Click on a day for specific listings and a related image.

  • Bill from Richard C. Armstrong, M.D. for eye examinations on August 12th and September 13th for $15.00. Note: “Your surgery was covered under C.P.S. but not the eye examination...” Handwritten note indicates that it was paid. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Bill from Troy Service Laundry and Dry Cleaning to LP for $18.73. Handwritten note indicates the bill was paid to R. Edwards. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Manuscript, Typescript, Non-Pauling Typescripts: An Explanation of the Maximum Melting Point of Alloys in the Lead-Thallium System and Related Binary Systems, August 1950. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1950a.6]
  • Photo: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing in front of a house. Ava Helen with her arm over Linus’s shoulder. “August. 1950 / Taken by Dick Lippman” Black and white print. [Ship #1668] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1950i.7]
  • Postcard from Ralph to LP and AHP telling them he is in the Netherlands for the Student Congress which is a really inspiring demonstration for peace. [undated postcard] [Filed under LP Biographical: (Political Issues: Ralph Spitzer: Academic Freedom and Passport Difficulties, 1942-1994], Box #2.034, Folder #34.2]
  • Statement of Account with Colorado-Mentor Branch of Bank of America, August 22, 1950 - August 25, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: Bank of America, December, 1948 - November 1950; 1960-1962.), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Status Report for Contract No. N6onr-24432 for the period January to August, 1950. LP, “The Structure of Metals.” Handwritten note at top of page lists the places to send copies of the report to. Handwritten note in top right corner: “Please return to BW.” [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Contract Status Reports and Project Status Reports, 1947-1962), Box #14.031, Folder #31.13]

August 1
  • Letter from C. B. Marquand, Secretary, American Chemical Society Committee, Advisory to the Chief, Office of the Chief, Chemical Corps, Department of the Army, RE: Thanks LP for accepting the offer and states that he hopes the arranged date of October 25, 1950 will not conflict with LP’s other engagements. Tells LP that Dr. Kirkwood is planning on coming to the seminar and that he is traveling from Los Angeles as well. Suggests that LP and he could arrange mutual travel plans and asks LP to notify him regarding his travel requirements. [Letters from LP to Marquand, July 18, 1950 and August 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.23]
  • Letter from E. C. Kleiderer, Executive Director, Research and Control, Lilly Research Laboratories, to LP RE: Tells LP that there might not be too many people in the laboratory during the ACS meeting week. Suggests that they arrange the meeting in October or early September. [Letter from LP to Kleiderer, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company), #111.4]
  • Letter from George Glockler, Chairman, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, State University of Iowa, to LP RE: Informs LP that the American Chemical Society will celebrate its 75th birthday at a meeting to be held in the fall of 1951 in New York City. States that he has been asked to arrange a symposium on “Bond Energies, Force Constants, and Bond Distances” to be held in NYC at that time. Inquires if LP will attend the meetings and present a paper at the symposium. Asks if LP knows of any foreign chemists who will be visiting the U.S. at that time because they would like to invite them. [Letter from LP to Glockler, October 3, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1951s.15]
  • Letter from Henry Allen Moe, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to LP RE: Announces the retirement of Dr. Aydelotte as Chairman of the Advisory Board and the appointment of Louis Booker Wright as his successor. [Letter from LP to Dr. Wright August 4, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952), Box #14.014, Folder #14.5]
  • Letter from LP to Dennis Flanagan, Managing Editor, Scientific American, RE: Discusses the revisions he made to the article and encloses the corrected version. [Letters from Flanagan to LP, July 24, 1950 and August 22, 1950] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1950a.7]
  • Letter from LP to M. C. Terry RE: Offers suggestions regarding Terry’s paper. Explains that he cannot go to Jamaica to participate in the study of sickle cell anemia, but Dr. Itano could possibly go. [Note from Terry to LP, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (T: Correspondence, 1950), #410.15]
  • Letter from LP to Professor E.B. Wilson, Editor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences RE: Submits a manuscript from Drs. Richard Lippman and Dan Campbell for publication in the Proceedings. [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951), Box #14.019, Folder #19.3]
  • Letter from T. C. Thomas, Department of the Navy, to LP. RE: Asks to be notified if an employee receives orders to report for active duty with the armed forces. [Filed under LP Science: (Scientific War Work – Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947), Box #13.001 Folder #1.2]
  • Letter from W.H. Freeman to LP RE: Requests that LP provide a list of corrections to be made to the reprint of College Chemistry so that they can be corrected before the next printing. [Letter from LP to Freeman August 4, 1950] [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from Willard L. McRary, Department of Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles, to LP RE: Asks LP to clarify a reference for an apparatus used during a lecture demonstration on determining molecular weight. Encloses a sketch of the apparatus. [Letter from LP to McRary, August 4, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Statement from LP to Mira Loma Mutual Water Co.: Provides them with the water meter readings for his property, corresponding to a bill of $16.32. Handwritten note indicates that it was paid. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]

