Letter from Linus Pauling to Paul Emmett. October 19, 1944

Pauling requests Emmett's opinion of Dr. Herbert A. Pohl, a scientist applying for work at Caltech. He discusses plans for post-war work on adsorption of water vapor and other polar gasses by proteins, mentioning Bull’s paper in the JACS. He sends news regarding his family, mentioning that Linus, Jr. is in Florida with the Air Corps.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Paul Emmett. Page 1. October 19, 1944
Page 1

Associated: Linus Pauling, Jr., Herbert A. Pohl, A. J. Haagen-Smit, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Henry B. Bull

ID: corr109.1-lp-emmett-19441019

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