Activity Listings
- Letter from E. A. Sahdala to Caltech RE: States he has a 17 year old boy interested in chemistry and asks for book suggestions, and if there are any chemistry-related periodicals he should subscribe to. [Letter from Judith Rooke to Mr. E. A. Sahdala February 23, 1942] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1942), #377.12]
- Letter from LP to Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, JACS, RE: Requests Lamb send the revised manuscript "Raman Spectra of Some Aromatic Carbonyl and Nitro Compounds" by Murray et al to help clarify the letter Lamb sent from Murray on February 5. [Letters from Lamb to LP February 5, 1942, from LP to Lamb February 28, 1942] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #191.1, file:(Journal of the American Chemical Society)]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Henry Fr. Helmholz RE: LP is definitely planning on speaking at the Mayo Clinic and March 20 th and looks forward to meeting with him soon. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1942s.1]
- Letter from LP to Homer Jacobson, Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, RE: Thanks him for the report on his progress in his graduate program. [Undated letter (2-42) from Jacobson to LP] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #192.9, file:(J: Correspondence, 1942)]