August 2
  • Credit Card Invoice from Bob Benson Richfield Service to LP and AHP for $3.86. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bill, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Handwritten note from Henry Borsook to LP, RE: Encloses a $25.00 check to help with Sidney Weinbaum’s trial. Expresses how much he admires the stand LP has taken in this matter. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.008]
  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary, American Chemical Society, to Executive Committee, Board of Directors, RE: Writes to say that the outlook for policies for the calling of reserve officers and the drafting of men do not look as favorable as when he last wrote. The NSRB is still maintaining a position in support of the principles of the ACS, but the NSRB is now in conflict with the Department of Defense. This matter is to go before the Security Council, head by the President, on Thursday, August 3. Writes that the information received is confidential and should a leak occur, their source may be closed. [Letter from Emery to Executive Committee, July 26, 1950, Letter from Emery to Executive Committee, August 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.1]
  • Letter from Dr. Paul Starr, Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine, University of Southern California, to LP RE: Confirms their telephone conversation regarding LP’s participation in a symposium on chemical pathology to be given for the regional meeting of the American College of Physicians on October 17, 1950 at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. Tells LP that the title of his talk will be “Molecular Medicine,” unless LP suggests otherwise. Discusses the general orientation of the symposium. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.22]
  • Letter from Jose R. Velasco, Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology, University of the Philippines, to LP RE: Asks him about the removal of electrons from an atom or group of atoms and the problem of reconciling the dehydrogenation (oxidation of ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde). [Letter from LP to Velasco, September 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1950), #427.10]
  • Letter from LP to Edward S. Kitch, The Associated Press, RE: Apologizes for his late reply. Encloses some reprints of his articles, which discuss the subjects of his lecture given at the Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hospital dedication. [Letter from Kitch to LP, June 22, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1950), #200.15]
  • Letter from LP to Edwin J. Pulaski, Lt. Col., MC, Director, Surgical Research Unit, Brooke General Hospital, Brooke Army Medical Center RE: States he is pleased to learn that he would be interested in having him visit to discuss Oxypolygelatin. Sends travel plans for review. [Letter from FF Rodriguez to LP August 5, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Letter from LP to Frank Aydelotte, Institute for the Advanced Study, RE: States that he was sorry to learn of Aydelotte’s resignation as Chairman for the Committee of Selection for the Guggenheim Foundation. Writes that he still hopes to see Aydelotte and that he will visit him at Princeton. Discusses an upcoming visit to Texas to check in with Army physicians who are doing tests with Oxypolygelatin, a substitute for human serum which they developed, under a contract with the Committee on Medical Research, during the war. Discusses the Quaker report, saying that he is in complete agreement with it and that he used in public appearances this spring. Provides an update on his family life, in particular, his children and the construction of a swimming pool. Mentions that he finished a new textbook this spring and that he will send him a copy under separate cover. [Letters from Aydelotte to LP, March 23, 1950 and August 11, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Aydelotte, Frank, 1940-1955), #6.21]
  • Letter from LP to Irving Gray, Maj, MSC, Biochemistry Section, Surgical Research Unit, Brooke General Hospital, Brooke Army Medical Center RE: Responds to recent letter to Dr. Cherkin. States they will study oxypolygelatin which should lead to reliable information about the amino acid composition and may have that available on his visit on the 17th. [Letter from Irving Gray to Dr. Cherkin 7-50] [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Note from Paul Bowerman to LP RE: Sends a check to help fund Sidney Weinbaum’s trial expenses. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Telegram from Dennis Flanagan to LP asking if he has received the letter of July 24, 1950. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles #1950a.7]

August 3
  • Check from AHP to Dakan Engineering Company for $629.50. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Ray K. Nakamura for $60.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Letter from Dr. J. L. Franklin, Humble Oil& Refining Company, to LP RE: Attaches the list of people that will be studying with LP. States that he would like to receive information about LP’s travel plans so he can make arrangements accordingly. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.19]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. J. L. Franklin, Humble Oil & Refining Company, RE: States that he would like a check sent for the cost of his plane ticket. [Letter from Franklin to LP, August 7, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.19]
  • Letter from LP to Fausto G. Fumi, Department of Physics, University of Illinois, RE: States that he was interested to read Fumi’s manuscript on directed valences, but that he has not had time to read it carefully. States that he will write Fumi if he finds anything that requires a significant comment. [Letter from LP to Fumi, July 10, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence, 1950), #128.15]
  • Letter from LP to Florence Chesse RE: Points out additional corrections to be made to College Chemistry. [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. H.L. Byram enclosing a description of property of himself and AHP for tax purposes. (Notice enclosed) [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Tax Documents, 1930-1956), Box #4.001, Folder #1.5]
  • Letter from LP to P.S. Mayuranathan RE: Thanks him for the manuscript and gives him some constructive criticism about developing his ideas more and supporting his conclusions. [Note from Mayuranathan to LP, June 28, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Letter from LP to The State Department of Motor Vehicles RE: Requests information to complete the registration of his cars. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Letter from LP to Vlassios Vlassopulos RE: States that he received Vlassopulos’ letter of July 4, 1950, but that does not have any previous correspondence referring to the drug. Asks Vlassopulos to explain, in general terms, what the drug is and how it is made. States he would be glad to give advice on how to license the drug once he better understands it. [Letter from Vlassopulos to LP, July 4, 1950, Letter from Kleiderer to Vlassopulos, July 11, 1950, and Letter from LP to Kleiderer, August 4, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1950), #427.10]
  • Letter from Sam Naiditch, Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University, to LP RE: Thanks him for his advice on teaching. Describes some experiments that he has already completed. [Letters from LP to Naiditch, July 14, 1950, July 17, 1950 and July 25, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1950), #287.17]
  • Letter from W. Albert Noyes, Jr., Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, to LP RE: Asks LP to evaluate the enclosed manuscript entitled, “Self-Diffusion and Structure of Liquid Water. I....,” by Wang. Handwritten note: “LP. Did you return this MS? 8/7/50. Yes.” [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Journal of the American Chemical Society), #191.1]

August 4
  • Article: “A Radiation Meter for Disaster Use”, C.C. Lauritsen and T. Lauritsen, Science, August 4, 1950. [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: Nuclear Fallout; Radiation Hazards, 1950, 1953-1956), Box #7.001, Folder #1.1]
  • Check from AHP to Fashion Cleaners for $8.90. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Invoice from the Paddock Pool Maintenance Co. to Linda Pauling: Bills her for $1.24. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Letter from Floyd T. Tyson, Secretary, American Chemical Society Committee on Foreign Compendia, to LP RE: States that their next meeting will be a luncheon on Tuesday, September 5, 1950, at 11:30 A.M. in the Stevens Hotel. Asks LP to fill out and mail the enclosed addressed postcard so that they can make appropriate arrangements. Encloses a copy of the report of the Philadelphia Section Committee on Chemical Literature which should be of interest to LP. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.20]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Louis Booker Wright, Director, Folder Shakespeare Library RE: Expresses pleasure at his appointment of Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Guggenheim Foundation, congratulates the foundation. [Letter from Moe to LP August 1, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952), Box #14.014, Folder #14.5]
  • Letter from LP to E. C. Kleiderer, Executive Director, Research and Control, Lilly Research Laboratories, RE: States that he has been in contact with a Greek professor who has discovered a new drug. States that he is unsure of the nature of the drug, but would like to know how to advise the Greek professor what to do next. [Letter from LP to Vlassopulos, August 3, 1950 and Letter from Kleiderer to LP, August 10, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1950), #427.10]
  • Letter from LP to Ralph Spitzer, RE: Thanks him for his note, and hopes that he has a good time in Europe. LP suggests that Spitzer visit the Institute for Physical Chemistry in Sorbonne. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Political Issues: Ralph Spitzer: Academic Freedom and Passport Difficulties, 1942-1994], Box #2.034, Folder #34.2]
  • Letter from LP to Roger Hayward RE: Requests that he change two drawings for College Chemistry. Discusses issues to be addressed with regard to the figures in the text. [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from LP to W. H. Freeman RE: Confirms that Freeman received his list of corrections to College Chemistry. Mentions Saul Winstein and the proposed organic text. [Letter from Freeman to LP August 1, 1950] [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from LP to Willard L. McRary, Department of Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles, RE: Discusses the apparatus used for determining molecular weight. [Letter from McRary to LP, August 1, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Manuscript Notes: “Electronegativity and Heats of Formation of Alloys”, August 4, 1950. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Electron Theory and the Structure of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds, 1950-1955), Box #5.003, Folder #3.7]
  • Manuscript Notes: “Theory of Electrophoretic Patterns of Antigen and Heterogeneous Antibody”, February 5, 1950; Notes to Self re: antibodies, July 3, 1950 and August 4, 1950. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Antibody and Antigen Research; the Nature of Serological Reactions, 1939-1947, 1950; 1986-1987), Box #7.001, Folder #1.9]

