Activity Listings
- Form: “Consent Fixing Period of Limitation Upon Assessment of Income and Profits Tax.” [Letter from Fred J. Ochs, Chief, Audit Division, U.S. Treasury Department, to LP and AHP December 26, 1967] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.002, Folder #2.8]
- Letter from Maragert McKeown to LP, RE: Sends her thanks for the prompt response. Thanks LP for the copy of his paper and other material. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 261, Folder# 261.1]
- Notice: LP's Project "Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Diagnosis and Therapy" has been approved for using human subjects. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, University of California, San Diego, 1960, 1966-1969, 1970, 1978. Box # 1.037, Folder # 37.9 Budget Information, Grant Information and Receipts: University of California, San Diego, 1968.]