Letter from Linus Pauling to Leslie Sutton. Page 1. February 9, 1949
Letter from Linus Pauling to Leslie Sutton. February 9, 1949. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Travel: New York

Activity Listings

  • Itinerary: Ford Foundation Dinner in New York [Filed under LP Travel Materials: 1932-1954: Box #1.001 Folder #1.7]
  • Letter from Dr. W. Albert Noyes, Department of Chemistry, The University of Rochester to LP RE: Says he is thankful that the arrangements for the physical chemistry text fell through and there are no hard feelings, explains it would have been impossible for him to finish in time and perhaps a few years down the road he could have a text ready. Agrees that LP was editor and so had a perfect right to insist on a text of which he fully approved, and thanks him for his kind note regarding the Medal for Merit. [Letter from LP January 18, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 439.7]
  • Letter from Dyke Brown, Ford Foundation, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his letter. Encloses 20 copies of the Information Bulletin No. 3 and is asking another supplier to send 10 copies. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
  • Letter from James B. Summer, Cornell University, to LP. RE: Answers LP's letter. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
  • Letter from John L. Huston, Instructor of Chemistry, Oregon State College to LP RE: Writes to signify the opposition to the dismissal of Dr. Spitzer and Professor La Vallee. They disapprove of Dr. Spitzer's political beliefs but do not wish to suppress academic freedom. Most of the faculty is very nervous in the present atmosphere. Hopes that LP will investigate the situation and help the topic receive publicity. [Signed by six graduate students] [Letter from LP to Dr. John L. Huston February 16, 1949] [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Ralph Spitzer: Academic Freedom and Passport Difficulties, 1942-1994: Box #2.034, Folder 34.2]
  • Letter from R. R. Williams, Research Corporation, to LP. RE: Comments on the subject of the Ford Foundation. Answers his questions. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
  • Letters from George A. Batisell, Society of the Sigma Xi, Yale University, to the Members of the Executive Committee, RE: Asks LP to mail in his opinion on different meeting times: one of the Executive Committee on April 27, 1949 in Washington D.C., and one meeting of the Sigma Xi Club at Temple University, Philadelphia, on April 28, 1949. [Letter from George A. Baitsell to the Members of the Executive Committee March 15, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #375.2]
  • List of chemists invited by LP to attend dinner in New York. [Filed under LP Science: Ford Foundation, 1949-1972: Box #14.012 Folder #12.1]
  • Note from Ting-chang Kwoh to the Dean, Graduate School, Cal Tech, RE: Requests information concerning post-PhD fellowships and scholarships. [Memo concerning letter February 18, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200.14, file:(K: Correspondence, 1949)]
  • Publication: “Call to a Legislative Assembly and Rally to end Segregation and Discrimination” [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues, Assorted Materials re: Civil Liberties: Box #2.046, Folder 46.6]
  • Telegram from Frances Sansbury, Secretary to Alden H. Emery, to LP. RE: Requests a telegraph if having Folkers elected is not agreeable to him. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society, 1943-1949: Box #14.004 Folder #4.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Doves & Davis” “our formica sink, etc” $295.59 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.6]