August 5
  • Check from AHP to E.L. Boersmo for $30.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Market Basket for $15.67. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Letter from F. F. Rodriguez, Secretary to Edwin J. Pulaski, Lt. Col., MC, Director, Surgical Research Unit, to LP RE: Acknowledges receipt of the letter to Colonel Pulaski who is temporarily out on duty. Arrangements have been made for him and Mrs. Pauling to stay at the Fort Sam Houston Officer’s Club. Requests arrival information. [Letter from LP to Edwin J. Pulaski August 2, 1950] [Letter from LP to FF Rodriguez August 10, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Letter from Roberto Santamaria, Istituto di Chimica Biologica, Della Universita di Napoli, to LP RE: Thanks LP for the reprints of the theory of the structure and process of formation of antibodies and requests a reference and a copy of another work. [Letter from Santamaria to LP, May 30, 1950 and Letter from LP to Santamaria, August 5, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1950), #378.4]

August 6
  • Memo from LP to J. L. T. Waugh, cc. Bergman, RE: Discusses some compounds of strontium and barium with magnesium. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Shoemaker, David P.), #363.3]
  • Note from C. B. Van Niel to LP RE: Sends a contribution to aid in paying for Sidney Weinbaum’s defense. Asks LP to go over an enclosed copy of a statement that was prepared by a graduate student and sent to Science. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Press Release announcing the retirement of Dr. Frank Aydelotte as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and the appointment of Dr. Louis Booker Wright. Gives information on both doctors’ backgrounds. [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952), Box #14.014, Folder #14.5]

August 7
  • Article: “For Real Democracy”, Theodore D. Perrine, Letter to the Editor of Chemical and Engineering News, August 7, 1950. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Non-Pauling Peace Materials: Articles, Typescripts, Pamphlets, Booklets (Br-El)), Box #8.002, Folder #2.7]
  • Check from LP to California Salt Company for $23.28. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to National Academy of Sciences for $10.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to Sidney Weinbaum for $550.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Letter from Arthur Cherkin, Vice President and Director of Research, Don Baxter, Inc, to Major Irving Gray, Brooke General Hospital, cc: LP RE: Expresses pleasure in his interest in the amino acid composition of oxypolygelatin and states that Dr. Pauling will be working on it. [Letter from Irving Gray to Arthur Cherkin 7-50] [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Letter from Charles Melvin Blair to LP RE: Tells him that Sidney Weinbaum was a friend of his at Caltech and that he is distressed to hear about his current situation. Sends $20 in support of their efforts to make sure that he receives a fair trial. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Letter from Dr. J. L. Franklin, Humble Oil & Refining Company, to LP RE: Tells LP that he will receive a check for $200.00. Informs him of flights from San Antonio. Encloses a letter confirming his reservations at Jack Tar Courts. [Letter from LP’s Secretary to Franklin, August 11, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.19]
  • Letter from Hamao Umezawa, National Institute of Health of Japan, to LP RE: States that he is a member of the NIH of Japan and is chief of the antibiotic division. States that he will be coming to the U.S. and inquires if it would be possible to visit LP and discuss immunology. [Letter from LP to Umezawa, August 16, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1950), #421.9]
  • Letter from Herbie Sargent to LP RE: In response to LP’s request for donations, encloses $5 in support of LP’s efforts to ensure that Sidney Weinbaum receives a fair trial. States that he is moving back to California and that he will be at the California Research Corporation in Richmond. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Letter from LP to Ivan Motta and Ricardo Carvallo Ferreira RE: Responds to their suggestions and questions about his immunological studies of sickle cell anemia hemoglobin, in comparison with normal hemoglobin. [Letter from Motta and Ferreira to LP, July 26, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Ferreira, Ricardo), #119.7]
  • Letter from R. C. Barton to LP RE: Sends a check for $10 to be aid in paying for Sidney Weinbaum’s trial defense. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Letter from Robert B. Corey to F. R. Van Abeele, Biochemistry Department, Eli Lilly Laboratories, cc to LP RE: Discusses the results of the assays on ACTH samples. [Letter from Corey to Van Abeele, July 22, 1950 and Missing Letter from Van Abeele to Corey, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company), #111.4]
  • Letter from Robert B. Corey to Personnel Office, cc: LP RE: Requests draft deferment for Lewis Reinder Honnen as he is employed on a chemical research project sponsored by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, and says after August 8th Honnen will work on analysis of a proposed plasma substitute by request for the work from the Surgical Research Unit of the Army. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Corey, Robert B.), #67.5]
  • Note from Alexander Rich to LP RE: Tells him that it is imperative that Sidney Weinbaum receives a fair trial in these days of warped social perspectives. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Note from Joseph V. Foa RE: Makes a monetary contribution to aid LP in his efforts to clear the name of Dr. Sidney Weinbaum. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Note from L.H. Donnell, Illinois Institute of Technology, to LP RE: Sends a check for $100 and the names of others who would be willing to contribute to the Sidney Weinbaum defense fund. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]

