Letter from Linus Pauling to A.M. Pappenheimer, Jr. January 23, 1941

Pauling discusses the assumptions made in his own paper on the theory of antibodies in the context of the manuscript and reprints that Pappenheimer sent, noting the widespread criticisms that have been received. He also briefly describes his recent work with Dr. Dan Campbell and David Pressman on serum precipitates.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to A.M. Pappenheimer, Jr. Page 1. January 23, 1941
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Letter from Linus Pauling to A.M. Pappenheimer, Jr. Page 2. January 23, 1941
Page 2

Associated: Dan Campbell, Mary L. Petermann, University of Pennsylvania

ID: corr312.6-lp-pappenheimer-19410123

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