Office, 1986-1989 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.3 - 30.5: Financial Summaries, 1986-1989 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 folders
- Box-Folder 30.6: Taxes, 1986-1989 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.7: Box Office, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.8: Financial Summaries, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.9: Taxes, 1990 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.10: Box Office, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.11: Financial Summaries, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.12: Taxes, 1991 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.13: Box Office, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.14: Financial Summaries, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.15: Taxes, 1992 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.16: Box Office, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.17 - 30.18: Financial Summaries, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 30.19: Insurance / Workers Comp, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.20: Taxes, 1993 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.21: Audit, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.22: Box Office, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.23: Financial Summaries, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.24: Insurance / Workers Comp, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.25: Taxes, 1994 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.26: Audit, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.27: Box Office, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.28 - 30.29: Financial Summaries, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 30.30: Insurance / Workers Comp, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.31: Taxes, 1995 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.32: Audit, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.33: Box Office, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 30.34 - 31.1: Financial Summaries, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 folders
- Box-Folder 31.2: Insurance / Workers Comp, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.3: Taxes, 1996 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.4: Box Office, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.5 - 31.7: Financial Summaries, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 3 folders
- Box-Folder 31.8: Insurance / Workers Comp, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.9: Taxes, 1997 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.10: Audit, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.11: Box Office, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.12 - 31.13: Financial Summaries, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 31.14: Insurance / Workers Comp, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.15: Taxes, 1998 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.16: Audit, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.17: Box Office, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.18 - 31.19: Financial Summaries, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 31.20: Insurance / Workers Comp, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.21: Taxes, 1999 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.22: Audit, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 3.23: Box Office, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.24 - 31.25: Financial Summaries, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 31.26: Insurance / Workers Comp, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.27: Taxes, 2000 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.28: Audit, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 31.29: Box Office, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.1 - 32.2: Financial Summaries, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 32.3: Insurance / Workers Comp, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.4: Taxes, 2001 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.5: Box Office, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.6 - 32.7: Financial Summaries Add to Shelf
- 2002
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 32.8: Insurance / Workers Comp Add to Shelf
- 2002
- Box-Folder 32.9: Taxes, 2002 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.10: Audit, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.11: Box Office, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.12 - 32.13: Financial Summaries, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 32.14: Insurance / Workers Comp, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.15: Taxes, 2003 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.16: Box Office, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.17 - 32.18: Financial Summaries, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 32.19: Insurance / Workers Comp, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.20: Taxes, 2004 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.21: Audit, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.22: Box Office, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.23 - 32.24: Financial Summaries, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Extent: 2 folders
- Box-Folder 32.25: Insurance / Workers Comp, 2005 Add to Shelf
- Box-Folder 32.26: Taxes, 2005 Add to Shelf