August 8
  • Check from Willett’s Seed and Fertilizer Company for $43.44. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Secretary, American Chemical Society, to Executive Committee, Board of Directors, American Chemical Society, RE: Writes to say that the Security Council meeting came to no conclusion on the manpower question and the Security Council refuses to act. Also shares that at the meeting by the Personnel Policy Board of the Department of Defense, a preliminary draft of a unified manpower policy for the Department of Defense was drawn. [Letter from Emery to Executive Committee, August 2, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.1]
  • Letter from Alden H. Emery, Secretary, American Chemical Society, to Executive Committee, Board of Directors, RE: Writes that at the June 8 Board of Directors meeting, it was voted to accept administrative responsibility for the Scientific Apparatus Makers Award in Chemical Education and encloses a reworded copy of the “Rules of Eligibility.” Asks for their comments and approval. [Letter from LP to Emery, August 10, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.1]
  • Letter from George Pegram, Society of the Sigma Xi, to the Members of the Executive Committee RE: Asks them to vote on the retirement of Professor Emeritus from Yale University. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Sigma Xi), #375.2]
  • Letter from John B. Sampson to LP RE: Encloses a contribution to the fund for Sidney Weinbaum’s trial defense. States that he will not be able to testify on Weinbaum’s behalf since he did not know him until after the 1930's and has little knowledge of the current charges. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Letter from L.A. DuBridge to LP and staff of C.I.T. RE: Asks them to give some consideration as to the ways in which the Institute may be involved in service to the national defense during an emergency. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: (California Institute of Technology: Administrative Files, 1938-1971.), Box #1.030, Folder #30.2]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. C. B. Marquand, Secretary, American Chemical Society Committee, Advisor to the Chief, Chemical Corps, Department of the Army, RE: States that he is unsure if it is satisfactory to have Dr. Kirkwood and him there on the same day but tells Dr. Marquand that he cannot be there on the alternative date, November 22, 1950. Tells Dr. Marquand about his travel plans and asks him how he would like LP to proceed regarding this matter. [Letters from Marquand to LP, August 1, 1950 and August 15, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.23]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Walter Bauer, Committee on Research, The Massachusetts General Hospital RE: Requests to know when in December the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board will be held because he has to come east for a meeting with the Board of Directors for the American Chemical Society. Suggests some possible dates that would allow him to attend both meetings. [Telegram from Dr. Bauer to LP August 11, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (Massachusetts General Hospital - Scientific Advisory Committee, 1949-1957), Box #15.008, Folder #8.2]
  • Letter from LP to Florence Chesse RE: Provides material to be added to pages of College Chemistry. (information enclosed) [Letter from Chesse to LP August 9, 1950] [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from LP to Roger Hayward. [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
    August 8, 1950

    Mr. Roger Hayward

    920 Linda Vista

    Pasadena, California

    It has been pointed out to me that in Figure 11-1 on page 231 of COLLEGE CHEMISTRY the sodium ion and the fluoride ion are shown as having essentially the same size. The crystal radii are given in THE NATURE OF THE CHEMICAL BOND - in feet they are on page 232, where the sodium ion is indicated as having radius 0.95 and the fluoride ion having radius 1.36, essentially the same as potassium ion.

    When Mrs. Chesse sends the cut to you, would you increase the fluoride ion a little bit in size, so that it looks about the same size as potassium ion. Then would you bring it or send it to me.

    Sincerely yours,

    Linus Pauling:w

    cc: Mrs. Chesse

  • Letter from LP to Thomas A. Wilson, Clark Thread Company, RE: Asks him for experimental evidence for manganese, since LP has taken up again the problem of the structure of metals and intermetallic compounds. [Letter from Wilson to LP, September 13, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1950), #443.18]
  • Letter from S. Winstein, Department of Chemistry, UCLA, to W. H. Freeman, cc. LP RE: States that he has decided to team up with Ted Geisman to prepare two organic texts for the Freeman chemistry series. States that they would like to discuss this matter with Freeman. [Letter from LP to Winstein, August 10, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1950), #439.8]
  • Note from Henry Borsook to LP RE: Encloses a check of $25 to help pay for Sidney Weinbaum’s trial defense. Expresses his admiration for LP’s generosity and courage for the stand he has taken with the trial. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5]
  • Note from M. A. Peacock, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Toronto, to LP RE: States that he is in California and inquires about the possibility of meeting LP. [Letter from LP to Peacock, June 9, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (P: Correspondence, 1950), #312.15]

August 9
  • Check from AHP to Manor Market for $10.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Union Oil Company of California for $18.03. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to LL Bean Inc for $14.55. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Invoice from the Robert Dawson Agency to LP and AHP, RE: Informs them that they have $24,000 coverage on dwelling and that they have a $270 premium due. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.034]
  • Letter from Dr. Emil Ott, Chairman, Committee on Financing of ACS Publications to LP RE: Explains that the proposal regarding Chemical Abstracts has been settled on and there is no reason for the committee to meet before the ACS meeting in September unless any changes need to be made by Emery or anyone wants to discuss the suggestions made by Heckel. Includes a copy of more correspondence between Heckel and Ott, continuing to discuss whether the proposed plans for financing Chemical Abstracts is the best one or not. [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949), Box #14.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Letter from Florence S. Chesse, W. H. Freeman & Co. to LP RE: Discusses the revision of Roger Hayward’s figure 11-1 in College Chemistry. Inquires about LP’s final corrections. [Letter from LP to Chesse August 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from George Tunell to LP RE: States that he is pleased to make LP’s manuscript part of his, in order to make a joint contribution. [Missing Letter from LP to Tunell, July 29, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (T: Correspondence, 1950), #410.15]
  • Letter from Jan Vinař, Czechoslovak Embassy, to LP RE: Invites LP to attend the upcoming Peace Conference in Prague. [Letter from LP to Vinař, August 14, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1950), #427.10]
  • Letter from Wendell M. Latimer, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of California to LP RE: Explains that he has received material about S.B. Hendricks and was asked to complete the summary of his work in chemistry, so that he can be nominated in both Geology and Chemistry. Suggests that LP write the summary because he is more familiar with his work in Chemistry. Requests he send the final information to W.W. Rubey, USGS. Includes copies of information regarding S.B. Hendricks and his background and contributions to the field of science. [Letter from Wulf to Rubey October 24, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951), Box #14.019, Folder #19.3]
  • Newsletter from Academic Assembly. Letter recaps the struggle between faculty and Regents at the University of California over the signing of loyalty oaths. Details about the repercussions of not signing the oaths are discussed. Letter closes by asking for financial assistance to materially aid the fight against the loyalty oaths. Letter is signed by William R. Goffey, Chairman of the Academic Assembly. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Political Issues: Academic Freedom - Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961), Box #2.033, Folder #33.24]

August 10
  • Letter from E. C. Kleiderer, Executive Director, Research and Control, Lilly Research Laboratories, to LP RE: States that he has been corresponding with Vlassios Vlassopulos as well. Says that he has written to him with instructions on what steps to take next. [Letters from LP to Kleiderer, August 4, 1950 and August 16, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1950), #427.10]
  • Letter from LP to Edwin Cohn, Harvard Medical School, RE: States he was pleased to talk with him yesterday. Sent the message on to John Lawrence about opening up the Southern California area for research in the blood field. Says they will send him some bottles of oxypolygelatin and trusts he will send word if they can assist in the blood problem. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Letter from LP to Emery, American Chemical Society, RE: Writes that he approves of the rewording, but suggests changing the second to last sentence to his enclosed example. [Letter from Emery to Executive Committtee, August 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.1]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. F. F. Rodriguez, Secretary to Colonel Pulaski, Brooke Army Hospital, RE: Thanks him for the letter. Writes taht he and AHP shall be pleased to stay at the Fort Sam Houston officer’s Club and will arrive by Braniff Airlines Flight 51 from Dallas at 7:05pm on Wednesday August 16 and will leave the next morning to Houston. [Letter from Rodriguez to LP, August 5, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Letter from LP to S. Winstein, Department of Chemistry, UCLA, cc. Geisman and Freeman, RE: Stats that he is excited that Winstein and Geisman are going to prepare two organic texts for the chemistry series and offers his assistance in their endeavor. thanking him for his involvement. [Letter from Winstein to Freeman, August 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1950), #439.8]
  • Letter from LP to Sir John Lennard-Jones, University of Cambridge, RE: States that he was interested to read Lennard-Jones’ most recent article, especially the last sentence about lone pairs. Informs him that he wrote a short paper on this idea and discusses the topic further. Recalls AHP’s and his happy days in England and their nice visit with Lady Lennard-Jones and him. Discusses his children’s activities, in particular, Peter’s studies and hope to obtain his bachelor’s degree at the University of London. [Letter from Lennard-Jones to LP, August 18, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Lennard-Jones, John E.), #215.4]
  • Letter from Paul Jiffren, Temple Israel of Hollywood, RE: Invites LP to take part in the 1950 Fall Forum series and debate on the atomic bomb or world government. [Letter from LP to Jiffren, August 16, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (J: Correspondence, 1950), #192.16]
  • Letter from Robyn Hasty, W. H. Freeman & Co., to LP RE: Sends an enclosed letter from Dr. Moffett of Park College regarding College Chemistry. [Letter from LP to Hasty August 15, 1950] [Filed under LP Books: 1947b6.2] [Also filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from [?] to LP RE: In response to James Bonner’s letter about Sidney Weinbaum’s defense, encloses a donation. States that he is glad that LP is ensuring the defense of a liberal point of view. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Note RE: “June 30 statement taken by KWH.” [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Contract Status Reports and Project Status Reports, 1947-1962), Box #14.031, Folder #31.1]
  • Note from Bernard B. Watson to LP RE: Sends a contribution to fund the defense of Sidney Weinbaum. States that he is glad that LP is helping to make sure Weinbaum receives a fair trial. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Note from Kenneth J. Palmer, U.S. Department of Agriculture, to LP RE: Sends a $5 contribution to support efforts to help Sidney Weinbaum in his trial. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]

August 11
  • Bill from the Southern Counties Gas Company of California to LP for $15.34. Handwritten note indicates that it was paid. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Check from LP to Academic Assembly for $50.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Letter from Executive Secretary, Gates and Crellin Laboratories, to Dr. J. L. Franklin, Humble Oil & Refining Company, RE: Provides him with LP’s flight information. States that two wooden boxes containing materials LP will need for the lecture series are being sent and that they should be there by the time LP arrives. [Letter from Franklin to LP, August 7, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.19]
  • Letter from Frank Aydelotte, Institute for the Advanced Study, to LP RE: States that he expects LP and AHP to see him when they visit Princeton. Expresses interest in LP’s work with blood substitutes. States that he was pleased to have LP’s comments on the Quaker report and discusses the report. Encloses a pamphlet about the report and states that he looks forward to receiving LP’s new textbook. [Letters from LP to Aydelotte, August 2, 1950 and August 16, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Aydelotte, Frank, 1940-1955), #6.21]
  • Letter from LP to Arne Ölander, Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Stockholm, RE: Gives him some suggestions for the proposals about nomenclature. [Letter from Ölander to LP, May 6, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (O: Correspondence, 1950), #300.12]
  • Letter from Ljubo Drndic, Director, Yugoslav Information Center, to LP RE: Encloses materials that they just received from the Congress of the Yugoslav National Committee for the Defense of Peace, held on July 16, 1950. Tells LP about the resolution that invites individuals devoted to peace to visit Yugoslavia to look into matters themselves. Asks for LP’s views concerning this suggestion. States that the Embassy in Washington will add those who need to obtain visas to take the trip. Encloses the Yugoslav Newsletter. Yugoslav Information Center, No. 70, 17 July 1950. [Newsletter, July 17, 1950] [Filed under LP Peace: (Issues of International Diplomacy and Human Rights. (So-Yu)), Box #6.017, Folder #17.8]
  • Letter to J. L. Hoard to LP RE: States that he is saddened by the news of Sidney Weinbaum arrest. Asks for help with finding a post-doctorate man to help him work on the structures of elementary boron and fluorocarbons. [Letter from Bonner, July 28, 1950 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5] [Also filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.006]
  • Telegram from Dr. Walter Bauer, Committee on Research, Massachusetts General Hospital to LP RE: Notifies him the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board will be held December 1 and 2. Handwritten note: “Send him a letter OK.” [Letter from LP to Dr. Bauer August 8, 1950, Letter from Ms. Wulf to Dr. Bauer August 14, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (Massachusetts General Hospital - Scientific Advisory Committee, 1949-1957), Box #15.008, Folder #8.2]

August 12

August 14
  • Article: “The Effects of Atomic Weapons”, Chemical and Engineering News, August 14, 1950. [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: The Biological Effects of Radiation, 1948, 1950, 1955-1959), Box #7.015, Folder #15.2]
  • Bill from A.C. Vroman, Inc. for $12.94. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Check from LP to Bank of America for $511.48. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to California Institute of Technology for $5.30. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Letter from Beatrice Wulf to Dr. Walter Bauer, Committee on Research, Massachusetts General Hospital RE: Agrees to the dates of December 1 and 2 for a meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board. [Telegram from Dr. Bauer to LP August 11, 1950, Letter from Mr. Crockett to LP August 25, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (Massachusetts General Hospital - Scientific Advisory Committee, 1949-1957), Box #15.008, Folder #8.2]
  • Letter from LP to Albert Soldate RE: Returns Soldate’s manuscript with discussion, calculations, and additions that LP recommends. LP advises him to cut down on the article. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Soldate, Albert M.), #365.12]
  • Letter from LP to Dakan Engineering Co., Att: Mr. Dakan, RE: Informs Dakan of a soft spot he observed in the concrete in the wall of his swimming pool and asks his opinion of what should be done about it. [Letter from Dakan to LP, August 18, 1950] [Filed under LP Biographical: (Materials re: Other Pauling Residences and Properties, 1938-1994.), Box #4.054, Folder #54.3]
  • Letter from LP to Evelyn A. Money RE: Encloses the money that he owed for service. Apologizes that he did not notice the bill was unpaid and written her about a statement. [Note from Money to LP, July 27, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Letter from LP to Jan Vinař, Czechoslovak Embassy, RE: States that he has another important commitment at the same time, so he cannot attend the peace conference in Prague. [Letters from Vinař to LP, August 9, 1950 and August 17, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (V: Correspondence, 1950), #427.10]
  • Letter from LP to W. A. Noyes, Jr., Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, RE: States that he is leaving on a three-week trip so he will pass the paper by Katzenellenbogen on to George Wheland. Says that he read the paper but that he had difficulty understanding what she did so he cannot decide definitely as to its reliability. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Journal of the American Chemical Society), #191.1]
  • Letter from Melba Phillips, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, to AAScW Officers and Branch Reps., LP RE: Tells him about elections and how many people voted on the letter to the President regretting his decision to rush work on the Hydrogen bomb. She also informs him of regular happenings and meetings. Handwritten at the bottom: “It is unlikely you will be here in the 9th, I know, but if you will let me know when you will be in the east perhaps we could get a few minutes at your convenience. Your advice will be invaluable.” [Letter from Phillips to LP, September 1, 1950] [Filed under LP Peace: (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1948-1964), Box #3.016, Folder #16.3]
  • Letter from W. S. Fyfe, University of Otago, to LP RE: Describes a paper he is writing on isomorphism. Requests permission to use a graph from The Nature of the Chemical Bond in the paper. Mentions his current research on metal ammines. [Letter from LP to Otago September 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Books 1960b5.2]
  • Memo from LP to Verner Schoemaker and David Shoemaker RE: States that he received a note from Capt. Thomas of the Office of Naval Research and tells them what do to in case any employees receive orders to report for active duty with armed forces. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Shoemaker, David P.), #363.3]
  • Subscriber’s Statement from the Pasadena Metropolitan Star-News to AHP: Tells her that she has a balance of $0.65. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]

August 15
  • Check from AHP to A.C. Vroman for $7.39. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Adohr Milk Farms for $14.40. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Athenaeum for $12.36. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Bullocks for $20.72. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Chadwick School for $50.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Doctors Lang, Kredel, and Frick for $5.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Foothill Motors of Pasadena for $2.10. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Henry Gomez for $600.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to McBride Animal Hospital for $3.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Mira Loma Mutual Water Company for $16.32. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph for $12.93. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Paddock Pool Maintenance Company for $27.50. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Pasadena Star News for $0.65. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Ray Nakamura for $65.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to Southern Counties Gas Company of California for $15.34. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from AHP to The National Guardian for $10.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from American Civil Liberties Union for $10.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to Beatrice Wulf for $30.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to H. B. Bennett for $501.43. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to Maryland Studio for $69.35. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to Sidney Weinbaum for $100.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Check from LP to Sidney Weinbaum for $500.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Hand written notes taken by LP including the disbursements and the receipts of the money that was used to help fund Sidney Weinbaum’s trial. One note says that “I lost my $4800/yr consulting job because of SW.” [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5]
  • Letter from C.B. Marquand, Secretary Research Council, Office of the Chief, Chemical Corps, Department of the Army, RE: Informs LP that October 25, 1950 is a satisfactory date for them. States that Dr. Kirkwood is scheduled to speak in the morning, so LP can speak in the afternoon. Asks for LP’s travel plans and discusses travel expenses. [Letter from Marquand to LP, August 1, 1950 and Letter from LP to Marquand, October 2, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.24]
  • Letter from Executive Secretary, Gates and Crellin Laboratories, to Stevens Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, RE: Notifies them that LP and AHP will arrive on Sunday, September 3 and will probably leave on Wednesday, September 6. Asks them to change their reservations accordingly. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.20]
  • Letter from Kosuke Ohki, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, University of Kyushu, to LP RE: Asks if they can use a translation of LP’s radio talk, “Molecular Architecture and Medical Progress,” in a new magazine, Kagaku No Jikken (Experiments of Science). [Letter from LP to Ohki, September 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (O: Correspondence, 1950), #300.12]
  • Letter from LP to Robyn Hasty, W. H. Freeman & Co., RE: Returns the letter from Dr. Moffett at Park College. [Letter from Hasty to LP August 10, 1950] [Filed under LP Books: 1947b6.2]
  • Letter from Richard H. McCoy to LP RE: Requests recommendations of individuals who would be qualified to take over the position as Head Chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh. [Letter from LP to McCoy October 2, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Emmett, Paul) #109.1]
  • Memorandum from LP to David Shoemaker. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Shoemaker, David P.), #363.3]


    August 15, 1950

    To David Shoemaker

    Subject : Nickel-zinc system

    Perhaps it would be worth while to have Dr. Waugh make a preparation of Ni2Zn15 or Ni3Zn22, the epsilon phase of the nickel-zinc system, described on page 967 of Hansen,

    I have predicted a structure for this phase, and I would like to see what the powler photographs look like.

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19
  • Bill from the Coast Garbage Co. to AHP for $4.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bill, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]

August 20
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from Emanuel Bresler, New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, to LP E: Expresses his enthusiasm about having the opportunity to work with LP. Discusses his interest in the nature of urine formation, as well as fluid and circulatory dynamics in the body as a whole. Recalls the interest LP conveyed in energy exchanges involved in the formation of urine and inquires if LP has any specific problem in mind. Discusses these subjects further. There is a note in pencil in the right margin: “hypertension & nephritis lab.” [Letter from LP to Bresler, September 13, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Burch, George E.), #33.8]

August 21  (Baytown, TX)
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from E. C. Kleiderer, Executive Director, Research and Control, Lilly Research Laboratories, to LP RE: Asks for any information that he has from Professor Vlassios Vlassopoulos. Says that November 8-11 would be quite suitable for a visit to Indianapolis. States that he would like to discuss LP’s nomination of Dr. Rous, with J. K. Lilly after he returns from his vacation. [Letter from LP to Kleiderer, July 24, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company), #111.4]
  • Manuscript: Lectures on Molecular Structure, Humble Oil Co. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.19]
  • Memo from Chauncey D., Leake, Vice-President, University of Texas - Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, to Dr. William Levin, Dr. Edgar J. Poth, Dr. TG Blocker, Dr. Robert M. Moore, Dr. WH Griffith, and Miss Jean Stubbins, cc: LP, RE: States that Dr. Pauling has mentioned the significance in researching oxypolygelatin and will be sending information about the substance. States it will be greatly appreciated if they will cooperate in undertaking clinical evaluation of the blood substitute. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.2]
  • Note from Kurt Mislow, Department of Chemistry, New York University, to LP RE: Discusses his research on the chemistry of hydrogenolysis. States that he has convincing evidence and will experiment before publication. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Mislow, Kurt), #248.4]
  • Receipt from the Union Oil Company of California to LP for $16.32. Attached are a series of receipts from June and July. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]

August 22  (Baytown, TX)
  • Bill from F.C. Nash & Co. for $33.94. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bill, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from Dennis Flanagan, Managing Editor, Scientific American, to LP RE: Apologizes for the unexpected inconvenience that the article has caused LP. States that he will send him six copies of the issue containing his article. [Letters from LP to Flanagan, August 1, 1950 and September 13, 1950] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1950a.7]
  • Letter from Kenneth W. Hedberg to Dr. Chester McCloskey, Office of Naval Research RE: Sends him a copy of the diborane manuscript, which is being submitted to the Journal of the American Chemical Society and requests that he send a second copy to the people in Washington. Handwritten note in right margin: “#1455 Hedberg & Schomaker.” [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Contract Status Reports and Project Status Reports, 1947-1962), Box #14.031, Folder #31.1]
  • Letter from Robert B. Corey to LP RE: Tells him that the assay result of the zinc and mercury crystal complexes with ACTH in Eli Lilly Research Laboratory. He also talked about his proposal of growing more crystal and studying with X-rays and chromatography. Corey tells LP that Eli Lilly Research Laboratory would like them to do a lot of work for them on ACTH and that they would talk about this with LP at the ACS meeting in Chicago. Corey also talks about the problem existing in Eli Lilly’s ACTH study. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company) #111.4]
  • Letter from Robert Corey to F. R. Van Abeele, Biochemistry Department, Eli Lilly and Laboratories, cc LP RE: Gives him the designation code of the ACTH sample they received. Says that they will prepare more crystals of zinc and mercury complexes, and try to get some crystals with cadmium too for the next sample shipment. States that they will try crystallization at different pHs and study the composition of the crystals by chromatographic methods after they have sufficient ACTH.. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company), #111.4]

August 23  (Baytown, TX)
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from W. H. Freeman to LP RE: Informs him that he has talked to Olson, Orlemann, and Koch about a revision of the book, Introductory Quantitative Analysis. [Letter from LP to Freeman, September 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1950), #439.8]
  • Remitter’s Receipt: from Mrs. Evelyn A. Money to LP for $12.67. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: (CIT: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1946-1956.), Box #1.020, Folder #20.5]

August 24  (Baytown, TX)
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from R.J. Trauger, Commander, USN, Acting Commanding Officer to LP RE: Explains that key personnel involved in his research project may be eligible for deferment from military services. Outlines what is considered key personnel. Includes copies of the two most recent deferment policy statements, the deferment policy in regards to students, and the triplicate form required by anyone requesting deferment. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Contract Status Reports and Project Status Reports, 1947-1962), Box #14.031, Folder #31.1 and Folder #31.13]
  • Letter from Theoda Johnson, W. H. Freeman & Co., to Beatrice Wulf RE: Thanks her for telling them how they can get in touch with LP. States that they received more corrections from LP yesterday. [Filed under LP Books: 1947b6.2]
  • Letter from W. J. Hanson, Southern California Section, American Chemical Society, to LP RE: Thanks LP for making it possible for them to have a meeting at Caltech on November 3rd. Inquires if LP would be willing to give a lecture before them on January 5, 1951. [Letter from LP to Hanson, September 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1951s.1]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Five Caltech Men Soliciting Funds to Aid Weinbaum”, Pasadena (California) Star-News, August 24, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.57]

August 25  (Baytown, TX)
  • Bill from Athenaeum to LP for $4.80. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bill, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Bill from Bullock’s for $6.47. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bill, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Check from AHP to Linda Pauling for $50.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Credit Card invoice from Frenchie Cossette to LP for $9.83. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from David C. Crockett, Administrative Assistant, Massachusetts General Hospital to LP RE: Notifies him that the Scientific Advisory Committee meeting will be December 1 and 2. [Letter from Ms. Wulf to Dr. Bauer August 14, 1950, Letter from Mr. Crockett to LP September 18, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (Massachusetts General Hospital - Scientific Advisory Committee, 1949-1957), Box #15.008, Folder #8.2]
  • Letter from Paul J. Fouts, Lilly Laboratory for Clinical Research, Indianapolis General Hospital, to LP RE: Discusses an interesting anemia case and asks for LP’s assistance. [Letter from LP to Fouts, October 2, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company), #111.4]

August 26  (Baytown, TX)
  • Check from LP to Sidney Weinbaum for $500.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]

August 27  (Baytown, TX)
  • Check from LP to Jack Tar Hotel for $138.01. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
  • Hotel Receipt: Jack Tar Court Hotel, Galveston Texas [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]

August 28  (Baytown, TX)
  • Handwritten note from S.B. Soroker, M.D. to LP, RE: Encloses a $100 check to add to the fund for the defense of Sidney Weinbaum. Handwritten note by LP: “Ansd.” [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.008]
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from David P. Mellor, Department of Chemistry, University of Sydney, to LP RE: Invites LP to visit him in Sydney when he attends the Brisbane meeting of the Australian & New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science next year. Asks LP a question about diamagnetism. [Letter from LP to Mellor, October 2, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Mellor, David), #246.7]
  • Letter from O. M. Helmer, Lilly Laboratory for Clinical Research, Indianapolis General Hospital, to LP RE: Tells him that Dr. Fouts, whom he considers to be one of the best hematologists in the country, was interested in their findings of new hemoglobins and thought that an electrophoretic pattern by their group would be of great interest. Inquires if it would be possible for them to run it and how it would be preserved. [Letter from LP to Helmer, October 2, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company), #111.4]
  • Letter from Stelln B. Soroker to LP RE: Encloses a check for $100 to help finance Sidney Weinbaum’s trial defense. [Letter from LP to Soroker, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5]
  • Note from Sam and Paul Soroker to LP RE: Sends him two checks for $300 a piece to help with the efforts to pay for Sidney Weinbaum’s defense. [Letter from LP to Soroker, July 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Weinbaum, Sidney, 1950), #433.5]
  • Note from Wells H. Keddie to LP enclosing a copy of the press release sent that day. Keddie thanks LP for his efforts and remarks that there is no indication yet of any move on the part of the faculty. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Political Issues: Academic Freedom - Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961), Box #2.033, Folder #33.24]
  • Press Release from the Academic Assembly RE: LP’s authorization to release two statements. The text of a telegram from LP to Governor Warren urging the Regents to reconsider their dismissal of almost 200 professors, teachers, and faculty. Also a statement by LP made to the Academic Assembly about the hope that in time the people of California will recognize the misuse of power by the Regents. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Political Issues: Academic Freedom - Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961), Box #2.033, Folder #33.24]

August 29  (Baytown, TX)
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from Gilford W. Remington to R.P. Mitra, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, cc LP RE: Informs Mitra that he cannot be considered for a Fulbright travel grant because he did not follow the guidelines for submitting the request. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Letter from I. Arthur Mirsky, Associate Editor, Journal of Clinical Investigation, to LP RE: Asks LP to review the manuscript, “Electrophoretic Studies of the Plasma and Serum Proteins in Sickle Cell Anemia.” [Letter from LP to Mirsky, September 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1950), #256.1]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Noted Scientist Speaks Here”, Baytown (Texas) Sun, August 29, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.59]
  • The Society of Professional Chemists and Engineers, Baytown, Texas, August 29, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.59]

August 30  (Houston, TX)
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Letter from Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, to LP RE: Expresses his disappointment that LP cannot take the position. Agrees to contact the professors that LP suggested. [Letter from LP to Thomas, August 12, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (T: Correspondence, 1950), #410.15]
  • Letter from Jean Laffitte, General Secretary, World Congress Committee of the Defenders of Peace, to LP RE: States that he is sorry that LP was unable to participate in the recent discussions of the Bureau of the World Congress in Prague. Encloses the result of their deliberations, the Call of the Second World Congress. Handwritten note indicates that it was not enclosed with the letter. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups (Wo-Yo)), Box #4.017, Folder #17.5]
  • Letter from W. H. Freeman to F. T. Wall RE: Thanks him for his letter regarding the Chemical Thermodynamics manuscript and asks him to start on the manuscript as soon as possible. Apologizes that he will not see Wall in Chicago but tells him that LP and Schaefer are ideal representatives of the companies policies. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1950), #439.8]
  • Letter from W. H. Freeman to LP RE: Encloses suggestions from a critic of College Chemistry. [Letter from LP to Freeman September 8, 1950] [Filed under LP Books: 1950b.2]
  • Letter from Werner Nowacki, Universität Bern, to LP RE: States that a reprint of a paper on the relations between the symmetry of crystal-, Fourier-, and Patterson-space will be sent to him under separate cover. Says that he enjoyed Peter Pauling’s visit. Tells LP that he understands his arguments concerning the authorship of the paper on threonine. States that they are working on the structure of a basic salt and on a pyrimidine-like substance. [Letter from LP to Nowacki, January 30, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Nowacki, Werner.), #277.15]
  • Ticket: California Highway Patrol Notice of Vehicle Violation to Linda Helen Pauling. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.039]

August 31  (Houston, TX)
  • Itinerary: Galveston, Humble Oil Company [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.8]
  • Legal Document: “In the District Court of Appeal State of California...Edward C. Tolman...[et. al.] vs. Robert M. Underhill...[et. al] Petition for Writ of Mandate”, August 31, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Academic Freedom — Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961), Box #2.033, Folder #33.19]
  • Legal Document: “In the District Court of Appeal State of California...Edward C. Tolman...[et. al.] vs. Robert M. Underhill...[et. al] Points and Authorities in Support of Petition for Writ of Mandate”, August 31, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Academic Freedom — Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961), Box #2.033, Folder #33.20]
  • Letter from Richard L. Kenyon, Associate Editor, Chemical and Engineering News, to LP RE: States that he was excited to learn that LP will prepare an article for the series. Provides LP with a more in-depth discussion about the series and the topic of LP’s article. Encloses a list of the subjects and authors of the articles in the series. [Letter from Kenyon to LP, September 26, 1950] [Letter from LP to Kenyon, August 12, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Chemical and Engineering News), #70.3]
  • Letter from Walter A. Bara, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., to LP RE: Informs LP that a copy of the Japanese edition of his book, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, and a data sheet will be sent to him under separate cover. A copy of the letter from the Japanese publisher is enclosed as well. [Filed under LP Books: 1935b.1]
  • Newspaper Article: ‘Dr. Pauling Speaks Out’ The Baytown Sun. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: 1950n.10]
  • Statement from the Paddock Pool Maintenance Co. to AHP: Informs her of her balance for the month. Attached in an invoice from the Paddock Pool Maintenance Co.: States that pool service for August totaled $27.50. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bill, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]